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Installing WebLogic Commerce Server


This chapter includes the following sections:

In this chapter, the environment variable WL_COMMERCE_HOME is used to indicate the directory in which you installed the WebLogic Commerce Server 3.1.1 and WebLogic Personalization Server 3.1.1 software.


Before You Begin

Before you start the installation procedure, read the product Release Notes and all of Preparing to Install. Also refer to the following checklist:

For more information about the required Java 2 SDK versions and WebLogic Server service pack version for your platform, see the Supported Platforms section of the Release Notes at


Installing the Software on Windows Systems

This section explains how to install the WebLogic Commerce Server software on a Windows system. For more information about the supported Windows platform(s), see the Supported Platforms section of the Release Notes at The installation shown in this section is on a Windows NT 4.0 SP5 system.

Warning: If you are re-installing the WebLogic Commerce Server 3.1.1 software on the target system, make sure you first create backup copies of any files that you customized, such as the file and file in the %WL_COMMERCE_HOME% directory.

  1. Start the installation by opening the software installation package for Windows systems, WLCS_311.exe. Figure 2-1 shows the initial InstallAnywhere screen.

    Figure 2-1 Initial InstallAnywhere Screen

  2. InstallAnywhere displays the splash screen for WebLogic Commerce Server and WebLogic Personalization Server. You can select the language of the button text and other InstallAnywhere instructions on screens displayed during the installation. Figure 2-2 shows the splash screen.

    Figure 2-2 Software Installation Splash Screen

    Select a language for the InstallAnywhere text and click the OK button.

  3. InstallAnywhere displays the Welcome screen, as shown in Figure 2-3.

    Figure 2-3 Introduction Screen

    Click the Next button.

  4. InstallAnywhere displays the License Agreement for the WebLogic Commerce Server 3.1.1 and WebLogic Personalization Server 3.1.1 software, as shown in Figure 2-4.

    Figure 2-4 License Agreement Screen

    Please read the entire license agreement. If you agree, click the Yes radio button and then click the Next button.

  5. InstallAnywhere displays important information about the default database configuration. BEA WebLogic Commerce Server and BEA WebLogic Personalization Server are designed to work with multiple databases. By default they are installed and configured for an evaluation Cloudscape database that is shipped with this product. Figure 2-5 shows the screen.

    Figure 2-5 Important Information Screen

    For information about changing the database type from Cloudscape to Oracle, see Database Configuration. To proceed with the installation, click the Next button.

  6. On the Choose Install Folder screen, point to the installation directory you want to use. On Windows systems, the default installation directory is C:\WeblogicCommerceServer3.1. In Figure 2-6, the installation directory has been changed to D:\WeblogicCommerceServer3.1.

    Figure 2-6 Choose Install Folder Screen

    Note: The WebLogic Commerce Server 3.1.1 software installation will not affect data from previous versions of the products. However, you must install the 3.1.1 software in a new directory. Do not install the 3.1.1 software in a directory that contains prior versions of WebLogic Commerce Server, WebLogic Personalization Server, WebLogic Portal, WebLogic Application Solutions, or BEA JumpStart.

    WebLogic Commerce Server 3.1.1 needs about 200 MB of disk space to perform the software installation. When the installation completes, the installed files comprise less than 130 MB. This count is an estimate and might be different on your system. The count does not include the size of the product's documentation files. For more information about installing documentation, see Using the Separate Documentation ZIP Kit.

    After you select the target installation folder, click the Next button.

  7. InstallAnywhere automatically detects your JDK installation. If it does not find it, the installer asks you to point to the directory that contains it. Figure 2-7 shows the screen.

    Figure 2-7 Choose JDK Directory Screen

    Specify the location of the JDK directory; then click the Install button to continue the WebLogic Commerce Server installation.

  8. InstallAnywhere automatically detects your WebLogic Server installation directory. If it does not find it, the installer asks you to point to the directory that contains it. Figure 2-8 shows the screen.

    Figure 2-8 Choose WebLogic Directory Screen

  9. After the installation completes, InstallAnywhere displays the Install Complete screen. Figure 2-9 shows the screen.

    Figure 2-9 Install Complete Screen

    Notice the message about installing the separate documentation kit after you complete the software installation. Click the Done button to complete the software installation. See the section Using the Separate Documentation ZIP Kit for information about installing the documentation files.

