User Guide

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Starting and Using the Command Line Interface

The BEA Guardian Command Line Interface is accessed with a Windows Command Prompt window or a Linux terminal window. The Guardian command interpreter is an executable .cmd batch file for Windows, and a .sh shell script for Linux. Both the Windows batch file and the Linux shell script are wrappers that accumulate and organize arguments to the Java command.

To use the Guardian Command Line Interface, run the guardianHeadless.cmd (for Windows) or (for Linux) executable file which was placed in the installation directory you specified when you installed Guardian.

If you have not previously set your Guardian Workspace location when starting the Graphical User Interface, the Guardian Command Line Interface will use a default Guardian Workspace location, unless you specify otherwise in each command. The default Guardian Workspace location is in your home directory; for example, C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\guardianWorkspace for Windows, and /home/<username>/guardianWorkspace for Linux. If you have previously set your Guardian Workspace location, the Guardian Command Line Interface will use that location for all its operations, unless you specify otherwise in each command. Identifying the Guardian Workspace location is essential for accessing the correct set of active domains, Domain Inventories, and Evaluation Summaries.

The Guardian Command Line Interface accepts a variety of commands that perform almost every task available with the Graphical User Interface. To see a list of the commands available and their syntax, type guardianHeadless -ghelp at your operating system's command prompt. Please note that the Guardian Command Line Interface commands are case sensitive.

The output of each command is not sent to the console window. Instead, it is sent to the output file, headless_output.txt. The output file created in your current directory, and is overwritten each time you run it.

Also note that each command must be preceded with "-g", as shown in the following examples. Please pay special attention to the spacing, the arguments that require quotes, and the case sensitivity.

The following table describes each Guardian command. After that is a syntax description for each command.

What It Does
Activates the domain specified to prepare it for evaluation and returns the domain identifier.
Creates a shortcut for the domain and bundle specified to save keystrokes in conducting evaluations.
Removes the domain specified from evaluation eligibility.
Deletes the shortcut specified.
Evaluates the domain and bundle specified. Use the Graphical User Interface to see the evaluation results.
Evaluates the domain and bundle associated with the shortcut specified. Use the Graphical User Interface to see the evaluation results.
Displays usage information.
Lists the active domains available for evaluation in domain identifier format.
Lists the bundle identifier and bundle name of the bundles available for evaluation.
Lists the shortcuts available for evaluation.
Executes the commands contained in the script file specified.

The following list gives the syntax for each command that accepts arguments. Optional parameters are enclosed in square brackets:

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