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Known Limitations

This section describes known limitations in the BEA WebLogic Integration 8.1 SP6 release software. The known limitations are grouped by the following topics:


Administration and Configuration

Deadlock Encountered with WLI_MESSAGE_BROKER_DYNAMIC Table Using the Sybase Driver

To prevent this deadlock encountered with WLI_MESSAGE_BROKER_DYNAMIC table using the Sybase driver, the JPD designer must modify the JPD, call the MessageBroker Publish control "publish" method and then invoke the MessageBroker Subscription control "unsubscribe" method.

Reference CR237715

Security Configuration Dependency on web.xml

Do not use the WebLogic Integration Administration Console to access your business process to secure SOAP-HTTP access to your business process if you have already secured your business process using the security-constraint element in the web.xml deployment descriptor and the @common:security annotation. You will receive a security violation at run time. For more information, see the following:

Reference CR180096

When Starting WebLogic Server, the WebLogic Integration Domain Generates Process Tracking Messages

WebLogic Server logs the following messages regarding a WebLogic Integration domain on startup:

<BEA-014006> <The message driven bean (MDB) named "ProcessTrackingEventErrorListener" has a dispatch policy "wli.internal.ProcessTracking" that refers to an unknown execute queue thread pool. The default execute thread pool will be used instead.>

<BEA-014006> <The message driven bean (MDB) named "InstanceInfoEventListener" has a dispatch policy "wli.internal.ProcessTracking" that refers to an unknown execute queue thread pool. The default execute thread pool will be used instead.>

<BEA-014006> <The message driven bean (MDB) named "ProcessTrackingEventListener" has a dispatch policy "wli.internal.ProcessTracking" that refers to an unknown execute queue thread pool. The default execute thread pool will be used instead.>

You can ignore these messages.

Note: You can create the execute queues mentioned in these log messages using the WebLogic Server Administration console. If you do so, you should choose an appropriate thread size to match the application and tracking level. For more information about creating execute queues, see Execute Queue --> Configuration in the WebLogic Administration Console Online Help.

Reference CR128232

WebLogic Integration Server EJB Warning

When starting the WebLogic Integration server, you may receive a warning similar to the following:

<Nov 20, 2004 11:15:18 PM PST> <Warning> <EJB> <BEA-011070>
<In the <weblogic-rdbms-bean>, for <ejb-name> 'DataBean',
some <field-group>(s) are defined but are not used in any
<weblogic-query>, <weblogic-relationship-role> or
<relationship-caching> <caching-element>s. The <group-name>(s) of
the unreferenced <field-group>(s) are: 'default'>

You can ignore these messages.

Reference CR206174

WebLogic Integration Resources Require Process Projects

Many WebLogic Integration resources (for example: message broker subscriptions and versioning information) require a WebLogic Integration application listener to be defined in the WEB-INF/web.xml file for the current project. When a process project is created, this application listener will be defined by default in the WEB-INF/web.xml file. If a process is inadvertently created in a non-process project (such as a default Web project), the WebLogic Integration application listener will not be defined. During run time, these projects may appear to work in some instances but will fail when the required resource is accessed.

For a process project, the following XML elements are defined in the WEB-INF/web.xml file by default:


Netscape 7.1 Not Supported For WebLogic Platform, Adobe SVG Viewer 3.0 Not Supported on Netscape 7.1

The interactive process graph of the WebLogic Integration Administration Console uses Adobe SVG Viewer Version 3.0x. Adobe SVG Viewer Version 3.0x is not supported by the Netscape 7.1 browser. To learn more, see Browser Requirements for the Interactive Graph available at the following URL:

Netscape 7.1 is also not a supported browser for WebLogic Platform 8.1. Detailed information about the operating systems and browsers WebLogic Platform supports is provided at the following URL:

Reference CR155391

Rapid Browser Refresh Can Generate an Exception

Refreshing a page of the WebLogic Integration Administration Console while data is still being transmitted may result in the display of the following exception: Connection reset by peer: socket write error

This error serves as a notification that a network error or problem on the server side prevented the page from completely loading. In the case of a rapid refresh, the browser closed the first socket while data was being transmitted across it.

Reference CR154275

The Global Message Broker "Time of Last Reset" Field Should Be Ignored

With WebLogic Integration 8.1 Service Pack 2, the ability to reset Message Broker message counts on a channel-by-channel basis is supported. As a consequence, the Time of last reset field on the View Message Broker Statistics page (which was associated with the previous, global reset functionality) should be ignored.

Reference CR138589

Editing a Service Connection While Deploying an Adapter Instance Can Cause a Null Pointer Exception

If you click Edit Service Connection on the Adapter Instance Details page while an Adapter is deploying, the following exception may be generated:


Workaround: Do not click Edit Service Connection until you have confirmed that the adapter instance is fully deployed.

Reference CR138781

Internet Explorer Cannot Access the WebLogic Integration Administration Console on Microsoft Windows Server 2003

On Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Internet Explorer may not be able to access the WebLogic Integration Administration Console.

Workaround: In Internet Explorer, go to Tools—>Internet Options—>Security Tab—>Custom Level. In the Security Settings dialog box, go to Miscellaneous—>Allow META REFRESH, and then select Enable.

