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Payment Services


Managing Purchases and Processing Orders services also contains a Payment Service, which specifies how payment for an order is authorized and settled. Currently the Payment Service allows credit card payments to be made using the CyberCash, Inc. service. However, the JSP templates, input processors, and Pipeline components allow different services to be integrated. This topic describes the Payment Services in detail.

This topic includes the following sections:


JavaServer Pages (JSPs)

A primary goal of Managing Purchases and Processing Orders services' is to allow you to quickly establish a fully-functioning e-commerce site. To this end, the Payment Service provides you with a JavaServer Page (JSP) template that you can use as is, or customize to better meet your needs. This section describes this page in detail.

Note: For a description of the complete set of JSPs used in the WebLogic Commerce Server Web application and a listing of their locations in the directory structure, see the E-Commerce Summary of JSP Templates documentation.

payment.jsp Template

If a customer has already specified payment information in their user profile, the payment.jsp template (shown in Figure 6-1) provides the customer with a list of credit cards (by type and last 4 digits) for selection. Customers wanting to use an existing credit card can simply click its associated Use button to proceed to the next part of the checkout process.

Note: For more information about user profiles, see "Customer Profile Services" in the Guide to Registering Customers and Managing Customer Services.

Customers can also choose to update the information associated with this credit card by clicking the Update This Card button. If your customer wants to use a credit card they have never used on your e-commerce site before, the customer can click the Add Card button to add it to the list (using the paymentnewcc.jsp template). If a customer wants to go back to the previous page, the customer can click the Back button.

Sample Browser View

Figure 6-1 shows an annotated version of the payment.jsp template. The Payment region uses a combination of the WebLogic Server and WebLogic Personalization Server JSP tags to obtain and display the customer's saved credit card(s).

Note: For information on other elements in the payment.jsp template, see Common JSP Template Elements.

Figure 6-1 Annotated payment.jsp Template


Location in the WebLogic Commerce Server Directory Structure

You can find the payment.jsp template file at the following location, where WL_COMMERCE_HOME is the directory in which you installed WebLogic Commerce Server:

%WL_COMMERCE_HOME%\server\webapps\wlcs\commerce\order\payment.jsp (Windows)
$WL_COMMERCE_HOME/server/webapps/wlcs/commerce/order/payment.jsp (UNIX)

Tag Library Imports

The payment.jsp template uses existing WebLogic Server and the WebLogic Personalization Server's User Management JSP tags. Therefore, the template includes the following JSP tag libraries:

<%@ taglib uri="weblogic.tld" prefix="wl" %>
<%@ taglib uri="um.tld" prefix="um" %>

Note: For more information on the WebLogic Server JSP tags or the WebLogic Personalization Server JSP tags, see "JSP Tag Reference" in the Guide to Building Personalized Applications.

These files reside in the following directory for the WebLogic Commerce Server Web application:

%WL_COMMERCE_HOME%\server\webapps\wlcs\WEB-INF (Windows)
$WL_COMMERCE_HOME/server/webapps/wlcs/WEB-INF (UNIX)

Java Package Imports

The payment.jsp template uses Java classes in the following packages and therefore includes these import statements:

<%@ page import="java.servlet.*" %>
<%@ page import="java.servlet.http.*" %>
<%@ page import="com.beasys.commerce.webflow.*" %>
<%@ page import="com.beasys.commerce.webflow.tags.*" %>
<%@ page import="*" %>
<%@ page import="com.beasys.commerce.ebusiness.customer.*" %>

Location in Default Webflow

Customers arrive at payment.jsp from the page where they select their shipping address (selectaddress.jsp). If they choose to add a new credit card, they will be directed to the paymentnewcc.jsp template. If the customer chooses to edit one of the cards that appears in the list, the customer will be directed to the paymenteditcc.jsp template. After selecting a credit card for payment, customers move on to the final page in the checkout process, where they can review their order prior to committing it (checkout.jsp).

Note: For more information about the default Webflow, see Overview of Managing Purchases and Processing Orders.

