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   Administering a BEA Tuxedo Application at Run Time

How to Cancel a Migration

If you decide, after deactivating a server group or machine, that you do not want to continue, you can cancel the migration before reactivating the server group or machine. All the information in the name server for the deactivated servers and services is deleted.

To cancel a migration after a shutdown but before issuing the migrate command, enter one of the following commands.

To cancel . . .

Enter this command . . .

As a result . . .

Server migration

tmadmin migrategroup -cancel


tmadmin migg -cancel

Server entries are deleted from the bulletin board. You must reboot the servers once the migration procedure is canceled.

Machine migration

tmadmin migratemach -cancel


tmadmin migm -cancel

The migration is stopped.

Example of a Migration Cancellation

The following sample tmadmin session shows how a server group and a machine can be migrated between their respective primary and alternate machines.

Canceling a Server Group Migration for GROUP1

tmadmin - Copyright © 1987-1990 AT&T; 1991-1993 USL.
> psr -g GROUP1

a.out Name  Queue Name    Grp Name   ID RqDone Ld Done Current Service
---------- ---------- -------- -- ------ ------- ---------------
simpserv 00001.00001 GROUP1 1 - - (DEAD MIGRATING)
> psr -g GROUP1
TMADMIN_CAT:121: No such server
migg -cancel GROUP1
>boot -g GROUP1
Booting server processes...
exec simpserv -A:
on SITE1 ->process id_27636 ... Started. 1 process started.
> psr -g GROUP1

a.out Name  Queue Name    Grp Name   ID RqDone Ld Done Current Service
---------- ---------- -------- -- ------ ------- ---------------
simpserv 00001.00001 GROUP1 1 - - ( - )
> q