AquaLogic User Interaction Development Guide

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Pathways Search Adaptive Tag Library (pt:pathways)

AquaLogic Pathways is delivered with a set of adaptive tags to add Pathways UI elements to the ALI portal UI, allowing users to access Pathways search from a portal page.

For all Pathways tags, the pt:text parameter defines the text to be displayed in the UI element. If the pt:text parameter is not provided, no text will be displayed. For details on implementing Pathways tags, see Adding Pathways Search Using Adaptive Tags.
Tag Function
pt:pathways.pathwayssearchform Adds a Pathways search box. In Pathways 1.5, two optional attributes are available:
  • pt:searchtabtype: Either “u” or “d” indicating whether searches submitted from the banner search form should be presented with the user tab or documents tab initially displayed.
  • pt:subquery: A string to be appended to the search terms provided by the end user in the search box. For example, if this attribute is set to “and user” and the user entered the search term “Knowledge Directory” the resulting search presented in the Pathways UI would be executed as “Knowledge Directory and user”.
pt:pathways.pathwayssearchbutton Adds a Pathways search button.
pt:pathways.pathwayshome pt:id='menutabs' Returns the URL to the Pathways home page. This tag is a data tag and must be used in conjunction with a display tag . For details on data tags, see Data Adaptive Tag Library (pt:ptdata).

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