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   Using the BEA Tuxedo System on Windows NT

Developing a BEA Tuxedo Application Without Visual C++

If you need to develop a BEA Tuxedo application without Visual C++, use the buildserver(1) and buildclient(1) commands. To do this, specify the compiler and link options necessary to build a BEA Tuxedo application. Refer to BEA Tuxedo File Formats and Data Descriptions Reference, Tutorials for Developing a BEA Tuxedo Application, and Programming a BEA Tuxedo Application Using C or Programming a BEA Tuxedo Application Using COBOL for information on using these tools.

To build a debug version of your application using buildserver or buildclient, you must compile all source files with the /Zi and /Od options. The /Zi option enables debugging; the /Od option disables optimization. In addition, you may need to define the _DEBUG preprocessor directive. To complete the process, indicate the link option as follows.

-l"/link/debug:full /debugtype:both"