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   Using the BEA Tuxedo Domains Component

What Is the Domains Configuration File

All domains configuration information is stored in a binary file called BDMCONFIG. You can create and edit a text version of this file, DMCONFIG, with any text editor. You can update the compiled BDMCONFIG file while the system is running by using the dmadmin(1) command when using Domains. In a multi-domain application, a separate BDMCONFIG file must be created for each participating domain.

System access to the BDMCONFIG file is provided through the Domains administrative server, DMADM(5). When a gateway group is booted, the gateway administrative server, GWADM(5), requests from the DMADM server, a copy of the configuration file required by that group. The GWADM and DMADM servers also ensure that run-time changes to the configuration are reflected in the corresponding domain gateway group.

Descriptions of Sections of the DMCONFIG File

Section of the DMCONFIG File



Describes the environment for a particular domain gateway group. It assigns a logical application name, LDOM, to the subset of local services available to remote domains. You can use multiple entries in this section to define multiple gateway groups within a single BEA Tuxedo application. Each gateway group can provide access to domains of different types.


Identifies the remote domains available to clients and servers of this Domains application.


Describes the local services provided by a local domain (LDOM) in the DM_LOCAL_DOMAINS section. Specification of services can also be used to restrict access to local services from remote domains; only services specified are available to remote domains.


Describes the set of services provided by remote domains. It also names the local gateway group (through the LDOM parameter) that provides access to the remote service.


Specifies criteria for data-dependent routing used by gateways to route service requests to specific remote domains.


Specifies an Access Control List that names (via RDOMs) the remote domains permitted to request local services. The ACL parameter in the DM_LOCAL_SERVICES section, can be used by setting ACL=name_of_list to restrict access to a particular local service to the listed set of remote domains.


Defines the parameters required for a particular Domains configuration. Currently, the value of dmtype can be OSITP, SNAX, TOPEND, or TDOMAIN. This topic focuses only on TDOMAIN. Consult BEA eLink for Mainframe documentation for information about OSITP and SNAX. Consult Using the BEA Tuxedo TOP END Domain Gateway for information about TOPEND. Each domain type must be specified in a separate section.

In a DM_TDOMAIN section, entries associated with a remote domain can be specified more than once, with different network addresses, to implement the mirrored gateway facility. (See DMCONFIG(5) for a description and an example of a mirrored gateway.)

Domains Terminology Improvements

In this release, some of the domains terminology is changing. The Domains MIB uses improved class and attribute terminology to describe the interaction between local and remote domains. While this improved terminology is more accurate than previous domains terminology, the scope of changes to domains-related documentation and error messages is limited in this release. The improved terminology has been applied to the DM_MIB classes, reference page, and error messages, the DMCONFIG file syntax, and various DMCONFIG error messages.

For backwards compatibility, aliases are provided between the DMCONFIG terminology used prior to this release and the improved Domains MIB terminology. In this release, DMCONFIG accepts both versions of the terminology. For details, see Domains Terminology Improvements in the DM_MIB(5) reference page.

See Also