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Application Test Environment User's Guide

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Installation and Configuration

This chapter describes the installation and configuration of an Network Gatekeeper Application Test Environment. For a complete and successful installation, all sections and steps below have to be performed in the order they are presented.

Before you start the installation it is recommended that you learn the basics about the Network Gatekeeper Application Test Environment by reading Introduction to Network Gatekeeper Application Test Environment.

This chapter contains the following sections:



Software installation

Follow the instruction below to install Network Gatekeeper Application Test Environment:

  1. Log in as administrator on the computer where Network Gatekeeper Application Test Environment will be installed.
  2. Copy from the CD or the download directory, the file to the local file system.
  3. Extract the installation binaries in
  4. The ATE installation files are extracted to the local file system in the subdirectory wng_ate\windows
  5. Open Windows Explorer.
  6. Go to the <Path to installation files>\wng_ate\windows directory.
  7. Double-click the file slee_setup.bat
  8. The Network Gatekeeper Application Test Environment installation script is started.

Java SDK installation

  1. When the question
    Do you want to install Java Development Kit?
    is displayed in the window running the Network Gatekeeper Application Test Environment installation script, enter y to install, or n to skip the installation of the Java Development Kit.
  2. If you selected to install the JDK, the setup wizard for it is started. Follow the instructions in the wizard.

Setting Java environment variables

It is necessary to manually set environment variables to include the Java SDK.

  1. Define the environment variable JAVA_HOME to the top-level directory of the Java installation, for example C:\j2sdk1.4.2_04
    This variable is defined in the Control Panel. Choose System Properties, Advanced, Environment Variables.
  2. Define the path to the Java installation. Define this path first in the PATH variable. Define the path to be %JAVA_HOME%\bin

Note: The PATH variable must contain the fully qualified path, for example

Database installation

Follow the instruction below to install MySQL:

  1. When the question
    Do you want to install MySQL?
    is displayed in the window running the Network Gatekeeper Application Test Environment installation script., enter y to install, or n to skip the installation of MySQL.
  2. If you selected to install MySQL, the setup wizard for it is started. Follow the instructions in the wizard.
  3. Note: Default MySQL passwords should be changed after installation. See MySql documentation.

  4. In the console window, follow the instructions and press any key to proceed the installation after the database is installed.

Network Gatekeeper Application Test Environment installation

Follow the instruction below to install the Network Gatekeeper Application Test Environment software:

  1. When complete, the Network Gatekeeper Application Test Environment setup wizard is started. Follow the instructions in the wizard.
  2. When asked for, enter the licence key. The key is obtained from the BEA eLicense system.
  3. When asked for, enter the destination path. It is recommended to use the default path.
  4. When asked for, enter the name of the program group and name. It is recommended to use the default name. Subgroups are separated by back slashes (\).
  5. After the file copy process has finished (this may take a few minutes), the setup wizard prompts for installation data.

  6. In the wizard, enter the following data:
  7. The MySQL user must have full privileges from localhost. If the MySQL database is newly installed, the MySQL user is root and the password is an empty string (MySQL default values).

    The suggested paths are default paths.

  8. Click Next, and then Finish to exit the setup wizard.

Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy Files 1.4.2 installation

Due to import control restrictions for some countries, the Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) policy files shipped with the Java 2 SDK, Standard Edition and the Java 2 Runtime Environment allow strong but limited cryptography to be used.

An unlimited strength version of these files indicating no restrictions on cryptographic strengths is available on the Java 2 SDK web site for those living in eligible countries.

  1. Download Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy Files. The files can be found at the download page for the J2SE used under the heading Other Downloads.
  2. Note: The version of the JCE Policy files must be correlated with the Java version installed.

  3. Replace the local_policy.jar and US_export_policy.jar files in the directory %JAVA_HOME%\jre\lib\security with the files included in the downloaded zip file.

