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Installing BEA WebLogic Commerce Servers


This topic includes the following sections:

Licensing WebLogic Commerce Servers

WebLogic Application Solutions requires a license to run.

When you registered to download WebLogic Applications Solutions you should have also downloaded a current evaluation license. If you received the product on a disk, you should find a license file on the disk as well. See below for instructions on how to install the license.

If you need a new evaluation license please e-mail with your contact information.

How WebLogic Application Solutions Licensing Works

WebLogic Application Solutions license keys are stored in WEBLOGICAC_HOME/license in a file called WebLogicACLicense.xml that looks like this:

PRODUCT="BEA WebLogic Components"
KEY="MRNjUZEVKMVPBD8tAv5gnZJ7//Ca5qeQQrsmpQ==" />
PRODUCT="BEA WebLogic Portal"
KEY="Mn8yzDAhQPAJjWp3ninzQbXstYXTd4zJ4D1g==" />

This XML file must be either in your working directory or in a directory included in your CLASSPATH. We recommend that you add the WEBLOGICAC_HOME\license directory to your CLASSPATH, but moving the WebLogicACLicense.xml file to a directory that is already in your classpath will also work.

How to Reinstall the WebLogicACLicense.xml File by Hand

If you receive a new WebLogicACLicense.xml, you should:

  1. Delete any old versions of WebLogicACLicense.xml from your CLASSPATH.

  2. Verify that the WebLogicACLicense.xml file is in your classpath or working directory. The easiest approach is to keep your WebLogicACLicense.xml in the WEBLOGICAC_HOME/license directory and add this directory to your classpath.

    Note: If you have two license statements for the same product in the file only the first one will be used.

We're Here to Help!

If you experience any difficulties, please do not hesitate to contact us at

Installation Instructions on Microsoft Windows NT

Unzip the product download to a Temp directory. Double-clicking Setup.exe will launch a series of step-by-step installation windows to help you quickly install the WebLogic Commerce Servers. The windows are self-explanatory.

You can cancel the installation at any time. (If the install program detects the presence of a previous WebLogic Commerce Servers installation, you are given the option of quitting the current installation or overwriting the existing one.)

Refer to Figure 1-1 for additional information on the installed directory structure.

Notes: Please review the software requirements section of this Installation Guide before starting the installation.

Make sure you have your license key handy in the form of an .xml file named WebLogicACLicense.xml. (See Licensing WebLogic Commerce Servers.)

  1. When you see the Welcome window shown in Figure 2-1, click the Next button to proceed with the installation.

    Figure 2-1 WebLogic Commerce Servers Welcome Window

  2. The next window that appears is the Software License Agreement (Figure 2-2). Use the scroll bar or the Page Down key to read the Software License Agreement.

    To continue with the installation, you must accept the terms of the license agreement. If you accept the terms, click Yes and continue with the installation. If you you do not accept the terms, click No to stop the installation.

    Figure 2-2 Software License Agreement

  3. To install WebLogic Commerce Servers, you need to point to a valid permanent or evaluation license key. This is an .xml file with the name WebLogicACLicense.xml which you should have received via email from your account manager or with your evaluation download.

    The next window that appears is Select your WebLogicACLicense.xml File (see Figure 2-3). Enter the complete path to its location directly or browse to it in your directories. If it is not found or invalid the installation program will tell you that it "does not exist," and quit.

    Figure 2-3 WebLogicACLicense.xml locator

  4. To install WebLogic Commerce Servers, you must already have the JDK1.2.2 and WebLogic Server 4.5.1 installed. In each case, you will be asked to tell us the location of the installed software. If you don't have the required software, or the installation or its registry entry is invalid, the installation program will quit. (See Figure 2-4 and Figure 2-6.)

    Figure 2-4 Java Detect Agent

    Note: In the case of the Java Developer Kit, your Web browser will automatically launch to the JDK1.2.2 (JAVA2 SDK) download site at (See Figure 2-5.)

