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   Using the BEA Tuxedo System on Windows NT

Using the BEA Tuxedo Editors

Two editors are available in this environment: the FML Table Editor and the VIEW Table Editor. The user interface for both editors is similar to a workbook in which you can work on multiple documents/views simultaneously. You can also edit multiple files of various types at the same time. Both editors closely resemble a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet with all of the associated functionality:

Using the FML Table Editor

To invoke the FML Table Editor:

  1. On the command line, enter the entire path name of Tuxdev (%TUXDIR%\bin) and select Enter.

  2. Enter tuxdev and select Enter.

    The BEA Tuxedo Developer window is displayed.

  3. Choose one of the following actions.

    To. . .

    Complete These Steps. . .

    Create a file

    In the BEA Tuxedo Developer window, select File-->New to display the New window shown in the following figure. Proceed to Step 4.

    Modify an existing file

    In the BEA Tuxedo Developer window, select File-->Open. Select the file (FML filenames have a .fml extension) to edit. Skip the remaining steps.

    The following figure illustrates the New window.

    New Window

  4. In the New window, highlight FML Table and type in the name of the new file in the File Name field.

  5. Select OK.

    The FML Table Editor is invoked, as shown in the following figure.

    FML Table Editor

As shown in the figure, the FML Table Editor contains five columns: Name, Number, Type, Flag, and Comment, with an unlimited number of rows. The following table lists the purpose of each column in the editor.

FML Table Editor Column Description

This Column. . .

Enables you to . . .


Enter comment and/or base numbers. Each comment or number must be preceded by a pound sign (#) or an asterisk (*); otherwise, the line is assumed to be an active table entry. Data entered in an empty cell is assumed to be a new entry. (Blank lines are allowed.)


Specify the relative number of the field.


Select from a list of all valid values for this field.


Select flag settings (when the column is active).


Expand or clarify any entry designated in the Name column.

You can open new (unnamed) FML tables. A blank grid is created for the table named FML Tablex, where x is a value tracked by the MDI and incremented by one each time a new table is created. You can specify a name if and when the table is saved. You can also open an existing text file for editing. Unless otherwise specified, files are saved in the directory in which the file was opened in tabbed delimited format, with .FML appended to the end of the filename when applicable. You can compile this file to produce either a 16-bit or 32-bit FML header file.

Using the VIEW Table Editor

To invoke the VIEW Table Editor:

  1. On the command line, enter the entire path name of Tuxdev (%TUXDIR%\bin) and select Enter.

  2. Enter tuxdev and select Enter.

    The BEA Tuxedo Developer window is displayed.

  3. Choose one of the following actions.

    To. . .

    Complete These Steps. . .

    Create a file

    1. In the BEA Tuxedo Developer window select File-->New to display the New window shown in the following figure.

    2. Proceed to Step 4.

    Modify an existing file

    1. In the BEA Tuxedo Developer window, select File-->Open.

    2. Select the file (FML filenames have a .fml extension) to edit.

    3. Skip the remaining steps.

    The following figure illustrates the New window.

  4. In the New window, highlight VIEW Table and type the name of the new file in the File Name field.

  5. Select OK.

    The VIEW Table Editor is invoked, as shown in the following figure.

    VIEW Table Editor

As shown in the previous figure, the VIEW Table Editor contains seven columns: CName, FBName, Type, Count, Flag, Size, and Null, with an unlimited number of rows.

You can enter comments in the CName column, provided that each comment begins with the required pound sign (#). Blank lines are also allowed. When a CName entry is not preceded by a pound sign and is not NULL, the line is assumed to be an active table entry.

VIEW Table Editor Column Description

This Column. . .

Enables you to . . .


Each comment or number must be preceded by a pound sign (#) or an asterisk (*); otherwise, the line is assumed to be an active table entry. (Blank lines are allowed.)


Name the field in the fielded buffer; this name is displayed in the field table file.


Select from a list of all valid values for this field.


Specify the number of elements to allocate (that is, the maximum number of occurrences to be stored for this member).


Select flag settings (when the column is active).


Indicate the size of the member if the type is string, carray, or dec_t. Otherwise, you can specify `-', and the view compiler computes the size.


Specify a null value or `-' (default null value) for that field.

Note: You must specify the following information to denote the start and end of the view information:

VIEW table_name

The information must appear in the CName column in a row by itself. You can enter multiple views within the same file, provided that each table entry is preceded by VIEW table_name and followed by END.

You can open new (unnamed) view files in which a blank grid is created for the view, Viewx, where x is a value tracked by the MDI and incremented by one each time you create a new view. You can specify a name if and when you save the view file. You can also edit an existing view file (either text or binary). Unless otherwise specified, files are saved in the directory where the file was opened in tabbed delimited format, with .v appended to the filename when applicable. You can compile this file to produce either 16- or 32-bit binary VIEW and header files.

Working in Multiple Documents Simultaneously

The MDI, as part of the basic framework, provides a multiple-document architecture in which you can open documents and views, regardless of type, at the same time. Examples of this design are msdev, Excel, and Word. In BEA Tuxedo terms, you can open x number of FML tables and y number of VIEW Table files at any time, and then use any one of them. Each document looks and feels like a workbook that contains tabs for each open document.

How the Editors Validate Entries

The following table describes the information that is validated in each column of the FML Table Editor.

Information Validated in the FML Table Editor

In This Column. . .

This Information Is Validated. . .


Comments, base numbers, and valid text strings


Numbers only. (The range is determined by a 16/32-bit user mode.)


Valid FML types


Valid FML flags. Extra checking is done for mutually exclusive flags.


Entries are not validated.

The following table describes the information that is validated in each column of the VIEW Table Editor.

Information Validated in the VIEW Table Editor

In This Column. . .

This Information Is Validated. . .


Entries are not validated.


Entries are not validated.


Valid BEA Tuxedo types


Numbers only. (The range is determined by a 16/32-bit user mode.)


Valid FML flags. Extra checking is done for mutually exclusive flags.


Numbers only. (The range is determined by a 16/32-bit user mode.)


Entries are not validated.