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Application Test Environment User's Guide

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Using Network Gatekeeper Application Test Environment SLEE services

:The following sections describe how to use Application Test Environment SLEE services:


Open the Network Gatekeeper Application Test Environment GUI

Starting in the SLEE service ATE_gui in Network Gatekeeper Management Tool:

  1. Double click openGUI.
  2. The Network Gatekeeper Application Test Environment GUI is opened.


Close the Network Gatekeeper Application Test Environment GUI

Starting in the SLEE service ATE_gui in Network Gatekeeper Management Tool:

  1. Double click closeGUI.
  2. The Network Gatekeeper Application Test Environment GUI is closed.


Empty a mailbox

Starting in the SLEE service ESPA_messaging in Network Gatekeeper Management Tool:

  1. Double click emptyMailbox.
  2. In the addr field, enter the ID of the mailbox to be deleted.
  3. Click Invoke.

The result of the operation is displayed in the Network Gatekeeper Management Tool message pane.


List mailboxes

Starting in the SLEE service ESPA_messaging in Network Gatekeeper Management Tool:

  1. Double click listMailboxes.
  2. In the fromAddress field, enter the mailbox ID of the starting point of the range of mailboxes to be listed.
  3. In the toAddress field, enter the mailbox ID of the end point of the range of mailboxes to be listed.
  4. Click Invoke.

The result of the operation is displayed in the Network Gatekeeper Management Tool message pane.


Add a mobile phone

This can also be done in the Network Gatekeeper Application Test Environment GUI, see Add a mobile phone.

Starting in the SLEE service ATE_simulator in Network Gatekeeper Management Tool:

  1. Double click addPhone.
  2. In the address field, enter the ID of the phone, that is the telephone number.
  3. In the longitude field, enter the longitude for the of the phone's initial location. West of the Greenwich zero meridian is a negative value between 0 and -180. East of the Greenwich zero meridian is a positive value between 0 and 180.
  4. In the latitude field, enter the latitude for the of the phone's initial location. North of the equator is a positive number between 0 and 90. South of the equator is a negative value between 0 and -90.
  5. In the altitude field, enter the altitude for the of the phone's initial location. Given in metres related to the sea level.
  6. Click Invoke.

The result of the operation is displayed in the Network Gatekeeper Management Tool message pane, and the phone is displayed in the interactive graphic interface if the phone's location is within the limits of the map displayed.


Remove a mobile phone

This can also be done in the Network Gatekeeper Application Test Environment GUI, see Remove a mobile phone.

Starting in the SLEE service ATE_simulator in Network Gatekeeper Management Tool:

  1. Double click removePhone.
  2. In the address field, enter the ID of the phone, that is the telephone number.
  3. Click Invoke.

The result of the operation is displayed in the Network Gatekeeper Management Tool message pane, and the phone is removed from the Network Gatekeeper Application Test Environment GUI.


Set the location of a mobile phone

This can also be done in the Network Gatekeeper Application Test Environment GUI, see Set the location of a mobile phone.

Starting in the SLEE service ATE_simulator in Network Gatekeeper Management Tool:

  1. Double click setLocation.
  2. In the address field, enter the ID of the phone, that is the telephone number.
  3. In the longitude field, enter the longitude for the of the phone's initial location. West of the Greenwich zero meridian is a negative value between 0 and -180. East of the Greenwich zero meridian is a positive value between 0 and 180.
  4. In the latitude field, enter the latitude for the of the phone's initial location. North of the equator is a positive value between 0 and 90. South of the equator is a negative value between 0 and -90.
  5. In the altitude field, enter the altitude for the of the phone's initial location. Given in metres related to the sea level.
  6. Click Invoke.

The result of the operation is displayed in the Network Gatekeeper Management Tool message pane, and the phone is moved in the Network Gatekeeper Application Test Environment GUI. If the phone's new location is within the limits of the map displayed it will be moved on the map. If outside, it will not appear but it is still possible to perform actions on the phone from Network Gatekeeper Management Tool.


Get the location of a mobile phone

Starting in the SLEE service ATE_simulator in Network Gatekeeper Management Tool:

  1. Double click getLocation.
  2. In the address field, enter the ID of the phone, that is the telephone number.
  3. Click Invoke.

The result of the operation is displayed in the Network Gatekeeper Management Tool message pane.


Send an SMS

This can also be done in the Network Gatekeeper Application Test Environment GUI, see Send an SMS.

Starting in the SLEE service ATE_simulator in Network Gatekeeper Management Tool:

  1. Double click sendMessage.
  2. In the from field, enter the ID of the phone, that is the telephone number, of the phone the message is sent from.
  3. In the to field, enter the Parlay mailbox the message will be sent to.
  4. In the message field, enter the message to send. Maximum 255 characters.
  5. Click Invoke.

The result of the operation is displayed in the Network Gatekeeper Management Tool message pane.


Send an MMS

This can also be done in the Network Gatekeeper Application Test Environment GUI, see Send an MMS.

Starting in the SLEE service ATE_simulator in Network Gatekeeper Management Tool:

  1. Double click sendMmMessage.
  2. In the from field, enter the ID of the phone, that is the telephone number, of the phone the message is sent from.
  3. In the to field, enter the ID of the Parlay mailbox to send the message to.
  4. If sending an normal text message:
    In the mesageContextText field, enter the message to send. Use a plain text.
  5. If sending an message in HTML:
    In the mesageContextHTML field, enter the message to send. Use HTML formatting.
  6. If sending an message in WML:
    In the mesageContextWML field, enter the message to send. Use WML formatting.
  7. Click Invoke.

The result of the operation is displayed in the Network Gatekeeper Management Tool message pane.


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