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   Setting Up a BEA Tuxedo Application

How to Create the SERVICES Section of the Configuration File

Detailed information about the services in your application can be entered in the SERVICES section of the configuration file. For nontransactional, nondistributed applications, such information is relatively simple. The SERVICES section includes the following types of information:

There are no required parameters for services. You need to list services only if you are setting optional parameters.

For each parameter in the SERVICES section, the following table provides a description and links to reference pages and additional information.

To Specify This Information in the SERVICES Section . . .

Set This Parameter (Required/Optional)

For More Information, Click the Following

Whether a transaction should be started automatically when a request message is received that is not already in transaction mode.

AUTOTRAN (for DTP applications only)

automatic starts for transactions

A list of types and subtypes of data buffers accepted by this service. This parameter may contain up to 256 characters with a maximum of 32 type/subtype combinations.

BUFTYPE (optional)

buffer types

A load factor to be imposed on the system by SVCNAM.

LOAD (optional)

load balancing

The name of the routing criteria used for this service when data- dependent routing is used.

ROUTING (optional)

routing criteria name

The name of the sever group from which SVCNAM gets all group parameter settings.

SRVGRP (optional)

server group parameters

The dequeuing priority of SVCNM.

PRIO (optional)

service priorities

The amount of time, in seconds, that is allowed for processing of the indicated service.

SVCTIMEOUT (optional)

service processing time

The default timeout interval, in seconds, for a transaction automatically started for the associated service.

TRANTIME (for DTP applications only)

timeout values for transactions

Sample SERVICES Section

Following is a sample of the SERVICES section of a configuration file.


In this example, the default load and priority of a service are 50; the one service declared is a RINGUP service that accepts a RINGUP VIEW as its required buffer type.

See Also