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   Programming a BEA Tuxedo Application Using C

No Entry Errors

No entry errors result from a lack of entries in the system tables or the data structure used to identify buffer types. The meaning of the no entry type error, TPENOENT, depends on the function that is returning it. The following table lists the functions that return this error and describes various causes of error.

No Entry Errors




The system does not know about the type of buffer requested. For a buffer type and/or subtype to be known, there must be an entry for it in a type switch data structure that is defined in the BEA Tuxedo system libraries. Refer to tuxtypes(5) and typesw(5) in the BEA Tuxedo File Formats and Data Descriptions Reference for more information.

On an application level, ensure that you have referenced a known type; otherwise, check with the system administrator.


The calling process cannot join the application because there is no space left in the bulletin board to make an entry for it. Check with the system administrator.


The calling process references a service called that is not known to the system since there is no entry for it in the bulletin board. On an application level, ensure that you have referenced the service correctly; otherwise, check with the system administrator.


The system cannot connect to the specified name because the service named does not exist or it is not a conversational service.


The calling process seeks a request priority when no request has been made. This is an application-level error.


The system cannot unadvertise the service name because the name is not currently advertised by the calling process.

tpenqueue(3c) tpdequeue(3c)

The system cannot access the queue space because the associated TMQUEUE(5)server is not available. Refer to the BEA Tuxedo File Formats and Data Descriptions Reference for more information.


The system cannot access the BEA Tuxedo system Event Broker. Refer to Writing Event-based Clients and Servers for more information.