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Application Test Environment User's Guide

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Introduction to Network Gatekeeper Application Test Environment

BEA Network Gatekeeper Application Test Environment is an interactive, graphical test environment where applications to be integrated through WebLogic Network Gatekeeper, can be tested. The current version of the Network Gatekeeper Application Test Environment supports generic messaging and user location for the Extended Web Services APIs and Parlay X.

It supports applications of the following types:

Network Gatekeeper Application Test Environment is used for functional tests. It simulates an WebLogic Network Gatekeeper. By using Network Gatekeeper Application Test Environment, there is no need for a WebLogic Network Gatekeeper when developing and performing functional tests of applications.

The following sections provide an overview of the Application Test Environment:


Capabilities of Network Gatekeeper Application Test Environment

Network Gatekeeper Application Test Environment offers the following capabilities:

Network triggered events

Network triggered events, such as messages sent from a mobile phone can be simulated, either using Management Tool or the Network Gatekeeper Application Test Environment GUI.

The following events are supported:

Application triggered requests


The following simulation is supported:

Supported message types

SMS and MMS.

The following MMS message types are supported:


Starting Network Gatekeeper Application Test Environment

See Start Network Gatekeeper Application Test Environment process.


Network Gatekeeper Application Test Environment Description

The Network Gatekeeper Application Test Environment is built up of three main parts, the Network Gatekeeper Application Test Environment GUI, the Network Gatekeeper Application Test Environment SLEE, and the Management Tool.


Network Gatekeeper Application Test Environment GUI


The Network Gatekeeper Application Test Environment interface is based on a GUI where a map is displayed. The map can be changed to fit different locations. Through the GUI it is possible to add mobile telephony terminals. These terminals are given a subscription number. When the terminal has been defined, it can be moved to different locations on the map.


It is possible to send and receive messages through the terminals in the GUI. When a message has arrived to the telephone, an envelope is displayed beside the telephone. This message can be viewed.


Network Gatekeeper Management Tool GUI


In addition to the Network Gatekeeper Application Test Environment GUI, three SLEE services; ATE_GUI, ATE_setup, and ATE_simulator are included in the Network Gatekeeper Management Tool part of the Network Gatekeeper Application Test Environment. For information on general operation of Network Gatekeeper Management Tool, see Network Gatekeeper Management Tool.

Network Gatekeeper Application Test Environment SLEE

The Network Gatekeeper Application Test Environment SLEE is a Service Logic Execution Environment that executes all the services offered by the Network Gatekeeper Application Test Environment. It is a server process, and all OAM is performed using the Network Gatekeeper Management Tool.


Supported functions in Network Gatekeeper Application Test Environment GUI


The utility in the Network Gatekeeper Application Test Environment GUI supports the following functions


The phones in the Network Gatekeeper Application Test Environment GUI can


The map in the Network Gatekeeper Application Test Environment GUI supports the following:

Several maps can be displayed simultaneously.


Test flow

Figure 2-6, Application test flow, on page 2-9 shows the complete WebLogic Network Gatekeeper application test flow, from the application developers' functional test to deployment in a live network. An application developer can perform functional tests using Network Gatekeeper Application Test Environment. The other tests in the flow are performed in cooperation between the application provider and the service provider.


When an application shall be tested using the Network Gatekeeper Application Test Environment, the application is connected to Network Gatekeeper Application Test Environment, which emulates the WebLogic Network Gatekeeper. Before testing in a test telephony network, a network simulator can be used.

An overview of the relation between Network Gatekeeper Application Test Environment and WebLogic Network Gatekeeper is shown in Figure 2-7, Network Gatekeeper Application Test Environment in relation to the WebLogic Network Gatekeeper, on page 2-10.


For a applications based on Web Services, the applications uses the endpoints provided by Network Gatekeeper Application Test Environment during test. After successful verification, the application uses endpoints provided by the WebLogic Network Gatekeeper.


Resources to use by the application developer

Network Gatekeeper Application Test Environment offers the following resources, which are configured during installation

Service Provider: default_provider




Application instance Groups

5 (one for each application account)

User name: domain_user

Password: domain_user

Application account









For app_domain_1: 10000

For app_domain_2: 20000

For app_domain_3: 30000

For app_domain_4: 40000

For app_domain_5: 50000


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