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   Using the BEA Tuxedo Domains Component

Controlling the Connections Between Domains

As the administrator, you can control the number of connections you want to establish between domains. You can also break the connections between local and remote domains.

How to Establish Connections Between Domains

To establish a connection between a local gateway and a remote domain, run the dmadmin command with the connect (co) subcommand, as follows.

dmadmin co -d local_domain_name

By default, connections are established between the local domain you have specified and all remote domains configured for the local gateway. If you want to establish a connection to only one remote domain, specify that domain on the command line with the -R option.

dmadmin co -d local_domain_name -R remote_domain_name

If a connection attempt fails and you have configured the domain to try again, repeated attempts to connect (via automatic connection retry processing) are made.

How to Break Connections Between Domains

To break a connection between a local gateway and a remote domain (making sure that the gateway does not try to reestablish the connection through automatic connection retry processing), run the dmadmin command with the disconnect (dco) subcommand, as follows.

dmadmin dco -d local_domain_name

By default, all remote domains configured for the local gateway are disconnected. If you want to end the connection to only one remote domain, specify that domain on the command line with the -R option as follows.

dmadmin dco -d local_domain_name -R remote_domain_name

Automatic connection retry processing is stopped by this command, regardless of whether there are any active connections when the command is run.

How to Report on Connection Status

Using the printdomain command, you can generate a report on connection status and the connections being retried. The connect command reports whether a connection attempt has succeeded. The printdomain command prints information about the specified local domain, including a list of remote domains, a list of remote domains to which it is connected, an a list of remote domains to which it is trying to establish connections.

The following example shows a dmadmin session in which the printdomain command is issued (in its abbreviated form, pd) for a local domain called LDOM.

$ dmadmin
dmadmin - Copyright (c) 1996 BEA Systems, Inc.
Portions * Copyright 1986-1997 RSA Data Security, Inc.
All Rights Reserved.
Distributed under license by BEA Systems, Inc.
TUXEDO is a registered trademark.

pd -d LDOM
Local domain :LDOM
Connected domains:
Domainid: RDOM1
Disconnected domains being retried:
Domainid: RDOM2

 dco -d LDOM -R RDOM1
Operation completed successfully. Use printdomain(pd) to obtain results.

 dco -d LDOM -R RDOM2
Operation completed successfully. Use printdomain(pd) to obtain results.

 co -d LDOM -R RDOM3
Operation completed successfully. Use printdomain(pd) to obtain results.

pd -d LDOM
Local domain :LDOM
Connected domains:
Domainid: RDOM3