Start Network Gatekeeper Application Test Environment process

  1. Start the SLEE process through the SLEE agent.
    Starting in the directory C:\bea\wng\ate<version>\bin\, enter command:
    Choose ATE from the BEA WebLogic Network Gatekeeper program group in the start menu.
  2. In the command prompt window you can see how the SLEE agent is starting up the SLEE process. When the process has started, the SLEE will be in state SHUTDOWN.
  3. During operation, the SLEE agent is used for SLEE process supervision.

    Note: Do not close the command prompt window. If you do so, the SLEE process will terminate.


Starting a Network Gatekeeper Management Tool and creating initial users

Follow the instruction below to start a Network Gatekeeper Management Tool and create an administrator user.

Start a Network Gatekeeper Management Tool and add the SLEE

    Use the following login data:

    User: install

    Password: install

  1. In the SLEEs pane, right-click on the background and select Add SLEE... from menu, or open the Actions menu and select Add SLEE...
  2. This displays the Add SLEE dialog box.

  3. Enter data according to the table below:
  4. Note: For the SLEE name parameter, it is recommended use the SLEE name as defined when the SLEE was installed.



    SLEE Name

    The SLEE name you want to appear in the SLEE pane.

    User ID

    Your SLEE user ID. Default is install.


    Your SLEE password. Default is install.

  5. Select if the SLEE connection shall be made using IP address and port numbers, or name service references files.
  6. Note: If bi-directional CORBA is used on the Network Gatekeeper Application Test Environment the SLEE belongs to, the connection has to be made using name service reference files.

  7. Enter IP address and port number, or name service references file data according to the table below:



    IP Address

    The SLEE host's IP address.

    NS Port

    The SLEE name service's port number. Default is 10007.

    Agent Port

    The SLEE agent's port number. Default is 6214.

    SLEE reference file

    The path to the SLEE's name service reference file.

    Agent reference file

    The path to the SLEE agent's name service reference file.

  8. Click OK.
  9. This displays the SLEE in the SLEEs pane.

    Start the SLEE

  10. Select the SLEE in the SLEEs pane.
  11. Double-click the SLEE service in the Services and Methods pane.
  12. Double-click the start method.
  13. Click Invoke in the Invoke Method window.
  14. The new SLEE state (RUNNING) is displayed in the Messages pane when the SLEE has started. The SLEE symbol also turns green. It may take a few minutes before the SLEE is running.

    Create an administrator user

  15. Double-click the addUser method in the SLEE service in the Services and Methods pane.
  16. Enter a user name and password, and set userLevel to 3.
  17. By setting the user level to 3 you will get administrator authority, that is, the highest authority level.

  18. Click Invoke.
  19. Your administrator user is now created and can be used for the configuration tasks performed through the Network Gatekeeper Management Tool.

    Add new administrative user to service group

  20. Double-click the addUserToGroup method in the Services and Methods pane.
  21. Enter ALL in the group field and the user name in the user field.
  22. The service group ALL contains the SLEE and all SLEE services.

  23. Click Invoke.
  24. The new administrative user can now administrate all services appearing in the Network Gatekeeper Management Tool's Services pane.

    Delete the install user

    Note: The install user is deleted for security reasons. The install user must not be deleted until the Network Gatekeeper Application Test Environment has been set up correctly by the Network Gatekeeper Application Test Environment services.

    Note: If manually running the postconfig scripts, the install user is added automatically.

  25. Double-click the deleteUser method in the Services and Methods pane.
  26. Enter the user install in the Invoke Method window.
  27. Click Invoke.
  28. The install user is deleted.

  29. Logout from the Network Gatekeeper Management Tool, select Applications - SLEE Manager - Logout in the menu.
  30. Note: You have to logout from the Network Gatekeeper Management Tool since the install user is now deleted from the database. This means that as an install user, you have no authority to perform any administrative work through the Network Gatekeeper Management Tool. All further configuration work have to be performed using the administrative user created in Steps 11. to 19. above.


Configuring notification end-points for Parlay X Web Services applications

Enable incoming message notification for Parlay X SMS and MMS

Follow the instruction below to enable notifications on incoming SMSes and multimedia messages to a Parlay X application. Notifications have to be enabled for each mailbox registered for the application instance group.

