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Application Test Environment User's Guide

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Using the Network Gatekeeper Application Test Environment GUI

:The following sections describe how to use the GUI for the Network Gatekeeper Application Test Environment:


Open the Network Gatekeeper Application Test Environment GUI

See Open the Network Gatekeeper Application Test Environment GUI.


Add a new map

Starting in the ATE GUI window:

  1. In the Actions menu, choose Add Map...
  2. This opens the Add Map dialogue box.

  3. In the Map name field, enter a description of the map.
  4. In the Map URL field, enter the URL to the map, or choose a map located on the file system by clicking Browse and selecting a file.
  5. Supported map formats are GIF, JPEG, and BMP. The URL can be HTTP or File, for example http://some-map-hosting-company/london.jpg.

  6. In the Upper left corner coordinates group:
  7. In the Latitude field, enter the latitude of the upper left coordinate of the map. North of the equator is a positive value between 0 and 90. South of the equator is a value between 0 and -90.

    In the Longitude field, enter the longitude of the upper left coordinate of the map. West of the Greenwich zero meridian is a negative value between 0 and -180. East of the Greenwich zero meridian is a positive value between 0 and 180.

  8. In the Lower right corner coordinates group:
  9. In the Latitude field, enter the latitude of the lower right coordinate of the map. North of the equator is a positive value between 0 and 90. South of the equator is a negative value between 0 and -90.

    In the Longitude field, enter the longitude of the lower right coordinate of the map. West of the Greenwich zero meridian is a negative value between 0 and -180. East of the Greenwich zero meridian is a positive value between 0 and 180.

  10. Click OK.
  11. Now the map and its' meta information is stored under the name
    <Map name>.map in the directory <ATE installation path>\bin\maps. This file can be transferred to any other Network Gatekeeper Application Test Environment.


Open a map

Starting in the ATEG UI window:

  1. In the Actions menu, choose Open Map...
  2. This opens the Open map dialogue box.

  3. From the Map name drop down list, choose a map to display.
  4. A preview of the map, together with data on the coordinates of the map, is displayed.

  5. Click OK.
  6. This opens the map in the ATE GUI. Repeat this procedure for every map you want to display.


Add a mobile phone

Starting in the <Map name> window:

  1. In the Actions menu, choose Add phone...
  2. This opens the Add phone dialogue box.

  3. In the Phone number field, enter the phone number of the telephone.
  4. Click OK.
  5. A telephone symbol and the telephone number associated with it is displayed on the map.


Remove a mobile phone

Starting in the <Map name> window:

  1. Right click on the telephone to be removed.
  2. A menu is displayed.

  3. From the menu, choose Remove.
  4. The telephone is removed.


Set the location of a mobile phone

Starting in the <Map name> window:

  1. Click and hold down the left mouse button on the telephone.
  2. Move the telephone on the map.
  3. The coordinates of it is displayed as the telephone is moved.


Send an MMS

Starting in the <Map name> window:

  1. Right click on the telephone to send the MMS from.
  2. A menu is displayed.

  3. From the menu, choose Send multimedia message....
  4. The Send multimedia message dialogue box is opened.

  5. In the To field, enter the mailbox to send the MMS to.
  6. Click Add content.
  7. In the Message group, a row is opened for editing.

  8. In the Type column, choose type of content from the selection list.
  9. In the URL column, enter the URL to the content of the message, or choose a file located on the file system by clicking Browse and selecting a file.
  10. Repeat Step 4. to Step 6. for each part of the MMS.
  11. If a part of the content is to be removed, select the row containing the part and click Remove content.
  12. Click Send.
  13. The MMS is sent.


Open an MMS

When an MMS has arrived to a phone it is indicated by a letter symbol beside the telephone. Follow the instructions below to open an MMS.

Starting in the <Map name> window:

  1. Right click on the telephone that has a new, unread, MMS in its INBOX.
  2. A menu is displayed.

  3. From the menu, choose Read multimedia message....
  4. The Read multimedia message dialogue box is opened.

    In the left pane, a reference to the new message is displayed. Select the message reference and the content of the MMS is displayed in the right pane.


Send an SMS

Starting in the <Map name> window:

  1. Right click on the telephone to send the SMS from.
  2. A menu is displayed.

  3. From the menu, choose Send message....
  4. The Send message dialogue box is opened.

  5. In the To field, enter the mailbox to send the SMS to.
  6. In the Message field, enter the text to send.
  7. Click Send.
  8. The SMS is sent.


Open an SMS

When an SMS has arrived to a phone it is indicated by a letter symbol beside the telephone. Follow the instructions below to open an SMS.

Starting in the <Map name> window:

  1. Right click on the telephone that has a new, unread, SMS in its INBOX.
  2. A menu is displayed.

  3. From the menu, choose Read message....
  4. The Read message dialogue box is opened.

    In the From field, the mailbox ID is displayed.
    In the Message field, the message is displayed.


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