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   Administering a BEA Tuxedo Application at Run Time

Selecting Appropriate Monitoring Tools

To monitor a running application, you need to keep track of the dynamic aspects of your configuration and sometimes check the static data. In other words, you need to be able to watch the bulletin board on an ongoing basis and consult the UBBCONFIG file when necessary. The method you choose depends on the following factors:

The following table describes how to use each monitoring method.

Use this Method


BEA Administration Console

Using a graphical interface

Command-line utilities, such as txrpt and tmadmin

Entering commands after a prompt


Subscribing to BEA Tuxedo system events, such as servers dying, and network failures.

Log files (for example, ULOG, TLOG)

Viewing the ULOG with any text editor; checking the ULOG for tlisten messages; and converting the TLOG (a binary file) to a text file by running tmadmin dumptlog which downloads a TLOG to a text file.


Writing programs that monitor your run-time application

Run-time tracing utility

Specifying a tracing expression that contains a category, a filtering expression, and an action, and enabling the TMTRACE environment variable. For more information, see Using the Run-time Tracing Utility.