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   Using BEA Tuxedo Security

Administering Public Key Security

The most effective way to make a distributed application secure is to combine link-level encryption with public key encryption. Public key encryption is the framework on which public key security is built.

Public key security allows you to incorporate message-based digital signatures and message-based encryption into your BEA Tuxedo applications. Together, these capabilities provide data integrity and privacy, which are especially important when an application interacts with other BEA Tuxedo applications or Workstation clients from outside the company.

Recommended Practices for Public Key Security

Assigning Public-Private Key Pairs

Application administrators and developers need to choose a Certification Authority to provide public-private key pairs and the digital certificates associated with them. Then they must decide how to assign the key pairs to the application. There are many options for assigning key pairs. An administrator can assign one or more of the following:

Application administrators and developers are responsible for choosing a method of assigning key pairs and assigning them. Once key pairs are assigned, however, no more administrative work is required; the plug-ins for public key security distribute and manage the keys.

Setting Digital Signature Policy

As the administrator, you use the following configuration parameters to set the digital signature policy for your application.

Parameter Name




Maximum permissible time difference between (1) the timestamp value attached to a digitally signed message buffer and (2) the time at which the message buffer is received. If the signature timestamp is too far into the future, the receiving process rejects the message buffer.

1 - 2147483647 seconds. Default is 3600 seconds (one hour).


Maximum permissible time difference between (1) the time at which a digitally signed message buffer is received and (2) the timestamp value attached to the message buffer. If the signature timestamp is too far into the past, the receiving process rejects the message buffer.

1 - 2147483647 seconds. Default is 604800 seconds (one week).


Determines whether a receiving process will accept only message buffers that are digitally signed.

Y (yes-digital signature is required) or N (no-digital signature is not required). Default is N.

Setting a Postdated Limit for Signature Timestamps

SIGNATURE_AHEAD is specified at the domain-wide level of the configuration hierarchy, meaning that the value you assign to it applies to all processes running in the application. Domain-wide parameters are set in the RESOURCES section in the UBBCONFIG file, and the T_DOMAIN class in the TM_MIB.

The SIGNATURE_AHEAD parameter establishes the maximum permissible time difference between (1) the timestamp attached to the incoming message buffer and (2) the current time shown on the verifying system's local clock. The minimum value is 1 second; the maximum, 2147483647 seconds. The default is 3600 seconds (one hour).

If the attached timestamp shows a time too far into the future, the signature is considered invalid. This parameter is useful for rejecting signatures that are postdated, while allowing a certain amount of leeway for unsynchronized local clocks.

Example UBBCONFIG Entries for Postdated Limit


Setting a Predated Limit for Signature Timestamps

SIGNATURE_BEHIND is specified at the domain-wide level of the configuration hierarchy, meaning that the value you assign to it applies to all processes running in the application. Domain-wide parameters are set in the RESOURCES section in the UBBCONFIG file, and the T_DOMAIN class in the TM_MIB.

The SIGNATURE_BEHIND parameter establishes the maximum permissible time difference between (1) the current time shown on the verifying system's local clock and (2) the timestamp attached to the incoming message buffer. The minimum value is 1 second; the maximum, 2147483647 seconds. The default is 604800 seconds (one week).

If the attached timestamp shows a time too far into the past, the signature is considered invalid. This parameter is useful for resisting replay attacks, in which a valid signed buffer is injected into the system a second time. However, in a system with asynchronous communication-for example, in a system in which disk-based queues are used-buffers signed a long time ago may still be considered valid. So, in a system with asynchronous communication, you may want to increase the SIGNATURE_BEHIND setting.

Example UBBCONFIG Entries for Predated Limit


Enforcing the Signature Policy for Incoming Messages

SIGNATURE_REQUIRED may be specified any of the following four levels in the configuration hierarchy:

Setting SIGNATURE_REQUIRED to Y (yes) at a particular level means that signatures are required for all processes running at that level or below. For example, setting SIGNATURE_REQUIRED to Y for a machine named mach1 means that all processes running on mach1 will accept only incoming messages that are digitally signed.

You may specify both SIGNATURE_REQUIRED=Y and ENCRYPTION_REQUIRED=Y together at the domain-wide level, machine level, group level, or service level. See Enforcing the Encryption Policy for Incoming Messages for a description of ENCRYPTION_REQUIRED.


The enforcement policy for SIGNATURE_REQUIRED applies only to application services, application events, and application enqueue requests. It does not apply to system-generated service invocations and system event postings.


To configure SIGNATURE_REQUIRED for a machine named mach1, follow these steps.

