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   Introducing the BEA Tuxedo System

Workstation Connectivity: Using BEA Tuxedo Workstation

The Workstation component of the BEA Tuxedo system allows application clients to be located on remote sites that are not part of a BEA Tuxedo domain. These remote sites do not support an administration server, an application server, or a bulletin board. All communication between such a client and an application takes place over a network. The following illustration shows a Workstation environment.

Connecting Clients Using Workstation

Workstation extends the benefits of the BEA Tuxedo system to the desktop at run- time, and for programming and administering BEA Tuxedo applications. Run-time advantages include: more dynamic connectivity, less administrative overhead, greater security as it keeps clients off the server systems, greater server utilization as it offloads CPU cycles and decreases process context switches, and a smaller footprint.

See Also