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   Using the BEA Tuxedo System on Windows NT

Adding BuildTuxedo to the MSDEV Tools Menu

To add BuildTuxedo to the MSDEV Tools menu:

  1. From within the Microsoft Visual C++ (msdev) graphical user interface (GUI), select Tools-->Customize-->Tools.

    The Customize window is displayed, as shown in the following figure.

    Customize Menu

  2. Click New (broken box icon with twinkle) and type &BuildTuxedo in the blank box at the end of the Menu Contents box.

    Note: Placing an ampersand (&) before any letter enables that letter as a hot key.

  3. In the Command field, type the entire path name of BuildTuxedo (%TUXDIR%\bin\BuildTuxedo), or select . . . to search for the name, and click Open to display the name in the Command field.

  4. In the Initial Directory field, click the right arrow and select Current Directory.

    Note: To modify an item, highlight it and type over it. To move any item, highlight it and select the up or down arrow at the top of the Menu Contents box.

  5. Click Close.

BuildTuxedo is now part of the msdev Tools menu.