  1. Ensure that you are working on the application MASTER machine and that the application is inactive.

  2. Open UBBCONFIG with a text editor and add the following lines to the MACHINES section.

    mach1 LMID="machine_logical_name"

  3. Load the configuration by running tmloadcf(1). The tmloadcf command parses UBBCONFIG and loads the binary TUXCONFIG file to the location referenced by the TUXCONFIG variable.

In the preceding example, when tmboot(1) starts the application, it passes the SIGNATURE_REQUIRED=Y parameter to the machine named mach1. At that point, all application services advertised by mach1, including those advertised by gateway processes, are allowed to accept only messages that include valid digital signatures. If a process controlled by mach1 receives a message that does not include a valid digital signature, the system takes the following actions:

How the EventBroker Signature Policy Is Enforced

When digital signatures are attached to a posted message buffer, these signatures are preserved and forwarded along with the message buffer to subscribers for the relevant event.

If the TMUSREVT(5) system server is running in a domain, machine, or server group that requires digital signatures, it rejects any incoming posting without a TPSIGN_OK composite signature status-see Understanding the Composite Signature Status.

Possible subscription notification actions that the TMUSREVT server might take include invoking a service or enqueuing a message. If the target service or queue requires a valid digital signature, but one is not attached to the posted message, the subscription notification action fails.

System events (events that are posted by the system itself and processed by the TMSYSEVT server) may be digitally signed. The administrative policies regarding digital signature do not apply to the TMSYSEVT(5) server.

How the /Q Signature Policy Is Enforced

When digital signatures are attached to a queued buffer, the signatures are preserved in the queue and forwarded to the dequeuing process. Also, if a message is processed by TMQFORWARD(5) to invoke a service, signatures are preserved.

If the TMQUEUE(5) system server is running in a domain, machine, or server group that requires digital signatures, it rejects any incoming enqueue request without a TPSIGN_OK composite signature status-see Understanding the Composite Signature Status. In addition, the TMQUEUE server requires a digital signature if such a policy is in effect for the service name associated with the queue space.

How the Remote Client Signature Policy Is Enforced

If the Workstation Handler (WSH) is running in a domain, machine, or server group that requires digital signatures, it rejects any incoming message buffer containing application data without a TPSIGN_OK composite signature status-see Understanding the Composite Signature Status.

Setting Encryption Policy

As the administrator, you use the following configuration parameter to set the encryption policy for your application.

Parameter Name




Determines whether a receiving process will accept only message buffers that are encrypted.

Y (yes-encryption is required) or N (no-encryption is not required). Default is N.

Enforcing the Encryption Policy for Incoming Messages

ENCRYPTION_REQUIRED may be specified at any of the following four levels in the configuration hierarchy:

Setting ENCRYPTION_REQUIRED to Y (yes) at a particular level means that encryption is required for all processes running at that level or below. For example, setting ENCRYPTION_REQUIRED to Y for a machine named mach1 means that all processes running on mach1 will accept only incoming messages that are encrypted.

You may specify both ENCRYPTION_REQUIRED=Y and SIGNATURE_REQUIRED=Y together at the domain-wide level, machine level, group level, or service level. See Enforcing the Signature Policy for Incoming Messages for a description of SIGNATURE_REQUIRED.


The enforcement policy for ENCRYPTION_REQUIRED applies only to application services, application events, and application enqueue requests. It does not apply to system-generated service invocations and system event postings.


To configure ENCRYPTION_REQUIRED for a server group named STDGRP, follow these steps.

  1. Ensure that you are working on the application MASTER machine and that the application is inactive.

  2. Open UBBCONFIG with a text editor and add the following lines to the GROUPS section.

    STDGRP LMID="machine_logical_name"

  3. Load the configuration by running tmloadcf(1). The tmloadcf command parses UBBCONFIG and loads the binary TUXCONFIG file to the location referenced by the TUXCONFIG variable.

In the preceding example, when tmboot(1) starts the application, it passes the ENCRYPTION_REQUIRED=Y parameter to the server group named STDGRP. At that point, all application services advertised by STDGRP, including those advertised by gateway processes, are allowed to accept only messages protected by an encryption envelope. If a process controlled by STDGRP receives an unencrypted message, the system takes the following actions:

How the EventBroker Encryption Policy Is Enforced

When a posted message buffer is encrypted, encryption envelopes are preserved and forwarded, along with the encrypted message content, to subscribers for the relevant event.

If the TMUSREVT(5) system server is running in a domain, machine, or server group that requires encryption, it rejects any incoming posting message that is not encrypted.

Possible subscription notification actions that the TMUSREVT server might take include invoking a service or enqueuing a message. If the target service or queue requires encrypted input, but the posted message is not encrypted, the subscription notification action fails. Also, if the subscriber does not possess an appropriate decryption key, the event notification action fails.

System events (events that are posted by the system itself and processed by the TMSYSEVT server) may be encrypted. The administrative policies regarding encryption do not apply to the TMSYSEVT(5) server.

