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Application Test Environment User's Guide

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Introduction and Roadmap

Document Scope and Audience

Guide to this Document


Related Documentation

Network Gatekeeper Application Test Environment documentation

Other Documentation

Introduction to Network Gatekeeper Application Test Environment

Capabilities of Network Gatekeeper Application Test Environment

Network triggered events

Application triggered requests


Supported message types

Starting Network Gatekeeper Application Test Environment

Network Gatekeeper Application Test Environment Description

Network Gatekeeper Application Test Environment GUI

Network Gatekeeper Management Tool GUI

Network Gatekeeper Application Test Environment SLEE

Supported functions in Network Gatekeeper Application Test Environment GUI




Test flow

Resources to use by the application developer

Network Gatekeeper Management Tool

About the Network Gatekeeper Management Tool

Graphical Network Gatekeeper Management Tool interface

Main window

File menu

Actions menu

Applications menu

Scripts menu

Help menu

Network Gatekeeper Management Tool window

SLEE pane

Services pane

Messages pane

Invoke method window

Starting a Network Gatekeeper Management Tool and adding a SLEE

Working with the Network Gatekeeper Management Tool

Using the Network Gatekeeper Application Test Environment GUI

Open the Network Gatekeeper Application Test Environment GUI

Add a new map

Open a map

Add a mobile phone

Remove a mobile phone

Set the location of a mobile phone

Send an MMS

Open an MMS

Send an SMS

Open an SMS

Using Network Gatekeeper Application Test Environment SLEE services

Open the Network Gatekeeper Application Test Environment GUI

Close the Network Gatekeeper Application Test Environment GUI

Empty a mailbox

List mailboxes

Add a mobile phone

Remove a mobile phone

Set the location of a mobile phone

Get the location of a mobile phone

Send an SMS

Send an MMS

System Upgrade

About license validity

About system upgrade

Installation and Configuration


Software installation

Java SDK installation

Setting Java environment variables

Database installation

Network Gatekeeper Application Test Environment installation

Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy Files 1.4.2 installation

Start Network Gatekeeper Application Test Environment process

Starting a Network Gatekeeper Management Tool and creating initial users

Configuring notification end-points for Parlay X Web Services applications

Enable incoming message notification for Parlay X SMS and MMS

List incoming message notification for Parlay X SMS and MMS

Getting details about a notification listener

Disable incoming message notification for Parlay X SMS and MMS

Configuring database disk space alarm levels

Configuring alarm list filtering level

Configuring event log filtering level

Configuring trace buffer size and maximum trace log file size

Installing the documentation on intranet or file server




What to do



What to do



What to do

Troubleshooting the installation

Database access denied

SLEE start-up failure

Directory Structure and Contents





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