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   Administering a BEA Tuxedo Application at Run Time

How to Change Data-dependent Routing (DDR) for an Application

  1. Enter tmconfig.

  2. To specify the ROUTING section of the configuration file, enter 7 after the prompt following the list of sections.

  3. Toggle through the list of entries for the ROUTING section by selecting the FIRST and NEXT operations, which display the first and subsequent entries, respectively. Select the entry for which you want to change the DDR.

  4. Select 5)UPDATE from the menu of operations.

  5. Enter the text editor by entering y at the prompt.

    Do you want to edit(n)? y

  6. Change the values of relevant fields to the values shown in the "Sample Value" column of the following table.


    Sample Value




    Name of the routing section



    Buffer type



    Name of the routing field



    The routing criteria being used. If, as shown here, the value of account_ID is between 1 and 10 (inclusive), requests are sent to the servers in group 1. Otherwise, requests are sent to any other server in the configuration.

    Note: For details, see tmconfig, wtmconfig(1) in BEA Tuxedo Command Reference.