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   Using BEA Tuxedo Security

Public Key Security

Public key security provides two capabilities that make end-to-end digital signing and data encryption possible:

Message-based digital signature allows the recipient (or recipients) of a message to identify and authenticate both the sender and the sent message. Digital signature provides solid proof of the originator and content of a message; a sender cannot falsely repudiate responsibility for a message to which that sender's digital signature is attached. Thus, for example, Bob cannot issue a request for a withdrawal from his bank account and later claim that someone else issued that request.

In addition, message-based encryption protects the confidentiality of messages by ensuring that only designated recipients can decrypt and read them.

PKCS-7 Compliant

Informal but recognized industry standards for public key software have been issued by a group of leading communications companies, led by RSA Laboratories. These standards are called "Public-Key Cryptography Standards," or PKCS. BEA Tuxedo public key software complies with the PKCS-7 standard.

PKCS-7 is a hybrid cryptosystem architecture. A symmetric key algorithm with a random session key is used to encrypt a message, and a public key algorithm is used to encrypt the random session key. A random number generator creates a new session key for each communication, which makes it difficult for a would-be attacker to reuse previous communications.

Supported Algorithms for Public Key Security

All the algorithms on which public key security is based are well known and commercially available. To select the algorithms that will best serve your application, consider the following factors: speed, degree of security, and licensing restrictions (for example, the United States government restricts the algorithms that it allows to be exported to other countries).

Public Key Algorithms

BEA Tuxedo public key security supports any public key algorithms supported by the underlying plug-ins, including RSA, ElGamal, and Rabin. (RSA stands for Rivest, Shamir, and Adelman, the inventors of the RSA algorithm.) All these algorithms can be used for digital signatures and encryption.

Public key (or asymmetric key) algorithms such as RSA are implemented through a pair of different but mathematically related keys:

Digital Signature Algorithms

BEA Tuxedo public key security supports any digital signature algorithms supported by the underlying plug-ins, including RSA, ElGamal, Rabin, and Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA). With the exception of DSA, all these algorithms can be used for digital signatures and encryption. DSA can be used for digital signatures but not for encryption.

Digital signature algorithms are simply public key algorithms used to provide digital signatures. DSA is also a public key algorithm (implemented through public-private key pairs), but it can only be used to provide digital signatures, not encryption.

Symmetric Key Algorithms

Public key security supports the following three symmetric key algorithms:

BEA Tuxedo customers cannot expand or modify this list of algorithms.

In symmetric key algorithms, the same key is used to encrypt and decrypt a message. The public key encryption system uses symmetric key encryption to encrypt a message sent between two communicating entities. Symmetric key encryption operates at least 1000 times faster than public key cryptography.

A block cipher is a type of symmetric key algorithm that transforms a fixed-length block of plaintext (unencrypted text) data into a block of ciphertext (encrypted text) data of the same length. This transformation takes place in accordance with the value of a randomly generated session key. The fixed length is called the block size.

Message Digest Algorithms

Public key security supports any message digest algorithms supported by the underlying plug-ins, including MD5, SHA-1 (Secure Hash Algorithm 1), and many others. Both MD5 and SHA-1 are well known, one-way hash algorithms. A one-way hash algorithm takes a message and converts it into a fixed string of digits, which is referred to as a message digest or hash value.

MD5 is a high-speed, 128-bit hash; it is intended for use with 32-bit machines. SHA-1 offers more security by using a 160-bit hash, but is slower than MD5.

Public Key Installation and Licensing

As part of the BEA Tuxedo system, the software for message-based digital signature and message-based encryption is delivered on the BEA Tuxedo CD-ROM, but cannot be used without a separate license. All BEA Tuxedo licenses are in the $TUXDIR/udataobj/lic.txt file on a UNIX host machine, or in the %TUXDIR%\udataobj\lic.txt file on a Windows NT host machine.

The following listing is an excerpt from a sample license file for message-based digital signature and message-based encryption.

[BEA Tuxedo]



See Also