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Welcome to the WebLogic Commerce Server Components Tour!

This is a step-by-step walk-through of the My demo from a components development perspective. Learn-by-doing to modify WebLogic Commerce Server EJB components to extend custom business policies. Consider an online product catalog filled with items that have different descriptions, attributes, identifiers, and prices. Since many items have different attributes, they need to be stored differently. However, items do share some common attributes. Now imagine adding a new product line to the catalog with new features, attributes, and pricing schemes. It is in a case like this where customizability and extensibility play big roles. Enter BEA's WebLogic Components!


Getting Started

Welcome to the WLCS Components Tour!

What the Tour Includes


Setting the Stage

The Company

The Opportunity

The Project

The Solution

Reminder about the WebLogic Server SP1

Get Started! Architecture

About the Databases


Scenario: Beans & Co., The Online Beans Distributor



Overview of Design Considerations

Prerequisites for Design Work

Directions for Designing

Step 1. Open a copy of BEA WebLogic Commerce Server Rational Rose model.

Step 2. Create a new MyBuyBeans tour package for the new components.

Step 3. Add a new class diagram to the tour package.

Step 4. Add a BasicBean Component to the class diagram.

Step 5. Add an ItemPriceCalculationPolicy Component to the class diagram.

Step 6. Create a new BeanieHat Component that extends the BasicBean Component.

Step 7. Create a new BeanieHatPricePolicy Component that extends the ItemPriceCalculationPolicy Component.

Step 8. Add attributes to the BeanieHat Component.

Step 9. Save and review the final Rational Rose model.



Overview of Implementation

Prerequisites for Implementing

Directions for Implementing

Step 1. Open the copy of the WLCS Rational Rose model.

Step 2. Export the model using the WLCS Rational Rose Plug-In.

Step 3. Create a new SmartGenerator project.

Step 4. Configure the project.

Step 5. Generate EJB implementations of the BeanieHat and BeanieHatPricePolicy Components.

Step 6. Implement custom business logic in the BeanieHatPricePolicy Component

Step 7. Implement presentation logic for the new BeanieHat Component.



Overview of Deployment

Prerequisites for Deployment

Directions for Deploying

Step 1. Compile the BeanieHat and BeanieHatPricePolicy Components.

Step 2. Create all stubs and skeletons for the BeanieHat Component.

Step 3. Configure the target application server (BEA WebLogic Application Server).

Step 4. Create instances of the BeanieHat Component based on Marketing beanie hat data.


Results - An Enhanced Web Site

Overview of Results

Prerequisites for Running the Web Site

Directions for Viewing the Web Site

Step 1. Start the My WebLogic Application Server.

Step 2. Browse the site and check out Beans & Co. newest offering: the beanie hat!