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   Using the BEA Tuxedo System on Windows NT

Creating BEA Tuxedo Project Files

BuildTuxedo maintains a separate project file in the current directory for each BEA Tuxedo application using it. When BuildTuxedo begins, it searches for a valid project file in the current directory. If one is found, the various dialog controls are set to the values stored in the file and the dialog is displayed. The title bar displays the following information.

BuildTuxedo project_name

Because your BuildTuxedo project is closely associated with the msdev project in the current directory, BuildTuxedo also searches for two other files:

If BuildTuxedo cannot find either of these files, it displays a warning and/or fails to activate. If the directory contains multiple BuildTuxedo project files, or multiple msdev project files or make files, menu items that contain appropriate target names are added to the System menu.

To save the current project file, select OK or Apply. To cancel any changes that you make to the project file or any file maintained by the BEA Tuxedo system, select Cancel or Esc.