Do Not Forget the License File

After the software installation completes and before you start the server, copy the WebLogicCommerceLicense.xml license file you downloaded or purchased to the %WL_COMMERCE_HOME%\license directory.


Using WLCS_311.bin to Install on a UNIX System That Has a windowing Environment

This section explains how to install the WLCS and WLPS 3.1.1 software on a supported UNIX system that has a windowing environment. This section shows the installation using the WLCS_311.bin kit.

For installations on UNIX systems that do not have a windowing environment, see the section Using to Install on a UNIX System That Does Not Have a windowing Environment.

For more information about the supported UNIX platform(s), see the Supported Platforms section of the Release Notes at The installation shown in this section is on a Sun Solaris 7 system.

Before you start the installation, note that the installation requires a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) in your path. That is, the <JDKHome>/bin directory must be in the path. This requirement should not be confused with the JDK Home that is specified during the installation. On the Choose JDK screen of the installer, be sure to enter the JDK Home directory without the /bin directory on the end.

Warning: If you are re-installing the WebLogic Commerce Server 3.1.1 software on the target UNIX system, make sure you first create backup copies of any files that you customized, such as the file and file in the 3.1.1 $WL_COMMERCE_HOME directory.

The WLCS_311.bin installation procedure uses InstallAnywhere and requires a windowing environment. For installations on UNIX systems, invoke the WebLogic Commerce Server 3.1.1 installation program on a machine that is running a windowing environment. Or run the WebLogic Commerce Server 3.1.1 installation program on a system that has a windowing environment, and specify a target installation directory on a UNIX workstation that may or may not have the windowing environment.

  1. Start the installation by opening the software installation package for UNIX systems, WLCS_311.bin. For example:

    $ sh WLCS_311.bin

    The installation program finds the Java Virtual Machines (JVMs) that are available to your workstation and prompts you to choose one. (See Figure 2-10.)

    Figure 2-10 Select a JVM

  2. Select a JVM to run the InstallAnywhere installation application.

  3. InstallAnywhere displays the splash screen for WebLogic Commerce Server and WebLogic Personalization Server. You can select the language of the button text and other InstallAnywhere instructions on screens displayed during the installation. The splash screen is identical to the one shown in Figure 2-2 in the Windows section of this chapter.

    Select a language for the InstallAnywhere text and click the OK button.

  4. InstallAnywhere displays the Welcome screen, as shown in Figure 2-11.

    Figure 2-11 Introduction Screen on UNIX

    Click the Next button.

  5. InstallAnywhere displays the License Agreement for the WebLogic Commerce Server 3.1.1 and WebLogic Personalization Server 3.1.1 software, as shown in Figure 2-12.

    Figure 2-12 License Agreement Screen on UNIX

    Please read the entire license agreement. If you agree, click the Yes radio button and then click the Next button.

  6. InstallAnywhere displays important information about the default database configuration. BEA WebLogic Commerce Server and BEA WebLogic Personalization Server are designed to work with multiple databases. By default they are installed and configured for an evaluation Cloudscape database that is shipped with this product. Figure 2-13 shows the screen.

    Figure 2-13 Important Information Screen on UNIX

    For information about changing the database type from Cloudscape to Oracle, see Database Configuration. To proceed with the installation, click the Next button.

  7. On the Choose Install Folder screen, point to theWebLogic Commerce Server 3.1.1 installation directory. On UNIX systems, the default installation directory is /WeblogicCommerceServer3.1. Figure 2-14 shows a sample screen.

    Figure 2-14 Choose Install Folder Screen on UNIX

    Note: The WebLogic Commerce Server 3.1.1 software installation will not affect data from previous versions of the products. However, you must install the 3.1.1 software in a new directory. Do not install the 3.1.1 software in a directory that contains prior versions of WebLogic Commerce Server, WebLogic Personalization Server, WebLogic Portal, WebLogic Application Solutions, or BEA JumpStart.

    WebLogic Commerce Server 3.1.1 needs about 200 MB of disk space to perform the software installation. When the installation completes, the installed files comprise less than 130 MB. This count is an estimate and might be different on your system.

    The count does not include the size of the product's documentation files, which can be installed after the software installation completes. The documentation files comprise an additional 60 MB of disk space (including all the Javadoc) and are packaged in a separate installation kit, For more information, see the section Using the Separate Documentation ZIP Kit.

