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   Tutorials for Developing a BEA Tuxedo Application

Step 8: How to Shut Down the Application

  1. Run tmshutdown to bring down the application.

    $ tmshutdown
    Shutdown all admin and server processes? (y/n): y
    Shutting down all admin and server processes in /usr/me/CSIMPDIR/TUXCONFIG

    Shutting down server processes ...

    Server Id = 1 Group Id = GROUP1 Machine = simple:  shutdown succeeded.

    Shutting down admin processes ...

    Server Id = 0 Group Id = simple Machine = simple:  shutdown succeeded.
    2 processes stopped.

  2. Check the ULOG.

    $ cat ULOG*
    140533.usltux!BBL.22964: LIBTUX_CAT:262: std main starting
    140540.usltux!CSIMPSRV.22965: COBAPI_CAT:1067: INFO: std main starting
    140542.usltux!CSIMPSRV.22965: TPSVRINIT :Welcome to the simple service
    140610.usltux!?proc.22966: CSIMPCL:Started
    140614.usltux!CSIMPSRV.22965: CSIMPSRV :Started
    140614.usltux!CSIMPSRV.22965: CSIMPSRV :Success
    140614.usltux!?proc.22966: switch to new log file
    140614.usltux!?proc.22966: CSIMPCL:Ended

    Each line of the ULOG for this session is significant. First look at the format of a ULOG line:

    time (hhmmss).machine_uname!process_name.process_id: log message

    Now look at an actual line.

    140542. Message from TPSVRINIT in CSIMPSRV

See Also