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   Setting Up a BEA Tuxedo Application

Defining the Application Type

Among the architectural decisions needed for a BEA Tuxedo application are the following:

Use the MODEL and OPTIONS parameters to define the application type.

The MODEL parameter specifies whether an application runs on a single processor. It is set to SHM for uniprocessors and also for multiprocessors with global shared memory. A MODEL value of MP is used for multiprocessors that do not have global shared memory, as well as for networked applications. This is a required parameter.

The OPTIONS parameter is a comma-separated list of application configuration options. Two available options are LAN (indicating a networked configuration) and MIGRATE (indicating that application server migration is allowed).

Characteristics of the MODEL and OPTIONS Parameters




It is a required parameter. A value of SHM indicates a single machine with global shared memory. A value of MP indicates either multiple machines without global shared memory, or a networked application.


It is a comma-separated list of application configuration options. A value of LAN indicates a local area network. A value of MIGRATE enables server migration.

In the sample RESOURCES section, MODEL is set to MP; OPTIONS is set to LAN and MIGRATE.

Example Settings