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Application Test Environment User's Guide

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System Upgrade

The following sections describe upgrading the Application Test Environment:


About license validity

The Network Gatekeeper Application Test Environment has a license which allows it to be used during a certain time period. An alarm is displayed in the Network Gatekeeper Management Tool when the licence is about to expire, see alarm description 1028 License about to expire.

If the license period expires, an alarm, see alarm description 1029 License expired, is displayed and the Network Gatekeeper Application Test Environment will automatically shut down.


About system upgrade

How to upgrade your current system to a new version is dependant on the version you are upgrading to. Version specific instructions are provided when ordering the new version.

Individual SLEE services can be upgraded in run-time. To upgrade a SLEE, the SLEE has to be shutdown.

If patches to the current version are provided, instructions on how to install the patch are provided with the patch.


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