Included JSP Templates

The following JSP templates are included in the payment.jsp template:


The payment.jsp template presents a customer with several buttons, each of which is considered an event. These events trigger a particular response in the default Webflow that allows customers to continue. While this response can be to load another JSP, it is usually the case that an input processor or Pipeline is invoked first. Table 6-1 provides information about these events and the business logic they invoke.

Table 6-1 payment.jsp Events


Webflow Response(s)


No business logic required. Loads paymentnewcc.jsp.




No business logic required. Loads paymenteditcc.jsp.


Dynamic Data Display

The purpose of the payment.jsp template is to display a list of the customer's previously saved credit cards. This is accomplished on the payment.jsp template using a combination of WebLogic Server and WebLogic Personalization Server JSP tags and accessor methods/attributes.

First, the getProfile JSP tag is used to set the customer profile (context) for which the credit cards should be retrieved, as shown in Listing 6-1.

Listing 6-1 Setting the Customer Context

profileKey="<%= request.getRemoteUser() %>
profileType="WLCS_Customer" />

Next, the getProperty JSP tag is used to retrieve a cached copy of the possible credit cards for the customer from the database, as shown in Listing 6-2.

Listing 6-2 Retrieving the CreditCardsMap for the Customer

<um:getProperty propertyName="creditCardsMap" id="creditCardsMapObject" />

You can now iterate through the credit cards contained within the creditCardsMap (using the WebLogic Server JSP tag) and display each credit card in the collection (using a Java scriptlet) as shown in Listing 6-3.

Listing 6-3 Iterating Through and Displaying the Credit Cards

id="creditCard" type="String" count="100000">

Note: For more information on the WebLogic Server JSP tags or the WebLogic Personalization Server JSP tags, see "JSP Tag Reference" in the Guide to Building Personalized Applications.

Form Field Specification

The payment.jsp template does not make use of any form fields.

paymentnewcc.jsp Template

The paymentnewcc.jsp template (shown in Figure 6-2) allows customers to enter information about a new credit card, which will be added to their profile. This information includes the credit card type (VISA, MasterCard, and so on), the name on the card, the card number, the card expiration date (month and 4-digit year), and the billing address (including a street address, city, state, zip/postal code, and country). The customer must click the Save button for the new credit card to be added to the customer's list of credit cards.

Sample Browser View

Figure 6-2 shows an annotated version of the paymentnewcc.jsp template. The New Credit Card region provides customers with a series of form fields that allow customers to add a credit card. This region utilizes the form fields defined in the included newcctemplate.jsp template file, which itself includes the states.jsp and countries.jsp template files. The import call in paymentnewcc.jsp is:

   <%@ include file="/commerce/includes/newcctemplate.jsp" %>

Figure 6-2 Annotated paymentnewcc.jsp Template


Location in the WebLogic Commerce Server Directory Structure

You can find the paymentnewcc.jsp template file at the following location, where WL_COMMERCE_HOME is the directory in which you installed WebLogic Commerce Server:


Tag Library Imports

The paymentnewcc.jsp template uses Pipeline and Webflow JSP tags. Therefore, the template includes the following JSP tag libraries:

<%@ taglib uri="webflow.tld" prefix="webflow" %>
<%@ taglib uri="pipeline.tld" prefix="pipeline" %>

Note: For more information on the Webflow and Pipeline JSP tags, see the Guide to Managing Presentation and Business Logic: Using Webflow and Pipeline.

These files reside in the following directory for the WebLogic Commerce Server Web application:

%WL_COMMERCE_HOME%\server\webapps\wlcs\WEB-INF (Windows)
$WL_COMMERCE_HOME/server/webapps/wlcs/WEB-INF (UNIX)

Java Package Imports

The paymentnewcc.jsp template uses Java classes in the following packages and therefore includes these import statements:

<%@ page import="javax.servlet.*" %>
<%@ page import="javax.servlet.http.*" %>
<%@ page import="com.beasys.commerce.webflow.*" %>
<%@ page import="com.beasys.commerce.webflow.tags.*" %>
<%@ page import="*" %>
<%@ page import="*" %>
<%@ page import="com.beasys.commerce.ebusiness.customer.*" %>

Location in Default Webflow

Customers arrive at the paymentnewcc.jsp template from the page where they are given the option of selecting a credit card from their profile (payment.jsp). When customers are finished with this page, customers are returned to the payment.jsp template so customers can make their selection.