    After you select the target installation folder, click the Next button.

  8. InstallAnywhere prompts you to indicate where you have installed BEA WebLogic Server 5.1 software, as shown in Figure 2-15.

    Figure 2-15 Choose WebLogic Directory Screen on UNIX

    After you identify the location of the WebLogic Server 5.1 installation directory, click the Next button.

  9. InstallAnywhere prompts you to indicate where you have installed the Java 2 SDK (still commonly known as the JDK), as shown in Figure 2-16

    Figure 2-16 Choose JDK Directory Screen on UNIX

    After you identify the location of the Java 2 SDK on the target system, click the Next button.

  10. InstallAnywhere displays a progress screen and then an Install Complete screen. On the last screen, notice the message about installing the separate documentation kit after you complete the software installation. Click the Done button to complete the software installation. See the section Using the Separate Documentation ZIP Kit for information about installing the documentation files.

Do Not Forget the License File

After the software installation completes and before you start the server, copy the WebLogicCommerceLicense.xml license file you downloaded or purchased to the $WL_COMMERCE_HOME/license directory.


Using to Install on a UNIX System That Does Not Have a windowing Environment

This section explains how to use the kit to install the WLCS and WLPS 3.1.1 software on a UNIX system that does not have a windowing environment.

For installations on UNIX systems that do have a windowing environment, see the section Using WLCS_311.bin to Install on a UNIX System That Has a windowing Environment.

For more information about the supported UNIX platform(s), see the Supported Platforms section of the Release Notes at The installation shown in this section is on a Sun Solaris 7 system.

Note: If you are re-installing the WebLogic Commerce Server 3.1.1 software on the target UNIX system, make sure you first create backup copies of any files that you customized, such as the file and file in the WLCS 3.1.1 $WL_COMMERCE_HOME directory.

  1. Unjar the installation file in a directory. This process creates a directory named WebLogicCommerceServer3.1. In the following example, assume that /kits/bea/wlcs is a directory that contains the downloaded file, and /apps/bea/wlcs will be the destination directory.

    For example:

    $ mkdir /apps/bea/wlcs

    $ cd /apps/bea/wlcs

    $ jar xvf /kits/bea/wlcs/

  2. Change to the /WebLogicCommerceServer3.1 directory. Make sure that has execute permissions, and then run to install the product. You need to know the location of the JDK and WebLogic Server to complete the installation. For example:

    $ pwd


    $ cd WebLogicCommerceServer3.1

    $ pwd


    $ chmod 755

    $ ./

    Please enter the directory where JDK is installed (Version 1.2.x is supported): 


    Please enter the directory where WebLogic is installed (Version 5.1.0 is supported): 


    Finding Configuration files... 

    #### Configuring ./bin/unix/ 

    #### Configuring ./bin/unix/ 

    #### Configuring ./bin/unix/ 

    #### Configuring ./bin/unix/ 

    #### Configuring ./bin/unix/LoaderDriverProperties.xml.stock... 

    #### Configuring ./bin/unix/ 

    #### Configuring ./bin/unix/ 

    #### Configuring ./db/cloudscape/ 

    #### Configuring ./db/cloudscape/ 

    #### Configuring ./db/cloudscape/ 

    #### Configuring ./ 

    #### Configuring ./ 

    #### Configuring ./ 

    #### Configuring ./ 

    $ pwd 


    $ ls 

    bin                      license 


    db                       rulesheets      server 

    deploy                   src 




  3. Copy your WebLogicCommerceLicense.xml license file to the new WebLogicCommerceServer3.1/license directory. For example:

    $ pwd 


    $ cp /<directory-containing-license-file>/WebLogicCommerceLicense.xml license

  4. Set execute permissions for the following files:

    1. All *.sh files

    2. All *.so files

    3. WebLogicCommerce_Server3.1/UninstallerData/Uninstaller_Commer ce_Server

    4. WebLogicCommerce_Server3.1/UninstallerDataDocs/Uninstall_WLCS _DOC (if the file is present)

      (It is not a problem if the documentation uninstaller file does not exist.)

      Example commands to set execute permissions on the specified files:

      $ pwd 


      $ cd WebLogicCommerceServer3.1

      $ pwd


      $ find . -name "*.sh" -exec chmod 755 {} \;

      $ find . -name "*.so" -exec chmod 755 {} \;

      $ chmod 755 ./UninstallerData/Uninstaller_Commerce_Server

      $ chmod 755 ./UninstallerDataDocs/Uninstall_WLCS_DOC 

  5. To verify that the permissions were set correctly, enter the following commands:

    $ find . -name "*.sh" -ls

    $ find . -name "*.so" -ls

    $ ls -l ./UninstallerData/Uninstaller_Commerce_Server

    $ ls -l ./UninstallerDataDocs/Uninstall_WLCS_DOC

    (It is not a problem if the documentation uninstaller file does not exist.) 

  6. In the WebLogicCommerceServer3.1 directory, run the procedure to start the server.


Using the Separate Documentation ZIP Kit

This section explains how to use the separate documentation kit, The ZIP file is on the BEA Download site, on the last download page for WebLogic Commerce Server 3.1.1.

The unzipped documentation files require about 60 MB of disk space, including all the Javadoc.

When you unzip the files in, the WebLogic Commerce Server and BEA WebLogic Personalization Server 3.1.1 software does not necessarily have to be installed already on the target system.

Important: To retain the hierarchy of the documentation directories, remember to enable the "Use Folder Names" option (or equivalent) in the program that you use to unzip the files.

You have two options with the file:

You can unzip the documentation files into a specific subdirectory of an existing, installed WLCS 3.1.1 directory. If the documentation files are unzipped into the correct subdirectory, this manual option (along with an important, post-unzip-operation step), will enable Administration screen Help calls to find the local copy of the documentation files. This option requires a few manual steps by the person who is performing the unzip operation.

Standalone Documentation Kit Instructions

Please follow these steps to use the documentation kit as a standalone set of files that do not require an existing WLCS 3.1.1 software installation.

  1. If you have not already done so, download the file from the BEA Download Web site.

  2. On the target system, create a directory that will contain the documentation files. For example:

    $ mkdir  myWLCS311docs

  3. Unzip the files from to your target directory. Important: To retain the hierarchy of the documentation directories, remember to enable the "Use Folder Names" option (or equivalent) in the program that you use to unzip the files.

  4. After the unzip operation completes, open the index.htm file that is in your target directory by using a Netscape 4.7 or later browser, or a Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 or later browser.

Manually Integrated Documentation Kit Instructions

Please follow these steps to manually integrate the documentation files into an existing WLCS 3.1.1 directory structure.

  1. If you have not already done so, download the file from the BEA Download Web site.

  2. In the directory where you installed the WebLogic Commerce Server and WebLogic Personalization Server 3.1.1 software, navigate to the /server/public_html subdirectory. For example, if you installed the software starting in /weblogiccommerceserver3.1, go to:


  3. Under public_html, create a subdirectory named docs. For example:

    $ mkdir docs

  4. Unzip the files from to the docs subdirectory. For example, unzip the files into the /weblogiccommerceserver3.1/server/public_html/docs/... subdirectory. Important: To retain the hierarchy of the documentation directories, remember to enable the "Use Folder Names" option (or equivalent) in the program that you use to unzip the files.

  5. If prompted, look carefully at any system or unzip program messages about overwriting files. You can overwrite any existing documentation files (from a previous WLCS 3.1.1 documentation installation) in the /WL_COMMERCE_HOME/server/public_html/docs/... directories.

  6. After the unzip operation completes, copy the file that is temporarily in the docs subdirectory to the following subdirectory, where WL_COMMERCE_HOME represents the WLCS 3.1.1 installation directory:


    Note: The property values in, along with a file, are used to map calls from the product's administration screens to the documentation files. The software kit provides the file. If the WLCS code finds the file, the local documentation files in server/public_html/docs/... are used when you click a Help icon on an Administration screen. Otherwise, the file is used to find the corresponding documentation files on the BEA e-docs Web site.

  7. After the unzip operation completes, open the /WL_COMMERCE_HOME/server/public_html/docs/index.htm file by using a Netscape 4.7 or later browser, or a Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 or later browser.


Verifying Software Installation

Follow these steps to verify that the software was properly installed.

  1. Change to the installation directory and start WebLogic Commerce Server by running StartCommerce.bat ( for UNIX). The default installation path is c:\WeblogicCommerceServer3.1\StartCommerce.bat or /WeblogicCommerceServer3.1/

    On Windows systems, another way to start the server is to use the Start menu. For example:

    Start-->Programs-->WebLogic Commerce Server 3.1-->Start Commerce Server

    WebLogic Commerce Server opens a console window.

  2. Review the output in the console window while the server initializes.

    By default, WebLogic Commerce Server is configured to use a Cloudscape database that is already built and loaded with sample data. If you configure the server to use an Oracle database or recreate a database, the console output includes a prompt for creating credit card encryption/decryption keys. For information about this prompt, see The Credit Card Encryption/Decryption Prompt. For information about using Oracle and Cloudscape databases, see Database Configuration.

    When the server completes its startup process, it displays the following message in the console output:

    date stamp:<I> <WebLogicServer> WebLogic Server started

    For example:

    Fri Oct 13 11:32:01 EDT 2000:<I> <WebLogicServer> WebLogic Server started

  3. Using a browser, try the example applications to make sure the server is working correctly. The example applications use the Cloudscape database and reference implementation DMS that ship with the system; therefore, you should not have to make any configuration changes to test the system. All you need to do is point your browser to the correct URL listed for each application below.

    Note: Refer to Additional Configuration Steps for information about making configuration changes to the system. You need to change configurations if you use a database other than Cloudscape or a Document Management System (DMS) other than the reference implementation DMS shipped with WLCS 3.1.1. The configuration chapter also contains information about configuring other pieces of the system.

    Note: Each page loads slowly the first time you access it because the Java compiler has to compile the page source code. Subsequent loads and refreshes of the page go much faster than the initial load.


Uninstalling the Software

This section explains how to uninstall (remove) the WebLogic Commerce Server 3.1.1 and WebLogic Personalization Server 3.1.1 software that was installed previously with the WLCS_311.exe or WLCS_311.bin procedures.

Note: This section does not apply if you used the install script, which is for supported UNIX systems that do not have a windowing environment.

Uninstalling the Software on Windows Systems

The steps to uninstall (remove) the WebLogic Commerce Server and WebLogic Personalization Server software on Windows systems are as follows:

  1. Shut down the server, if it is running.

  2. Create a backup copy of any files you modified in the WL_COMMERCE_HOME/... directory structure. The InstallAnywhere Uninstaller program should leave those files on your system after the uninstall; thus, the backup copy is just in case any unexpected errors occur.

  3. Select the following option on the Start menu:

    Start-->Programs-->WebLogic Commerce Server 3.1-->Uninstall Commerce Server

  4. Figure 2-17 shows the first uninstall screen:

    Figure 2-17 First Uninstall Screen

    Click the Uninstall button to start the removal of WebLogic Commerce Server and WebLogic Personalization Server files from your system. (InstallAnywhere usually has a delay enabling the display of its Uninstall button as it gathers information.)

  5. The InstallAnywhere Uninstaller displays a progress screen, as shown in Figure 2-18.

    Figure 2-18 Progress Screen During the Uninstall

  6. When the uninstall operation completes, the InstallAnywhere Uninstaller program displays a screen that details which folders could not be removed. Not removing certain directories or files is intentional; InstallAnywhere will not remove any directories that contain files that you modified or added to the WL_COMMERCE_HOME directories. Figure 2-19 shows a sample screen:

    Figure 2-19 Sample Uninstall Results Screen

    Click the Exit button.

After the uninstall, check any remaining files in the WL_COMMERCE_HOME directory structure and decide whether you need to set those files aside for subsequent use.

Uninstalling the Software on UNIX Systems

The steps to uninstall the WebLogic Commerce Server software on UNIX systems is similar to the steps on Windows systems.

Note: This section does not apply if you used the install script, which is for supported UNIX systems that do not have a windowing environment.

You start by going to the UninstallerData directory, and then run the script Uninstall_Commerce_Server. For example:

Figure 2-20 Sample Console

  1. The Uninstall program displays an informational screen.

  2. The InstallAnywhere Uninstaller displays a progress screen.

  3. When the uninstall operation completes, the InstallAnywhere Uninstaller program displays a screen that details which folders could not be removed. Not removing certain directories or files is intentional; InstallAnywhere will not remove any directories that contain files that you modified or added to the WL_COMMERCE_HOME directories.