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   Using the BEA Tuxedo System on Windows NT

Using the buildserver and buildclient Commands

Although the buildserver(1) and buildclient(1) commands are available on the Windows NT platform, there are differences between how the options to these commands work on NT platforms and non-NT platforms. The following table lists these differences.

Using the buildserver and buildclient Commands

To. . .

In a Non-Integrated Development Environment, Use This Option. . .

In an Integrated Development Environment. . .

Turn on verbose mode


All options are displayed on tabs by default. (The -v option is unnecessary and unsupported.)

Specify an output file

-o (output_filename)

  1. Select Settings from the msdev Build menu.

  2. Select the Link tab in the Project Settings dialog box.

  3. Specify the name of your output file by using the edit control.

Specify the first file to be linked


  1. Select Settings from the msdev Build menu.

  2. Select the Link tab in the Project Settings dialog box.

  3. Specify the first file to be linked by using the edit control.

Specify the last file to be linked


  1. Select Settings from the msdev Build menu.

  2. Select the Link tab in the Project Settings dialog box.

  3. Specify the last file to be linked by using the edit control.

Specify a resource manager


  1. Access the BuildTuxedo GUI.

  2. Access the BuildTuxedo Test window and select the Resources page.

  3. In the Tuxedo Resource Manager field, enter the name of the resource manager.

Specify services that will be available on a server


  1. Access the BuildTuxedo GUI.

  2. Access the BuildTuxedo Test window and select the Services page.

  3. In the Service Names field, enter the name of each service on a separate line.

Use the COBOL compiler


COBOL is unavailable.

To modify the build environment in an integrated development environment: (a) select Settings from the msdev Build menu, and then (b) select either the C/C++ or Link tab.

Note: CC and CFLAGS are no longer needed.

To specify the library and include paths in an integrated development environment, select Options from the MSDEV Tools menu. From the Options dialog box, select the Directories tab.