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   Using the BEA Tuxedo Domains Component

How to Define Domains Parameters for lapp (in the DMCONFIG File)

For the sample local Domain gateway configuration file, lapp.dom, only the required parameters are defined. Default settings are used for optional parameters.

The DM_LOCAL_DOMAIN section identifies the local domains and their associated gateway groups. This section has one entry, LAPP, and specifies the following parameters required for the domain gateway processes in that group:

The DM_REMOTE_DOMAINS section identifies the known set of remote domains and their characteristics. This section has one entry (RAPP). TYPE is used to classify the type of domains. DOMAINSID is a unique domain identifier.

The DM_TDOMAIN section defines the addressing information required by the BEA Tuxedo Domains component. Following are entries in the section for each local and remote domain specified in this configuration file:

The DM_LOCAL_SERVICES section provides information about the services that are exported. This section of our sample file has no entries because no services are being exported.

The DM_REMOTE_SERVICES section provides information about the services that are imported. The TOUPPER service is imported so that it can be accessed by clients in the local domain.

Example of a Domain Gateway Configuration File for lapp

Example of a Domain Gateway Configuration File (lapp.dom)

# lapp.dom





LAPP          NWADDR="//mach1:5000"     

RAPP          NWADDR="//mach2:5000"