Note: For more information about the default Webflow, see Overview of Managing Purchases and Processing Orders.

Included JSP Templates

The following JSP templates are included in the paymentnewcc.jsp template:


The paymentnewcc.jsp template presents a customer with a single button, which is considered an event. This event triggers a particular response in the default Webflow that allows customers to continue. While this response can be to load another JSP, it is usually the case that an input processor or Pipeline is invoked first. Table 6-2 provides information about these events and the business logic they invoke.

Table 6-2 paymentnewcc.jsp Events


Webflow Response(s)




Dynamic Data Display

No dynamic data is displayed on the paymentnewcc.jsp template.

Form Field Specification

The purpose of the paymentnewcc.jsp template is to provide form fields that allow the customer to enter new credit card information. It also passes hidden information to the Webflow. The form fields used in the paymentnewcc.jsp template, and a description for each of these form fields, are listed in Table 6-3.

Table 6-3 paymentnewcc.jsp Form Fields

Parameter Name





Indicates which event has been triggered. It is used by the Webflow to determine what happens next.



The name of the current page (paymentnewcc.jsp), used by the Webflow.



The type of the customer's credit card.



The name on the credit card.



The number of the customer's credit card.



The month of the customer's credit card expiration date.



The year of the customer's credit card expiration date.



The first line in the customer's billing address.



The second line in the customer's billing address.



The city in the customer's billing address.



The state in the customer's billing address.



The zip/postal code in the customer's billing address.



The country in the customer's billing address.


Note: Parameters that are literals in the JSP code are shown in quotes, while non-literals will require scriptlet syntax (such as
<%= HttpRequestConstants.CUSTOMER_CREDIT_CARD_COUNTRY %>) for use in the JSP.

paymenteditcc.jsp Template

The paymenteditcc.jsp template (shown in Figure 6-3) allows your customers to modify information about one of the credit cards shown in the credit card list. Editable information includes the name on the credit card, the expiration date (month and 4-digit year), and the billing address (including street address, city, state, zip/postal code, and country). The customer must click the Save button to save the modifications to their credit card.

Sample Browser View

Figure 6-3 shows an annotated version of the paymenteditcc.jsp template. The Edit Credit Card region provides customers with a series of form fields that allow customers to edit a credit card. This region utilizes the form fields defined in the included editcctemplate.jsp template file, which itself includes the states.jsp and countries.jsp template files. The import call in paymenteditcc.jsp is:

   <%@ include file="/commerce/includes/editcctemplate.jsp" %>

Note: For information on other elements in the paymenteditcc.jsp template, see Common JSP Template Elements.

Figure 6-3 Annotated paymenteditcc.jsp Template


Location in the WebLogic Commerce Server Directory Structure

You can find the paymenteditcc.jsp template file at the following location, where WL_COMMERCE_HOME is the directory in which you installed WebLogic Commerce Server:


Tag Library Imports

The paymenteditcc.jsp template uses the existing WebLogic Personalization Server's User Management JSP tags, and the Pipeline and Webflow JSP tags. Therefore, the template includes the following JSP tag libraries:

<%@ taglib uri="webflow.tld" prefix="webflow" %>
<%@ taglib uri="pipeline.tld" prefix="pipeline" %>
<%@ taglib uri="um.tld" prefix="um" %>

Note: For more information on the Webflow and Pipeline JSP tags, see the Guide to Managing Presentation and Business Logic: Using Webflow and Pipeline. For more information on the WebLogic Personalization Server JSP tags, see "JSP Tag Reference" in the Guide to Building Personalized Applications.

