BEA Logo BEA Tuxedo Release 7.1

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   Introducing the BEA Tuxedo System

BEA Product Integration

The BEA product family facilitates end-to-end integration of heterogeneous hardware and software environments allowing businesses to create enterprise-wide transaction processing systems. BEA products enable companies to enjoy the benefits of robust mission-critical applications with the flexibility of distributed client/server computing. Compliant with all leading industry standards, BEA products enable developers to build, deploy, manage, and connect enterprise-wide applications on more than 70 platforms. These products also provide complete integration with market-leading application development tools, systems management solutions, and legacy applications.

Among open middleware vendors, BEA provides the only complete, end-to-end enterprise middleware solution that includes leading transaction processing components, a Web application server, and messaging products.

BEA Product Suite

The BEA product suite includes the following: