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   Tutorials for Developing a BEA Tuxedo Application

Step 7: How to Monitor the Run-time Application

As the administrator, you can use the tmadmin command interpreter to check an application and make dynamic changes. To run tmadmin, you must set the TUXCONFIG variable

tmadmin can interpret and run over 50 commands. For a complete list, see tmadmin(1) in BEA Tuxedo Command Reference. Here we demonstrate two of the many tmadmin commands.

  1. Enter the following command.


    The following lines are displayed.

    tmadmin - Copyright (c) 1999 BEA Systems Inc.; 1991 USL. All rights reserved.


    Note: The greater-than sign (>) is the tmadmin prompt.

  2. Enter the printserver(psr) command to display information about servers.

    > psr
    a.out Name Queue Name Grp Name ID RqDone Load Done Current Service
    ---------- ---------- -------- -- ------ --------- ---------------
    BBL 531993 simple 0 0 0 (IDLE)
    CSIMPSRV 00001.00001 GROUP1 1 0 0 (IDLE)

  3. Enter the printservice(psc) command to display information about services.

    > psc
    Service Name Routine Name a.out Name Grp Name ID Machine # Done Status
    ------------ ------------ ---------- -------- -- ------- ---- -------

  4. Leave tmadmin by entering a q at the prompt. (You can boot and shut down the application from within tmadmin.)

See Also