These files reside in the following directory for the WebLogic Commerce Server Web application:

%WL_COMMERCE_HOME%\server\webapps\wlcs\WEB-INF (Windows)
$WL_COMMERCE_HOME/server/webapps/wlcs/WEB-INF (UNIX)

Java Package Imports

The paymenteditcc.jsp template uses Java classes in the following packages and therefore includes these import statements:

<%@ page import="javax.servlet.*" %>
<%@ page import="javax.servlet.http.*" %>
<%@ page import="com.beasys.commerce.webflow.*" %>
<%@ page import="com.beasys.commerce.webflow.tags.*" %>
<%@ page import="*" %>
<%@ page import="*" %>
<%@ page import="com.beasys.commerce.ebusiness.customer.*" %>

Location in Default Webflow

Customers arrive at paymenteditcc.jsp template from the page where they are given the option of selecting a credit card from their profile (payment.jsp). When customers are finished with this page, they are returned to the payment.jsp template so they can make their selection.

Note: For more information about the default Webflow, see Overview of Managing Purchases and Processing Orders.

Included JSP Templates

The following JSP templates are included in the paymenteditcc.jsp template:


The paymenteditcc.jsp template presents a customer with a single button, which is considered an event. This event triggers a particular response in the default Webflow that allows customers to continue. While this response can be to load another JSP, it is usually the case that an input processor or Pipeline is invoked first. Table 6-4 provides information about these events and the business logic they invoke.

Table 6-4 paymenteditcc.jsp Events


Webflow Response(s)




Dynamic Data Display

One purpose of the paymenteditcc.jsp template is to prepare the credit card information a customer had previously entered, so the editcctemplate.jsp template can display this information in the payment information form fields. This is accomplished on the paymenteditcc.jsp template using a combination the WebLogic Personalization Server's User Management JSP tags and accessor methods/attributes.

First, the getProfile JSP tag is used to set the customer profile (context) for which the customer information should be retrieved, as shown in Listing 6-4.

Listing 6-4 Setting the Customer Context

<um:getProfile profileKey="<%=request.getRemoteUser()%>" 
profileType="WLCS_Customer" />

Note: For more information on the WebLogic Personalization Server's User Management JSP tags, see "JSP Tag Reference" in the Guide to Building Personalized Applications.

Next, the getProperty JSP tag is used to obtain the customer's list of credit cards (and related billing information), which is then initialized with data from the customer object, as shown in Listing 6-5.

Listing 6-5 Obtaining the Customer's Credit Cards and Billing Information

<um:getProperty propertyName="creditCardsMap" 
id="creditCardsMapObject" />
Map creditCardsMap = (Map) creditCardsMapObject;
String creditCardKey =
CreditCard defaultCreditCard = null;
defaultCreditCard = (CreditCard) creditCardsMap.get(creditCardKey);
Address billingAddress = (Address) defaultCreditCard.getBillingAddress();

The data stored within the defaultCreditCard and billingAddress objects can now be accessed by calling accessor methods/attributes within Java scriptlets. Table 6-5 provides more detailed information about the methods/attributes for the default credit card, while Table 6-6 provides more information about the accessor methods/attributes on billingAddress.

Table 6-5 defaultCreditCard Accessor Methods/Attributes




The credit card type (VISA, MasterCard, AMEX, and so on).


The credit card holder's name.


The credit card number for display (12 Xs and last 4 digits).


The credit card number.


The credit card's expiration date.


Table 6-6 billingAddress Accessor Methods/Attributes




The first line in the customer's billing street address.


The second line in the customer's billing street address.


The city in the customer's billing address.


The county in the customer's billing address.


The state in the customer's billing address.


The zip/postal code in the customer's billing address.


The country in the customer's billing address.


Form Field Specification

Another purpose of the paymenteditcc.jsp template is to provide the form fields for the customer's modifications and to pass hidden information to the Webflow. The form fields used in the paymenteditcc.jsp, and a description for each of these form fields, are listed in Table 6-7.

Table 6-7 paymenteditcc.jsp Form Fields

Parameter Name





Indicates which event has been triggered. It is used by the Webflow to determine what happens next.



The name of the current page (paymenteditcc.jsp), used by the Webflow.



The type of the customer's credit card.



The name on the credit card.



The number of the customer's credit card.



The month of the customer's credit card expiration date.



The year of the customer's credit card expiration date.



The first line in the customer's billing address.



The second line in the customer's billing address.



The city in the customer's billing address.



The state in the customer's billing address.



The zip/postal code in the customer's billing address.



The country in the customer's billing address.


