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Migration Guide


Welcome to the BEA WebLogic Commerce and Personalization Server Migration Guide!

This migration document describes the changes that affect developers as they upgrade their code to the lastest release.

This document covers migration to WebLogic Commerce Server and WebLogic Personalization Server versions 3.1, 3.2, and 3.5.




Migrating WebLogic Commerce Server to Version 3.5

Support for WebLogic Server 6.0

Changes to the WebLogic Commerce Server Directory Structure

All Pages Must Be in a Web Application

Introducing the E-Business Control Center

Changes to the Rules Editor in Release 3.5

Changes to the JSP Tag Libraries

Database Schema Migration Information


Migrating WebLogic Commerce Server to Version 3.2

New Java 2 SDK for Enhanced Performance

New Third Party Integrations

International Tax Support from TAXWARE

E-Marketing Analysis Using Broadbase

Content Management with Interwoven Content Express

New Webflow and Pipeline Editor

Changes to the JSP Tag Libraries

Database Schema Migration Information


Migrating WebLogic Personalization Server to Version 3.1

Navigating with Flow Manager

Deprecated Service Managers

Hot Deployment

Dynamic Flow Determination and Handling

Backward Compatibility

Property Set Usage

Go With the Flow: Migrating to the Flow Manager

Accessing Your Application via the Flow Manager

Changes to the Personalization Advisor

JSP Tags Ported to Use the New Advisor

Deprecated Personalization Advisor Classes

Changes in Advisor APIs

Terminology Change: Agents Changed to Advislets

Changes to the Rules Editor in Release 3.1

Relationship Between Rules and Property Sets

The Use of And or Or to Connect Expressions

Change the Word `Rule Sheet' to `Rule Set'

Changes to Content Management

New Features in <cm:select> and <cm:selectById> Tags

Changes to EJB Deployment Descriptors

Document Schema EJB Deployment Descriptor

DocumentManager EJB Deployment Descriptor

Document EJB Deployment Descriptor (Deprecated)

Changes to Object Interfaces

Changes to the BulkLoader

Changes to the JSP Tag Library

Database Schema Migration Information

Updated User Management Schema Table


Upgrading Database Schemas from Prior Releases

Upgrading WebLogic Personalization Server Database Schemas from 2.0.1 to 3.1.1

Upgrading WebLogic Personalization Server Database Schemas from 2.0.1 to 3.2

Upgrading Database Schemas
from 3.1.1 to 3.2

Upgrade the WebLogic Personalization Server Schema

Step 1: Determine if Data Exceeds New Column Lengths
and Modify When Necessary

Step 2: Upgrade the Database Schema

Upgrade the WebLogic Commerce Server Schema

Step 1: Determine if Data Exceeds New Column Lengths
and Modify When Necessary

Step 2: Upgrade the Database Schema

Verify the Upgrade

To Start the Server

Remove Temporary Tables

Upgrading Database Schemas from 3.2 to 3.5

Make a Backup

Validate Data

Upgrade Current Tables to New Schema

Drop Any Backup Tables

Add New Tables to Bring the Schema Current

Verify the Upgrade

To Start the Server


Changes to WebLogic Personalization Server JSP Tag Library

JSP Tag Changes in Version 3.5

Removed Tags


New Ads and Placeholder Tag



New Event Tracking Tags

<tr:clickContentEvent> Content Tag

<tr:displayContentEvent> Content Tag

<trp:clickProductEvent> Product Tag

<trp:displayProductEvent> Product Tag

<trc:clickCampaignEvent> Campaign Tag

New Webflow Tag

<webflow:setValidated Value>

New E-Business Tag


Changes to Personalization Tags

<pz:div> and <pz:contentSelector>

JSP Tag Changes in Version 3.2

Changes to Content Management Tags in Release 3.2



Changes to Utility Tags in Release 3.2


New Flow Manager Tags in Release 3.2








New JSP Tags Introduced in Release 3.1

New Property Set Management Tags in Release 3.1



New Internationalization Tags in Release 3.1



New WebLogic Utility Tag in Release 3.1


Changes to the JSP Tag Library in Release 3.1

New JSP 1.1 Naming Conventions

Changes to Tag Attributes

Global Changes

Tag Migration Roadmap

Additional Notes About JSP Tags

Note 1: <pz:> Tags

Note 2: <es:condition>

Note 3: <es:counter>

Note 4: <es:preparedStatement>

Note 5: <es:usertransaction>


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