    Figure 2-5 JDK Not Found

    Figure 2-6 WebLogic Server Detect Agent

    After installing WebLogic Server and/or JDK1.2.2, restart the Setup.exe to resume the installation program.

  5. To install the complete WebLogic Application Solutions, you must already have Rational Rose 98 or 98i installed. A window will appear asking you for the location of the installed software. (See Figure 2-7.)

    Figure 2-7 Rose Detect Agent

    If you don't have Rose the installation will proceed, but certain parts will not install (see Table 2-1).

    Table 2-1 Parts of WebLogic Application Solutions which do NOT install without Rational Rose present

    WebLogic Components 1.7 Part

    Rose Add-in

    UML Model (source code)

    Smart Generator

    If you choose to install Rational Rose later, simply restart this product's Setup.exe installation program. The installation will add the additional parts to your original installation directory, as well as overwrite the previously installed product parts.

  6. When all these prerequisites have been satisfied, the next window that appears is the software destination dialog (see Figure 2-9). Click Next to accept the default drive and directory for the installation (usually C:\WebLogicAC ), or click Browse... to designate a directory location of your choosing.

    Figure 2-8 Select WebLogicAC Destination

  7. The next window that appears asks you to select a programs folder for the WebLogicAC components. Click Next to accept the defaults, select an existing alternative from the scrolling list, or type in your own choice. (See Figure 2-9.)

    Figure 2-9 Select Program Folder

  8. When all files are installed, the Installation Successful window displays (Figure 2-10). Click Next to launch the installed version of the HTML documentation in your default Web browser.

Figure 2-10 Installation Successful

  1. To begin using WebLogic Commerce Servers, you may read the documentation, or start the WebLogic Server and view the My BuyBeans or Acme example portal.

    To run the My example:

    1. select WebLogic Application Solutions > Examples > My Server from the Programs Start menu

    2. Wait for the server to fully start

    3. select WebLogic Application Solutions > Examples > My from the Programs Start menu.

      To run the Acme example:

    4. select WebLogic Application Solutions > Examples > My Server from the Programs Start menu

    5. Wait for the server to fully start

    6. select WebLogic Application Solutions > Examples > Portal Example - Acme from the Programs Start menu.

For more information about the example Portals, see About the example applications.

Installation Instructions on UNIX

Installing the product

After installing or downloading the product file , follow these steps to install BEA WebLogic Commerce Servers:

  1. Extract all files from the .zip by entering:

    $ jar xvf

    This creates the weblogicac directory on your root, and extracts all files and puts them in the proper folders.

  2. Move or save the license file WebLogicACLicense.xml to the new directory weblogicac/license . (You should have received this file via download at the time you downloaded the product.)

  3. Change to the weblogicac directory, and run the install script:

    $ cd weblogicac

    $ .

    As the script runs, it will ask for the directory location of your JDK 1.2 and of WebLogic 4.5.1. Enter these when prompted.

    Note: The script will not ask for your license - the license key is evaluated at runtime. If a valid license key is not located as given in step 2 above, a fatal exception will be generated when you try to run either demo application or any of the the examples.

    Then the script will complete the installation, which may take more than a minute. Wait for the message, WebLogic Application Components Installation complete!

Running the example portal applications (UNIX)

  1. The installation will have created the file in weblogicac/bin/solaris2/ , and will have modified the file

    From the installation directory, run the StartPortal script:

    $ .

    This runs the WebLogic server and starts the sample Cloudscape database.

    Note: In the original implementation, you should see 34 EJBs deployed using .ser files, and 2 EJBs deployed using .jar files.

  2. Once the server is started, launch your Web browser.

  3. To run My, in the location field of the browser window, enter http://[ServerName]:7601/buybeans . This will start the demo My

  4. To run Acme Portal-in-a-Box, in the location field of the browser window, enter http://[ServerName]:7601/exampleportal . This will start the demo Acme.