Note: Parameters that are literals in the JSP code are shown in quotes, while non-literals will require scriptlet syntax (such as
<%= HttpRequestConstants.CUSTOMER_CREDIT_CARD_COUNTRY %>) for use in the JSP.


Input Processors

This section provides a brief description of each input processor associated with the Payment Services JSP template(s).


Class Name



Retrieves the shopping cart from the Pipeline session, the CreditCardMapKey from the request, and determines the total price of the order associated with the shopping cart. Adds the amount and credit card associated with the key to the Pipeline session.



Required Pipeline
Session Attributes


Updated Pipeline
Session Attributes



Removed Pipeline
Session Attributes



Verifies that the credit card key is valid and that it references an existing credit card.


ProcessingException, thrown for invalid types of CREDITCARD_KEY, PAYMENT_CREDIT_CARD, or SHOPPING_CART. Also thrown if these attributes are not available.



Class Name




Processes the customer's input from paymentnewcc.jsp and paymenteditcc.jsp. Retrieves the customer name from the Pipeline session, creates a new CustomerValue object, and sets it in the Pipeline session.













Required Pipeline
Session Attributes


Updated Pipeline
Session Attributes


Removed Pipeline
Session Attributes



Verifies that the required fields contain values.


InvalidInputException, thrown if invalid credit card information is obtained from the HttpServletRequest.



Pipeline Components

This section provides a brief description of each Pipeline component associated with the Payment Services JSP templates(s).

Note: Some Pipeline components extend other, base Pipeline components. For more information on the base classes, see the Javadoc.


Class Name



Authorizes a given credit card for a specified amount. Used for host-based payment models, shown in the file as:





Required Pipeline
Session Attributes



PipelineSessionConstants.ORDER_HANDLE (Request scope)

Updated Pipeline
Session Attributes


Removed Pipeline
Session Attributes



Java object




AuthorizationFailureException, thrown when the credit card being used for authorization is invalid (that is, the number or other associated information is incorrect).

, thrown when the credit card used for authorization is valid but cannot be authorized (overdrawn, expired, and so on).

, thrown when the external payment service is unavailable. The transaction is recorded for retry.

, thrown when there is a configuration error, a general service error, or a system-level exception from a back-end component.



Class Name



Authorizes a given credit card for a specified amount. Used for terminal-based payment models, shown in the file as:









Required Pipeline
Session Attributes



PipelineSessionConstants.ORDER_HANDLE (Request scope)

Updated Pipeline
Session Attributes


Removed Pipeline
Session Attributes



Java object




AuthorizationFailureException, thrown when the credit card being used for authorization is invalid (that is, the number or other associated information is incorrect).

, thrown when the credit card used for authorization is valid but cannot be authorized (overdrawn, expired, and so on).

, thrown when the external payment service is unavailable. The transaction is recorded for retry.

, thrown when there is a configuration error, a general service error, or a system-level exception from a back-end component.



Integration with CyberCash

Part of the functionality provided by the Payment Services is their ability to interact with CyberCash, a service which allows you to accept credit cards from customers over the Internet. However, to run CyberCash with Payment Services, you will need to perform a number of configuration activities so that CyberCash, your financial institution (credit card provider), and the Payment Services can work together as shown in Figure 6-4.

Figure 6-4 CyberCash Interactions Diagram


Note: For more information about CyberCash, Inc. and their payment solutions, see

Configuration Activities for Using CyberCash

The following is a list of the configuration activities you must perform in order to use CyberCash with Payment Services:

  1. Obtain an account from a financial institution that provides credit card processing services. At this time, you will receive a payment model.

Note: For more information about the possible payment models, see Payment Models.

  1. Using the account information from your financial institution, register and apply for a merchant bank account with CyberCash at Once you install the Merchant Connection Kit (MCK) from CyberCash on your machine, you can create a merchant account. As part of this process, you will also create a configuration file.

  2. In the file (located in the WL_COMMERCE_HOME directory, where WL_COMMERCE_HOME is the directory in which you installed WebLogic Commerce Server), use the CyberCashConfigFile property to specify the location of the CyberCash configuration file on your system, as shown in Listing 6-6.