  1. Select a SLEE where the SESPA_messaging service is installed.
  2. Double-click the SESPA_messaging service.
  3. Double-click the enableMessageNotification method.
  4. Enter the following data.




    The mailbox for which to enable notifications on incoming messages.

    Format is tel:<mailbox>, for example tel:10000


    The password related to the mailbox.


    URL to the end point of the callback/notification web service implementation for incoming SMSes.

    For example:


    URL to the end point of the callback/notification web service implementation for incoming MMSes.

    For example:


    The service provider account ID.


    The application account ID.


    The application instance group ID.


    A string identifying the service (application) issuing the request. The information may be used for calculating charging related information. The format is unspecified.


    An ID for the requester of this service, could be a token received during log-in or the full address for the requester. If it's a full address the format shall adhere to the format as specified for the EndUserIdentifier. In other cases the format is unspecified. If the requester is unknown/unspecified an empty string shall be used.

  5. Click Invoke.
  6. The listener is registered and an ID for the listener is displayed.

List incoming message notification for Parlay X SMS and MMS

Follow the instruction below to list notifications on incoming SMSes and multimedia messages to a Parlay X application.

  1. Select a SLEE where the SESPA_messaging service is installed.
  2. Double-click the SESPA_messaging service.
  3. Double-click the listMessagingNotifications method.
  4. Click Invoke.
  5. A list of IDs of active messaging notifications is displayed in the SLEE pane.

Getting details about a notification listener

Follow the instruction below to get details on individual notification listeners for incoming SMSes and multimedia messages to a Parlay X application.

  1. Select a SLEE where the SESPA_messaging service is installed.
  2. Double-click the SESPA_messaging service.
  3. Double-click the getMessagingNotification method.
  4. In the Id field, enter the ID of the notification listener and click Invoke.
    See List incoming message notification for Parlay X SMS and MMS for information on how to retrieve the ID.
  5. A list of IDs of active messaging notifications is displayed in the SLEE pane.

Disable incoming message notification for Parlay X SMS and MMS

Follow the instruction below to disable notifications on incoming SMSes and multimedia messages to a Parlay X application.

  1. Select a SLEE where the SESPA_messaging service is installed.
  2. Double-click the SESPA_messaging service.
  3. Double-click the disableMessageNotifications method.
  4. In the Id field, enter the ID of the notification listener and click Invoke.
    See List incoming message notification for Parlay X SMS and MMS for information on how to retrieve the ID.


Configuring database disk space alarm levels

Follow the instruction below to specify at which threshold levels database disk space alarms should be raised. The threshold levels specify the amount of disk space left on the database partition disk at the time alarm is raised.

At the first threshold level only an alarm is raised. Default is 20MB.

At the second threshold level, the system shuts down the database and raises an alarm. Default is 10MB.

Also, the update interval for the system to check available disk space is set. Default is 60s.

  1. Start a Network Gatekeeper Management Tool and log in.
  2. Select the SLEE on the host where the database is installed.
  3. Double-click the SLEE service.
  4. Double-click the setDbDiskFreeWarningThreshold method.
  5. Enter the threshold value (in MB).
  6. Click Invoke.
  7. Double-click the setDbDiskFreeShutdownThreshold method.
  8. Enter the threshold value (in MB).
  9. Click Invoke.
  10. Double-click the setDiskMonitorUpdateInterval method.
  11. Enter the update interval (in seconds).
  12. Click Invoke.
  13. The database alarm threshold levels are now configured.


Configuring alarm list filtering level

Follow the instruction below to specify which type of alarms are written to the alarm list. As default, all alarms are written to the alarm list.

The task is performed through a Network Gatekeeper Management Tool.

  1. Start a Network Gatekeeper Management Tool and log in.
  2. Select the SLEE to work with.
  3. Double-click the SLEE_alarm service.
  4. Double-click the setFilterLevel method.
  5. From the drop-down menu, choose:

    Menu item

    To log:


    Warnings, minor, major and critical alarms.


