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   Setting Up a BEA Tuxedo Application

Specifying the Number of Sanity Checks and Blocking Timeouts

Periodically (every 120 seconds, by default) the bulletin board liaison (BBL) checks the sanity of the servers on its machine. You can change the frequency of these checks, however, by setting the SCANUNIT and SANITYSCAN parameters. In addition, you can specify the number of timeout periods for blocking messages, transactions, and other system activities by setting the BLOCKTIME parameter. The value you assign must be a positive multiple of 5.

Use the SANITYSCAN parameter to specify how many SCANUNITs elapse between sanity checks of the servers. Its current default is set so that SANITYSCAN * SCANUNIT is approximately 120 seconds.

Characteristics of the SCANUNIT, SANITYSCAN, and BLOCKTIME Parameters




Controls the granularity of check intervals and timeouts. SCANUNIT must be a multiple of 5 between 0 and 60 seconds.
Example: SCANUNIT 10

The default is 10.


Specifies how many scan units elapse between sanity checks of the servers.

SANITYSCAN may be any number up to 32767.

The default is such that SCANUNIT * SANITYSCAN is approximately 120 seconds.


Controls how long a message can block before it times out.

SCANUNIT * BLOCKTIME must not exceed 32767.

The default is such that SCANUNIT * BLOCKTIME is approximately 60 seconds.

Timeouts for Blocking ATMI Operations

The term timeout is used to refer, collectively, to the amount of time that elapses while a client:

The term blocking timeout refers to the amount of time spent by a client request waiting for a blocking condition to clear up. Block timeouts for asynchronous service requests and conversations apply to individual send and receive operations. When a process sends a message using tpacall (3c), tpconnect (3c), or tpsend (3c), the timeout applies only to the period during which the request waits to get on the queue if the queue is full. When a client process issues a tpgetrply (3c) or tprecv(3c) call to receive a message, the timeout specifies how long the client may wait for the incoming message if its queue is empty.

Example Settings


In this example, sanity scans are performed every 30 seconds and requests block for no more than 10 seconds. A SCANUNIT of 10 and a SANITYSCAN of 3 allow 3 blocks of 10 seconds or 30 seconds to elapse before the BBL scans.