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   Using the BEA Tuxedo System on Windows NT

Using the Tuxdev Application

To install the Tuxdev application:

  1. In the Microsoft Visual C++ (msdev) environment, select Tools-->Customize-->Tools-->Add.

  2. In the Add Tool dialog box, type the entire path name in the Command field (TuxDev.exe is located in %TUXDIR%\bin), or select Browse to search for the name and click OK to display the path name in the Customize window.

  3. To change the item displayed on the Tools menu, change the entry in the Menu Text field.

    Note: To create a hot key for a tool, include an ampersand (&) before any letter in the tool name. This enables you to invoke the tool at any time simply by typing that letter.

  4. In the Initial Directory field, click on the right arrow and select Current Directory to display its name ($CurDir).