Note: Be sure to carefully read the instructions in the file under the Payment Services heading prior to making any changes.

Listing 6-6 Setting the CyberCashConfigFile Property

# Properties required for the payment component

# This property defers payment authorization to the administration tools.
# If set to true, all payment service authorization calls are disabled
# and payment transactions are persisted in a RETRY state. Payments must
# then be reauthorized through the payment administration tool.
# CyberCash configuration files contain CyberCash-specific data, such as a
# merchant-id and merchant hash secret. The specific properties in the
# configuration files depend upon the payment model assigned to a merchant by
# his/her financial institution. The two files declared below are example files # and are provided for demonstration purposes ONLY. MERCHANGS MUST ACQUIRE A
# CyberCash as part of the merchant agreement. Once a merchang has a CyberCash
# configuration file, the property below must be replaced with the location of
# the configuration file.
# Example: CyberCashConfigFile=c:/merchang/config/file/location/merchant_conf
# This file may be used for testing terminal based payment models.
# This file may be used for testing host based payment models.

Note: Single front slashes (or double back slashes) are required in this location specification.

  1. If you want to perform real-time authorization, you must set the commerce.payment.defer.authorization property in the file to false. Otherwise, set it to true for offline authorization using the Payment Management Administration Tool.

Note: For instructions on how to use the Payment Management Administration Tool, see Using the Order and Payment Management Pages.

  1. In the file, use the PaymentModel property to specify the payment model you received from your financial institution, as shown in Listing 6-7.

    Listing 6-7 Setting the PaymentModel Property

    # Properties below represent the different payment models provided # by CyberCash.
    # Terminal based models
    # Host based models

  2. Be sure to save your changes to the file, and restart the server.

Note: Detailed documentation for CyberCash, Inc. products can be found online at

Payment Models

There are two types of payment models: terminal-based and host-based. The difference between these payment models is where the transaction batch is stored. For a host-based model, the transaction batch is stored on the host network rather than on the local system at the merchant's site. Settlement typically occurs sometime at the end of the day, and the merchant is not required to do anything to initiate the settlement process.

For a terminal-based model, the transaction batch is stored as data files on the local system at the merchant's site. Merchants must initiate the settlement process at the end of each day in order for the funds to be transfered to the merchant's bank account.

Table 6-8 describes each of the terminal-based payment models that may be assigned by your financial institution. Table 6-9 describes each of the host-based payment models that may be assigned.

Table 6-8 Terminal-based Payment Models

Payment Model



This payment model is used for soft goods. Settlement occurs as soon as authorization is complete, because it is assumed that soft goods are shipped at the time of purchase.


This payment model is used in cases where goods have been shipped at authorization but the merchant requests that funds should be transferred at a later date.


This payment model allows merchants to indicate that the goods have been shipped, at which point settlement is done automatically.


This is the most flexible payment model in that it allows merchants to specify when goods are shipped and when funds should be transferred. The mark process allows the merchant to specify that the goods have been shipped. The settlement process allows the merchant to indicate that funds may be transferred.


Note: Each of the terminal-based payment models may be suffixed by _AVS. This suffix indicates that merchants are also required to send an address. The WebLogic Commerce Server product always sends this address for verification purposes.

Table 6-9 Host-based Payment Models

Payment Model



This payment model is used for services, sale of digital goods, or physical goods shipped within 24 hours of when the order is placed. In this case, the merchant only needs to get an authorization for the purchase amount. The capture of the authorization into the batch and the settlement of the transaction are done for the merchant by the processor at the time of authorization.


When the merchant fulfills orders more than one day after receiving them, the merchant must authorize and capture transactions separately. In this payment model, authorization is performed at the time the consumer wants to make the purchase. Capture is performed when the merchant ships the order. The processor handles settlement of the batched transactions at certain times of the day.


Note: Each of the host-based payment models may be suffixed by _AVS. This suffix indicates that merchants are also required to send an address. The WebLogic Commerce Server product always sends this address for verification purposes.

How Do I Switch Between the Two Payment Models?

If you decide to use the terminal-based payment model, your Web application must use the PaymentAuthorizationTerminalPC Pipeline component. If you decide to use the host-based payment model, your Web application must use the PaymentAuthorizationHostPC Pipeline component instead.

