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   Setting Up a BEA Tuxedo Application

Defining Information Needed When Opening and Closing the Resource Manager

The values of both the OPENINFO and CLOSEINFO parameters must be alphanumeric strings that contain a maximum of 256 characters, and are enclosed in double quotation marks. These settings specify the resource manager dependent information needed when opening and closing the resource manager for this group (that is, for this group name).

This value is ignored if the TMSNAME parameter for this group is not set or is set to TMS. If the TMSNAME parameter is set to a value other than TMS but the OPENINFO string is set to the null string ("") or is not specified, a resource manager exists for the group but does not require any information for executing an open operation. If the TMSNAME parameter is set to a value other than TMS but the CLOSEINFO string is set to the null string ("") or is not specified, a resource manager exists for the group but does not require any information for executing a close operation.

The format of the OPENINFO string is dependent on the requirements of the vendor providing the underlying resource manager. The information required by the vendor must be prefixed with the published name of the vendor's transaction (XA) interface, followed immediately by a colon (:).

For BEA Tuxedo /Q databases, the format of OPENINFO is as follows.

In all these settings, TUXEDO/QM is the published name of the BEA Tuxedo /Q XA interface, qmconfig is replaced with the name of the QMCONFIG (see qmadmin(1) in BEA Tuxedo Command Reference) on which the queue space resides, and qspace is replaced with the name of the queue space. For NT and AS/400, the separator after qmconfig must be a semicolon (;). For OpenVMS, the separator after TUXEDO/QM and after qmconfig must be a comma (,).

Note: The CLOSEINFO string is not used for BEA Tuxedo /Q databases.

For other vendors' databases, the format of the OPENINFO string is specific to the particular vendor providing the underlying resource manager. As an example, the following OPENINFO string demonstrates the type of information needed when opening the Oracle resource manager.

OPENINFO="Oracle_XA: Oracle_XA+Acc=P/Scott/*****+SesTm=30+LogDit=/tmp"

Oracle_XA is the published name of the Oracle XA interface. The series of five asterisks (*) in the OPENINFO string pertains to the encrypting of a password, which is described in the paragraphs that follow.

Passwords passed to a resource manager in the OPENINFO string can be stored in either clear text or encrypted form. To encrypt a password, first enter a series of five or more continuous asterisks in the OPENINFO string at the place where you want the password to go. Then load the UBBCONFIG file by running tmloadcf(1). When tmloadcf() encounters the string of asterisks, it prompts you to create a password. For example:

tmloadcf -y /usr5/apps/bankapp/myubbconfig

tmloadcf() stores the password in the TUXCONFIG file in encrypted form. If you then regenerate the UBBCONFIG file from the TUXCONFIG file using tmunloadcf(1), the password is printed in the regenerated UBBCONFIG file in encrypted form with @@ as delimiters. For example:

OPENINFO="Oracle_XA: Oracle_XA+Acc=P/Scott/@@A0986F7733D4@@+SesTm=30+LogDit=/tmp"

When tmloadcf() encounters an encrypted password in a UBBCONFIG file generated by tmunloadcf(), it does not prompt the user to create a password.