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   Administering a BEA Tuxedo Application at Run Time

How to Migrate Server Groups

  1. Configure an alternate location in the LMID parameter (for the server group being migrated) in the GROUPS section of the UBBCONFIG file. Servers in the group must specify RESTART=Y and the MIGRATE option must be specified in the RESOURCES section of the UBBCONFIG file.

  2. If you are planning to migrate a group of servers, shut down each server in the group by issuing the following command.

    tmshutdown -R -g groupname

  3. Start a tmadmin session by entering the following command.


  4. At the tmadmin prompt, enter one of the following commands:

  5. If transactions are being logged for a server being migrated as part of a group, you may need to move the TLOG to the BACKUP machine, load it, and "warm start" it.

How to Migrate a Server Group When the Alternate Machine Is Accessible from the Primary Machine

To migrate a server group when the alternate machine is accessible from the primary machine, complete the following procedure.

  1. Shut down the MASTER machine by entering the following command.

    tmshutdown -R -g groupname

  2. On the primary machine, start a tmadmin session by entering the following command.


  3. Migrate the appropriate group by entering the following command.

    migrategroup groupname

  4. If necessary, migrate the transaction log.

  5. If necessary, migrate the application data.

How to Migrate a Server Group When the Alternate Machine Is Not Accessible from the Primary Machine

To migrate a server group when the alternate machine is not accessible from the primary machine, switch the MASTER and BACKUP machines, if necessary.

  1. On the alternate machine, start a tmadmin session by entering the following command.


  2. Request cleanup and restart of any servers on the primary machine that require these operations by entering the following command.

    pclean primary_machine

  3. Transfer the appropriate server group to a configured alternate machine by entering the following command:

    migrate groupname

  4. Boot the newly migrated server group by entering the following command.

    boot -g groupname

Examples of Migrating a Server Group

The following two sample sessions show how you can migrate a server group, regardless of whether the alternate machine is accessible from the primary machine. In the first example, the alternate machine is accessible from the primary machine.

Migrating a Group When the Alternate Machine Is Accessible from the Primary Machine

$ tmshutdown -R -g GROUP1
Shutting down server processes...
Server ID = 1 Group ID = GROUP1 machine = SITE1: shutdown succeeded
1 process stopped.
$ tmadmin
tmadmin - Copyright © 1987-1990 AT&T; 1991-1993 USL.
> migg GROUP1
migg successfully completed
> q

In the second example, the alternate machine is not accessible from the primary machine.

Migrating a Group When the Alternate Machine Is Not Accessible from the Primary Machine

$ tmadmin
tmadmin - Copyright © 1987-1990 AT&T; 1991-1993 USL.
> pclean SITE1
Cleaning the DBBL.
Pausing 10 seconds waiting for system to stabilize.
3 SITE1 servers removed from bulletin board
> migg GROUP1
migg successfully completed.
> boot -g GROUP1
Booting server processes ...
exec simpserv -A :
on SITE2 -> process id=22699 ... Started.
1 process started.
> q