    Minor, major and critical alarms.


    Major and critical alarms.


    Critical alarms only.

  6. Click Invoke.
  7. The alarm filter level is now configured.


Configuring event log filtering level

Follow the instruction below to specify which type of events are written to the event log. As default, all events are written to the event log.

The task is performed through the Network Gatekeeper Management Tool.

  1. Start a Network Gatekeeper Management Tool and log in.
  2. Select the SLEE to work with.
  3. Double-click the SLEE_event service.
  4. Double-click the setFilterLevel method.
  5. From the drop-down menu, choose:

    Menu item

    To log:


    Low, medium and high importance events.


    Medium and high importance events.


    High importance events only

  6. Click Invoke.
  7. The event filter level is now configured.


Configuring trace buffer size and maximum trace log file size

Follow the instruction below to define the number of trace messages buffered in the memory before written to disk, and the maximum size of the trace files.

The smaller the trace message buffer is, the more disk accesses will be caused by the trace. That is, if the trace message buffer is too small, it has a negative influence on the system performance. As default, 100 messages are buffered and the maximum trace file size is 1000 kB.

The task is performed through the Network Gatekeeper Management Tool.

  1. Start a Network Gatekeeper Management Tool and log in.
  2. Select the SLEE to work with.
  3. Double-click the SLEE_trace service.
  4. Set trace buffer size

  5. Double-click the setBufferSize method.
  6. Enter the number of messages buffered in the memory before written to disk.
  7. Value range: 1-500 messages

  8. Click Invoke.
  9. The trace buffer size is now configured.

    Set maximum trace file size

  10. Double-click the setMaxLogFileSize method.
  11. Enter the maximum size of the trace file.
  12. Value range: 100-100000 kB

  13. Click Invoke.
  14. The trace file size is now configured

    Turn off trace

    The trace is active on all SLEE services at installation time so that any problems that may occur during installation should be detected. After the system installation has been verified the trace should be turned of for all SLEE services since excessive tracing has a negative influence on system performance.

  15. Double-click the deactivateTraceForAllServices method.
  16. Click Invoke.
  17. The trace is now turned off for all current SLEE services.

    When an application is installed, trace for that application is automatically turned on or off depending on a setting in the application's deployment descriptor.


Installing the documentation on intranet or file server

The documentation for Network Gatekeeper Application Test Environment is available on the CD-ROM.



The following alarms are specific for Network Gatekeeper Application Test Environment.

1028 License about to expire




The time-limited licence key for the Network Gatekeeper Application Test Environment will expire within the time indicated in the alarm text. The first alarm is raised 7 days before the licence expires. It is then raised periodically, on an hourly basis. When the licence has expired, the Network Gatekeeper Application Test Environment will shut down.

What to do

  1. Contact the supplier of the Network Gatekeeper Application Test Environment and request a new licence key.
  2. Update the license key for the product. Use the updateLicenseKey method in the ATE_setup SLEE service.

If the licence has expired, so the Network Gatekeeper Application Test Environment cannot be started, see 1029 License expired.

1029 License expired




The licence has expired and the Network Gatekeeper Application Test Environment will automatically shut down.

What to do

  1. Contact the supplier of the Network Gatekeeper Application Test Environment and request a new licence key.
  2. Edit the file <installation directory>ate\bin\.licence with the new licence key.

9950 Licence key not found




A valid licence can not be found. The file may be removed.

What to do

  1. Enter a valid license key in the file <installation directory>\ate\bin\.license


Troubleshooting the installation

Database access denied

If database access is denied. Run the post config script. The script is found at:
<installation directory>\bin\postconfig.bat

Execute the script with MySQL user name and password as arguments:
postconfig.bat <mysql user name> <mysql password>

SLEE start-up failure

If the SLEE during start-up reports:

Unable to use very strong encryption algorithms. Please verify that JCE Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy files are installed.


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