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   Installing the BEA Tuxedo System

Post-Installation Considerations for a Windows System

Once you have installed or upgraded the BEA Tuxedo system software on a Windows system, you can:

For configuration information, refer to Configuring the BEA Tuxedo System for Windows NT in Using the BEA Tuxedo System on Windows NT.

Verifying the System Environment Variables

The BEA Tuxedo Software Installation script updates the system environment during the installation of BEA Tuxedo Release 7.1 on Windows NT. For example, the PATH environment variable is updated to point to the appropriate system libraries.

When an application is loaded, the link loader checks the local directory, followed by the system PATH, user PATH, and finally the path set in autoexec.bat (if applicable). Because different versions of a DLL can exist in a system, it is critical to verify that the correct DLL version is loaded.

Note: As an application is loaded, it first attaches to the library in memory. Consequently, if a library is loaded in memory when an application is invoked (which happens, for example, if any BEA Tuxedo processes are running when an application is invoked), then the library may initially attempt to load the incorrect DLL version. To prevent such an attempt, shut down all BEA Tuxedo processes before installing Release 7.1. ( Refer to Microsoft's© Resource Kit for Windows NT for additional information.)

You can verify that your environment variables are set appropriately by ensuring that the first BEA Tuxedo system-related path name in your system path is the path name for the root directory of the BEA Tuxedo software: %TUXDIR%. To verify that %TUXDIR% is the first path name specified, complete the following 4-step procedure.

  1. Select Start-->Control Panel-->System-->Environment.

  2. Scroll through system variables to ensure that the first instance of TUXDIR points to BEA Tuxedo Release 7.1.

  3. Set Variable and Value as necessary and click OK.

  4. Restart the computer.

Reviewing the Registry Contents

As part of the installation process, the BEA Tuxedo IPC Helper Service is installed as an NT Service. General installation information as well as the IPC parameters are installed in the registry. The layout of the registry is as follows.

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\BEA Systems\Tuxedo\7.1\...

The Developer key stores product information, including the major and minor version numbers of the release, and user and company names.

The Environment key stores values for the BEA Tuxedo IPC Helper Service, as well as the locations referenced by the TUXDIR, NLSPATH, ULOGDIR, ULOGPFX, and ULOGOUT environment variables. You can tune the IPC values based on your application needs. (Refer to Configuring the BEA Tuxedo System for Windows NT in Using the BEA Tuxedo System on Windows NT for more information on the control panel applet.)

The Security key has the following requirements:

Using the Registry Security Key to Restrict Access

To gain access to BEA Tuxedo functionality, native clients should call tpinit(3c)with cltname set to tpsysadm. However, because tpsysadm is a trusted user, this setting causes the system to bypass the process of APP_PW/USER_AUTH authentication.

To prevent this lapse in security, we encourage the administrator to perform the following steps:

  1. Select Start-->Run and enter the following command in the Run dialog box.


  2. Select the OK button.

  3. Select HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE-->Software-->BEA Systems-->Tuxedo-->7.1.

  4. Select SECURITY-->Permissions.

  5. Disable control for Everyone and allow access only to users with administrative privileges.

See Also