How the /Q Encryption Policy Is Enforced

When a queued message buffer is encrypted, this status is preserved in the queue, and the buffer is forwarded, in encrypted form, to the dequeuing process. Also, if a message is processed by TMQFORWARD(5) to invoke a service, encryption status is preserved.

If the TMQUEUE(5) system server is running in a domain, machine, or server group that requires encryption, it rejects any incoming enqueue request that is not encrypted. In addition, the TMQUEUE server requires encryption if such a policy is in effect for the service name associated with the queue space.

How the Remote Client Encryption Policy Is Enforced

If the Workstation Handler (WSH) is running in a domain, machine, or server group that requires encryption, it rejects any incoming message buffer containing an unencrypted application data buffer.

Initializing Decryption Keys Through the Plug-ins

As the administrator, you use the following configuration parameters to specify principal names and decryption keys for the system processes running in your application.

Parameter Name




The name of the target principal, which becomes the identity of one or more system processes.

1 - 511 characters.


The location of the file or device where the decryption (private) key for the target principal resides.

1 - 511 characters. If not specified, defaults to a NULL (zero length) string.


The variable in which the password for the target principal is stored.

1 - 511 characters. If not specified, defaults to a NULL (zero length) string.

This trio of configuration parameters can be specified at any of the following four levels in the configuration hierarchy:

A principal name and decryption key at a particular configuration level can be overridden at a lower level. For example, suppose you configure a principal name and decryption key for machine mach1, and a principal name and decryption key for a server called serv1 running on mach1. The processes on mach1 behave as follows:

Configured decryption keys are automatically opened when an application is booted. The following figure demonstrates how the process works.

How a Decryption Key Is Initialized-Example

The following is a detailed description of how the operation shown in the preceding figure is performed.

  1. The administrator defines SEC_PRINCIPAL_NAME, SEC_PRINCIPAL_LOCATION, and SEC_PRINCIPAL_PASSVAR at a particular level in the application's UBBCONFIG file.

  2. The administrator loads the configuration by running tmloadcf(1). The tmloadcf command parses UBBCONFIG and loads the binary TUXCONFIG file to the location referenced by the TUXCONFIG variable.

  3. When prompted, the administrator enters and then re-enters the password for the target principal.

  4. The administrator enters the tmboot(1) command to boot the application.

  5. During the boot process, the map_proof plug-in reads SEC_PRINCIPAL_NAME, SEC_PRINCIPAL_LOCATION, and SEC_PRINCIPAL_PASSVAR, analyzes their values, and then determines whether the calling process has proven its right to access the requested decryption key. (Having access to a decryption key, or private key, is equivalent to possessing the principal's identity.)

  6. If the password associated with SEC_PRINCIPAL_PASSVAR matches the assigned password for the principal specified in SEC_PRINCIPAL_NAME, the map_proof plug-in passes the name, location, and password of the principal to the PKi_init plug-in.

  7. The PKi_init plug-in calls tpkey_open(3c) with the name, location, and password of the principal as arguments. It returns a decryption key handle for the principal.

Each time you invoke tmloadcf to load the configuration, you are prompted to enter the password for each of the decryption keys configured with SEC_PRINCIPAL_PASSVAR. If you want to avoid having to enter each password manually, you can write a script that automatically enters the passwords. The script must include a definition of each password variable, and it must end with the following line:

tmloadcf -y ubbconfig_name < /dev/null

No application process has permission to close a decryption key opened during application booting. The decryption keys stay open until you run the tmshutdown(1) command to shut down the application.

Example UBBCONFIG Entries for Principal Names and Decryption Keys

SEC_PRINCIPAL_LOCATION "/home/jhn/secsapp/cert/tommy.pvk"

CLOPT="-s secsdb:TMQUEUE"

Failure Reporting and Auditing

This topic explains how the system manages errors found through digital signatures and message encryption.

Digital Signature Error Handling

If message tampering is detected (that is, if the composite signature status is either TPSIGN_TAMPERED_MESSAGE or TPSIGN_TAMPERED_CERT-see Understanding the Composite Signature Status), the system takes the following actions:

If any individual signature associated with an expired certificate, revoked certificate, expired signature, or postdated signature is detected, the system takes the following actions:

If a process that requires a valid digital signature (based on the SIGNATURE_REQUIRED=Y setting) receives a message with the composite signature status TPSIGN_UNKNOWN, the system takes the following actions:

Encryption Error Handling

If a process receives an encrypted message but does not possess an open decryption key matching one of the message's encryption envelopes, the system takes the following actions:

If a process that requires encrypted input (based on the ENCRYPTION_REQUIRED=Y setting) receives an unencrypted message, the system takes the following actions:

See Also