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   Setting Up a BEA Tuxedo Application

Using the Network Timeout Option

Network timeout is an option that lets you decide how long you are willing to wait for an operation in a Workstation client before your request for that operation is canceled (timed out) on a network.

You can request the network timeout function through an administrative option to the WSL: -N. The -N option uses a network timeout to receive data in the Workstation client.

How Network Timeout Works

The network timeout option establishes a waiting period (in seconds) for any BEA Tuxedo operation in the Workstation client that receives data from the network. If the period is exceeded, the operation fails and the client is disconnected from the application. A value of 0 (the default) indicates no timeout.

Note: Setting this value too low may cause too many disconnects.

Each ATMI function returns an error whenever a timeout occurs. When a link times out, the application is notified. An existing error code is used. (Additional error detail on the specific error can be retrieved by a call to tperrordetail(3c).) Once a network timeout occurs, the status of outstanding operations is in doubt: transactions cannot be completed; incoming replies can be lost, and so on. The only safe action is to terminate the connection to the application by doing the equivalent of a tpterm(3c) without communicating with the WSH.

By the time the operation returns, the client is no longer part of the BEA Tuxedo application. The client can rejoin the application in either of two ways:

Limitations When Using the Network Timeout Option

Setting the Network Timeout Option

To use the network timeout option in your BEA Tuxedo application, add the -N option to the WSL CLOPT argument.