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Application Test Environment User's Guide

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Introduction and Roadmap

The following sections describe the audience for and organization of this document:


Document Scope and Audience

The purpose of this guide is to describe the operation and maintenance related to a single Windows 2000/XP BEA Network Gatekeeper Application Test Environment installation, including the following:

Intended audience is developers and test engineers working with BEA Network Gatekeeper Application Test Environment and BEA WebLogic Network Gatekeeper.


Guide to this Document

This guide contains the following chapters:



The following terms and acronyms are used this document:

API —Application Programming Interface

ATE —Application Test Environment

ESPA —High level web services APIs

IP —Internet Protocol

MMS —Multimedia Message Service

NS —Name Service

ORB —Object Request Broker

SLEE —Service Logic Execution Environment

SLEE Service —A software module that is designed to execute in the SLEE.

SMIL —Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language

SMS —Short Message Service

URL —Universal Resource Locator

WESPA —Web Services ESPA. Web Services interface to ESPA.


Related Documentation

Network Gatekeeper Application Test Environment documentation

This user's guide is a part of the Network Gatekeeper Application Test Environment documentation set. The following documents contain other types of product information:

Other Documentation

The third party documentation needed to operate and maintain Network Gatekeeper Application Test Environment is listed in the Chapter References.


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