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   Introducing the BEA Tuxedo System

What Is the User Log (ULOG)

The user log (ULOG) is a file to which all messages generated by the BEA Tuxedo system-error messages, warning messages, information messages, and debugging messages-are written. Application clients and servers can also write to the user log. A new log is created every day and there can be a different log on each machine. However, a ULOG can be shared by multiple machines when a remote file system is being used.

The ULOG provides an administrator with a record of system events from which the causes of most BEA Tuxedo system and application failures can be determined. You can view the ULOG, a text file, with any text editor. The ULOG also contains messages generated by the tlisten process. The tlisten process provides remote service connections for other machines. Each machine, including the master machine, should have a tlisten process running on it.

How Is the ULOG Created

A ULOG is created by the BEA Tuxedo system whenever one of the following activities occurs:

Example of a ULOG Message

The following is an example of a ULOG message.

121449.gumby!simpserv.27190.1.0: LIBTUX_CAT:262: std main starting

A ULOG message consists of two parts: a tag and text.

The tag consists of the following:

The text consists of the following:

Where the ULOG Resides

By default, the user log is called ULOG.mmddyy (where mmddyy represents the date in terms of month, day, and year) and it is created in the $APPDIR directory. You can place this file in any location, however, by setting the ULOGPFX parameter in the MACHINES section of the UBBCONFIG file.