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   Introducing the BEA Tuxedo System

What Are the Workstation Handler and Workstation Listener

The Workstation component extends the availability of a native BEA Tuxedo application to clients that reside on workstations. With this component, workstations need not be within the administrative domain of the application.

The following figure shows an application with two Workstation clients (WSC). One client is running on a UNIX system workstation, while the other client is running on an NT workstation. Both WSCs are communicating with the application through the Workstation Handler (WSH) process. Initially, both joined by communicating with the Workstation Listener (WSL). The Workstation defines an environment in which clients can access the services of an application through a surrogate handler process.

BEA Tuxedo Application with the Workstation Component

The programming environment on a Workstation is determined by the operating system of the machine. A Local Area Network (LAN) provides a connection to the administrative domain of the application, affording greater flexibility in the choice of hardware and software platforms on which you can deliver application services.

How a Workstation Client Connects to an Application

A workstation client connects to an application in the following way.

WSC Connecting to an Application