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Working with Content


The following topics are covered here:

Adding Content

Ensuring content is available

Indexing Content with the Bulk Loader


Adding Content

Now that you've set up a user profile and property set to extend, we need to add the content to the reference implementation Document Management System (DMS) that ships with WLPS. When building your own sites, you might use another DMS such as Interwoven's TeamSite or Documentum, but the reference implementation will meet our needs for this tour.

For this tour, we've already added the content in the correct directories. You should review the structure, though, to gain an understanding of how to set up your own content using the reference implementation.

To use the reference implementation DMS, you need to perform several steps to:

  1. Make sure the relevant content for the promotion resides in the correct directory path,

  2. Check the metadata in the content,

  3. Run the BulkLoader to load the content's metadata into the DMS.

Ensuring content is available

Before indexing the new content and loading metadata into the DMS, you first need to ensure the files reside in the correct directory. Ensure that the following files reside in the <install-dir>\dmsBase directory:

These files contain the content we will use later in the tour.

After ensuring the content you need for the promotion resides in the correct directories, you need to check the metadata that describes the content. The BulkLoader uses this metadata to index content and rules then match the indexed content to user profiles at run-time.

For this tutorial, you should examine the metadata in the HTML files we're using to extend Examining the metadata in the files will help you understand how the reference implementation DMS matches content to users.

To examine the metadata in the content source files:

  1. Use a text or HTML editor to open a couple of the four *.htm files listed in Ensuring content is available.

  2. Examine the <meta> tags inserted into the file. The tags include name and content attributes that constitute the name/value pairs the reference implementation DMS's BulkLoader utility uses to index content. You will see these content names later when we create rules to select content to match to users.

  3. Close the files without saving any changes.

Indexing Content with the Bulk Loader

You have examined the content's metadata. We'll now index the metadata using the reference implementation DMS's BulkLoader command-line utility. To run this utility:

Note: The following procedure works around a limitation of the evaluation Cloudscape database that ships with WLPS. You can just run the loaddocs.bat or file if you use Oracle with the reference implementation DMS.

  1. Since the evaluation version of Cloudscape can only have one application using it at a time, you must stop WebLogic Server before running the BulkLoader.

  2. Depending on your platform, add the appropriate entry to the <install-dir>\bin\win32\loaddocs.bat or <install-dir>/bin/solaris2/ file:

  3. Run loaddocs.bat (NT bin/win32) or (Solaris in bin/solaris2).

  4. When the BulkLoader finishes indexing the content, restart WebLogic Server.

    Note: See Content Management documentation for more BulkLoader instructions.

The BulkLoader indexes metadata for content that resides in the dmsBase directory and subdirectories. In our example, this includes all files that reside in the <install-dir>\dmsBase directory and its subdirectories.

  1. Continue on to Working with Rules to create the rules that match personalized content with users.