To change the Pipeline component to reflect the payment model, follow these steps:

  1. Start a simple text editor like Notepad.

  2. Open the file, which can be found in WL_COMMERCE_HOME, where WL_COMMERCE_HOME is the top-level directory where you installed WebLogic Commerce Server

  3. Set the Payment Model property (refer to Listing 6-7 for more details), and save the file.

  4. Open the default Pipeline properties file, which can be found in WL_COMMERCE_HOME/, where WL_COMMERCE_HOME is the top-level directory where you installed WebLogic Commerce Server.

  5. In the AuthorizePaymentPC Pipeline component definition (set to use the PaymentAuthorizationTerminalPC Pipeline component by default), change the className, jndiName, and isEJBSessionBean properties to reflect those associated with the other Pipeline component.

Note: For more information about the properties associated with the PaymentAuthorizationTerminalPC and PaymentAuthorizationHostPC Pipeline components, see Pipeline Components.

  1. Save the modified file. You do not need to restart the server to view your changes if you have set the pipeline.hotdeploy.enable property to true in the file.

What if I Don't Want to Use CyberCash for Credit Card Processing?

The WebLogic Commerce Server product provides you with a CyberCash-based implementation of a Payment Service. However, you may want to use a service provider other than CyberCash. Use of a different provider requires that you implement a payment authorization Pipeline component that is specific to the provider of your choice.

Note: It is expected that a Java/EJB programmer (or someone with similar technical knowledge and abilities) will develop new Pipeline components.

To implement a new Pipeline component for a Payment Service provider other than CyberCash, complete the following steps:

  1. Create a new Pipeline component that extends CommercePipelineComponent, as shown in Listing 6-8.

    Listing 6-8 Creating a New Pipeline Component

    / java imports

    import java.rmi.RemoteException;
    import java.sql.Date;
    import java.sql.Connection;

    // javax imports
    import javax.ejb.*;

    // com.beasys imports
    import com.beasys.commerce.ebusiness.payment.*;
    import com.beasys.commerce.ebusiness.order.*;
    import com.beasys.commerce.axiom.units.*;
    import com.beasys.commerce.axiom.util.helper.*;
    import com.beasys.commerce.webflow.*;
    import com.beasys.commerce.util.*;

    * This <code>PipelineComponent</code> authorizes a credit card
    * for a purchase of a given amount using a payment service other
    * than CyberCash. This class is a concrete extension of the
    * <code>CommercePipelineComponent</code> abstract base class.
    * PipelineSession input attributes:
    * PipelineSessionConstants.PAYMENT_CREDIT_CARD
    * PipelineSessionConstants.PAYMENT_AUTHORIZATION_AMOUNT
    * PipelineSessionConstants.ORDER_HANDLE

    public class MyPaymentAuthorizationPC extends CommercePipelineComponent


  2. Implement the process() method (as declared in the PipelineComponent interface) in the new Pipeline component, as shown in Listing 6-9.

    Listing 6-9 Implementing the process() Method

    * Authorize a credit card for a purchase amount.
    * @param pipelineSession The current PipelineSession
    * @throws PipelineFatalException on fatal error
    * @throws PipelineNonFatalException on non-fatal error
    * @throws RemoteException on remote error

    public PipelineSession process(PipelineSession pipelineSession)
    throws PipelineFatalException, PipelineNonFatalException, RemoteException {

    // Get the order, credit card, and authorization amount from
    // the PipelineSession.

    CreditCard card = (CreditCard)pipelineSession.

    Price amount = (Price)pipelineSession.getAttribute

    Handle orderHandle = (Handle)pipelineSession.getAttribute
    (PipelineSessionConstants.ORDER_HANDLE, PipelineConstants.REQUEST_SCOPE);

    Order order = (Order)(orderHandle.getEJBObject());

    //Create a Transaction ID
    //This can be done with any persistent number generator.
    //Every transaction ID must be unique.
    //Look at
    //for information on the Sequencer interface.

    com.beasys.commerce.util.Sequencer mySequencer =
    mySequencer.setCacheSize(10); //optional

    Connection myConnection = getConnection();
    long myTransactionID = 0;

    try {

    myTransactionID = mySequencer.getNext(myConnection);
    } catch(java.sql.SQLException sqlException) {

    //Add the appropriate exception handling logic.


