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   Setting Up a BEA Tuxedo Application

Indicating a Transaction Manager Server Name and Numbers per Group

The name of the transaction manager server, TMS, must be specified in the entry for any group with servers that will participate in distributed transactions (transactions across multiple resource managers-and possibly machines). To specify a TMS, set the TMSNAME parameter. This parameter specifies the file (string_value) to be executed by tmboot(1) when booting the server group.

The value TMS is reserved to indicate use of the null XA interface. This interface can be used for server groups that do not have resource managers. If you do not have a resource manager, you may not need a TMS. This server group may be infected with transactional messages. If a non-empty value other than TMS is specified, then a TLOGDEVICE must be specified for the machine(s) associated with the LMID value(s) for this entry. A unique server identifier is selected automatically for each TM server. Servers are restartable an unlimited number of times.

If TMSNAME is specified, TMSCOUNT=number must also be specified to indicate the number of transaction manager servers to start for the associated group. The default for TMSCOUNT is 3. If specified and the value is non-zero, the minimum value is 2 and the maximum value is 256. The servers are set up in an MSSQ set automatically.