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Preparing to Install WebLogic Commerce Servers


This topic includes the following sections:

What's New in WebLogic AC

WebLogic Commerce Servers includes BEA WebLogic Personalization Server 1.7 (referred to in the documentation as BEA WebLogic Portal), and BEA WebLogic Commerce Server 1.7 (referred to in the documentation as BEA WebLogic Components).

BEA WebLogic Commerce Server includes the eBusiness Smart Components 1.6.1 from recently acquired Theory Center. The update includes a new version of the famous example e-commerce site called My; it is now integrated with BEA WebLogic Portal.

The My portal demo is designed to run "out of the box," and to provide an easy way to quickly see the capabilities of BEA WebLogic Components.

After following the steps in this Installation Guide, you will have downloaded the program .zip, or loaded the package CD, and installed it, and you will know how to:

System Requirements


BEA WebLogic Commerce Servers is available for the following platforms:


The product requires at least 128 MB of memory (RAM).

The installation requires the following free disk space:


BEA WebLogic Application Solutions requires the following software products:


Note about order of install

The following is the recommended order of installation for a completely new set-up:

  1. JDK

  2. Rational Rose

  3. WebLogic Server

  4. WebLogic Application Components


Directory Structures

NT Directory Structure

The NT installation places the following directory structure in a WebLogicAC directory at the location you choose.

Figure 1-1 BEA WebLogic AC: Installed directory structure on NT.

Solaris Directory Structure

The unpacked .jar file creates the following directory structure on your drive:

Listing 1-1 BEA WebLogic AC: Installed directory structure on Solaris



+- bin/


+- deploy/


+- lib/


+- license/


+- model/


+- roseaddin/


+- server/


+- src/


+- StartPortal.bat






+- license.txt