    // Decrypt the credit card using the Decryptor service.

    String creditCardNumber = null;
    try {

    DecryptorHome home = (DecryptorHome)JNDIHelper.getHome(
    Decryptor decryptor = home.create();
    creditCardNumber = decryptor.decrypt(card.getNumber());

    } catch (Exception e) {

    // Add the appropriate exception handling logic.
    // This will depend on your payment service requirements.


    // Invoke the credit card service authorization method using
    // the order, credit card, and authorization amount.
    // Throw an appropriate exception for authorization error
    // condition(s).

    Logger.getInstance().info("In MyPaymentAuthorizationPC:
    calling payment service.");

    < Insert credit card service authorization code here >

    // Immediately nullify the decrypted number.

    creditCardNumber = null;

    // If the authorization was successful, create a
    // PaymentTransaction entity EJB for the transaction.
    // Use the transaction ID returned by the credit card
    // service as the primary key.

    PaymentTransaction paymentTransaction = null;
    try {
    PaymentTransactionHome home = (PaymentTransactionHome)JNDIHelper.
    PaymentTransactionPk pk =
    new PaymentTransactionPk(Long.toString(myTransactionID));
    paymentTransaction = home.create(pk);
    } catch (Exception e){

    // Add the appropriate exception handling logic.
    // This will depend on your payment service requirements.


    // Set the PaymentTransaction date, credit card, and amount.

    paymentTransaction.setTransactionDate(new Date(System.

    // Add a TransactionEntry to the PaymentTransaction and
    // mark the PaymentTransaction with the appropriate status.
    // In this example, we assume that the payment transaction
    // was successfully authorized.

    TransactionEntry entry = TransactionEntryHome.create();
    entry.setEntryDate(new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()));

    try {


    } catch (IllegalWorkflowTransitionException e){

    // Add the appropriate exception handling logic.
    // This will depend on your payment service requirements.



    // Add a reference to the PaymentTransaction to the order.

    return pipelineSession;


    As shown in Listing 6-9, the credit card, authorization amount, and order is first extracted from the supplied PipelineSession. Next, the Decryptor security service is used to decrypt the encrypted credit card number. After obtaining all the information necessary to authorize a payment, you must next call your Payment Service provider authorization routine using any of the collected data necessary. Finally, after completing the authorization, a payment transaction is recorded using the PaymentTransaction entity EJB. The PaymentTransaction entity EJB records the date, amount, credit card, and status (in this case, authorized) associated with the payment. It also keeps an audit trail of payment transaction modifications via a collection of TransactionEntry objects. Each TransactionEntry object stores a date, identifier, and amount.

  3. Compile the new Pipeline component. Make sure to include any Payment Service provider classes that the new Pipeline component uses in your classpath.

  4. Configure the file to use your new Pipeline component. To do this, locate the following line in the file:

    Then, modify the AuthorizePaymentPC Pipeline component definition to use your new Pipeline component as follows:


  5. Restart the WebLogic Commerce Server. Make sure to include the new Pipeline component as well as any Payment Service provider classes used by the Pipeline component in your classpath.

You should now be able to authorize payments using the new Payment Service PipelineComponent.

Note: If you replace the existing Payment Authorization Pipeline component, you must administer payments using tools supplied by your Payment Service provider and NOT the administrative Payment Management pages. The administrative Payment Management pages should only be used for CyberCash-based payment administration. For more information about the administrative Payment Management pages, see Using the Order and Payment Management Pages.


Credit Card Security Service

All credit card information your customers provide is considered sensitive and is encrypted for security purposes. This information is decrypted only when absolutely necessary during specific payment processing activities (authorization). For example, on the order confirmation JSP template (confirmorder.jsp), only the last 4 digits of a customer's credit card are displayed.

Notes: For more information about credit card security, see "Credit Card Security Service" in the Security Guide.

For information about other BEA security features, see the Security Guide.


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