Reference CR204142

Deleting Tasks in Worklist Administration Module May Display Empty Pages

If a client deletes all tasks from more than one page, the Worklist Administration Module may display empty pages.

Workaround: Click View All to refresh the task list.

Reference CR204463

Worklist Administration Module May Throw Exception Traces

The Worklist Administration Module may throw exception traces instead of clean error messages after simultaneous Worklist operations on the console; the exceptions are valid.

Reference CR203350


Application Integration

Async Service Counts and Suspended Async Service Counts Can Be Incorrect in Cases Where Database or EIS Failures Occur

If an XA-capable EIS being used for async service invocations fails, or if the database being used for JMS persistence fails, the transaction enclosing the work being done by an async service will be rolled back. This rolls the async service request itself back onto the AI async request queue, and allows the request to be retried. However, the transaction rollback affects only the async service request and any work it may have done against the EIS, but does not affect the suspended async service counts displayed in the WebLogic Integration Administration Console for an application view or adapter instance.

Thus, in cases where the EIS or JMS database fails after the async service count has been incremented to account for a successful async service invocation, and before the containing transaction in the async service processor MDB is committed, the async service count will be higher than the actual effective service count against the EIS (since the work done will be rolled back, but count is not decremented).

In cases where the EIS or JMS database fails after a suspended async service completes, and the suspended async service count has been decremented, and before the containing transaction in the async service processor MDB is committed, the suspended async service count will be lower than the actual effective suspended service count in the application integration async request queue (since the request was rolled back, but suspended count is not incremented).

Administrators should be watchful for failures in either a transactional EIS or database (generally they will see service failures and a suspended adapter instance and application view related to the EIS failure). After the EIS has recovered from such a failure and suspended async services have been given sufficient time to complete, the administrator should check the suspended async service count. If the count is non-zero (or even negative), the count is incorrect.

To allow administrators to force the suspended async service count back to zero in those cases that the displayed count is incorrect, the resetSuspendedAsyncServiceCounts() method has been added to the AppViewSummaryMBean interface. See the Javadoc at the following URL:

Reference CR138792

In Iterative Development Mode, Applications Deployed as EAR, JAR, WAR, or RAR files Are Not Available to Clients Such as the Application View Design Console

When the server is running in iterative development mode, only applications that are in exploded form in the Workshop Application pane may be accessed by clients such as the Application View Design Console. Applications that are packaged into a deployed EAR file are not accessible. In other words, when you are running in iterative development mode, the following conditions must be met for an application to be available for selection in the Application View Design Console:

Reference CR171722


Business Process

A PersistenceException occurs when passing ebXML messages

A PersistenceException occurs when passing ebXML messages with binary attachments between two B2B applications, if the documentmaxinlinesize parameter in the file is set to the default value.

Workaround: Set the documentmaxinlinesize value to 2.5 times higher than the data size.

Reference CR333892

How to View More Events in the Test Browser

If you want to see more than 30 events (the default) in the Test Browser, before running the business process, select the Console tab of the Test Browser and enter a larger number in the Keep last number message field, where number represents the number of messages to be displayed.

Reference CR138164

Running Long Processes Results in out of Memory Error

Running a long process can result in an out of memory error.

Workaround: To solve this error, you can enable doc store and increase the document memory size in the file. The content that you need to add to the file is as follows:

# Minimum size for documents stored in the SQL Document Store:
# (leave unspecified to get the system default of 512K)
# Maximum size of document buffered before writing to the SQL Document Store:
# (leave unspecified to get the system default of 512K)

Reference CR276928

Both Reliable Tracking and Tracking Level Cannot be set to None

Reliable Tracking and Tracking Level connot be set to none at the same time in the WebLogic Console.

Workaround: To set the tracking to Full and Reliable, first set Reliable Tracking to None and then set Default Tracking to None

Reference CR280779

Versioning a Stateful Business Process Can Cause ClassNotFoundException in Previously Non-versioned Instances

If you have a non-versioned business process that you later decide to version, when you deploy the versioned process, running instances might fail due to a java.lang.ClassNotFoundException.

Workaround: If you ever plan to use versioning with a long-running business process, version your process from the beginning before deploying your application in production mode. Otherwise, you must let non-versioned instances run to completion before deploying the new versioned process.

Reference CR185348

Control Send Node in a Business Process Invoking a WebLogic Workshop Web Service, Which in Turn Invokes a Method on a Stateful or Stateless EJB May Fail

If a Control Send node in a WebLogic Integration business process invokes a WebLogic Workshop Web service and the Web service then invokes a method on a stateful or stateless EJB, an exception may be thrown. The exception listed in the console, is similar to the following exception:

<Jun 26, 2003 3:49:56 PM EDT> <Error> <WLW> <000000> <Unable to
remove bean instance: weblogic.ejb20.locks.LockTimedOutException:
The lock request from EJB:SimpleSS with primary
key:145008051647152128 timed-out after waiting 0 ms. The
transaction or thread requesting the lock was:
Thread[ExecuteThread: '11' for queue:
'weblogic.kernel.Default',5,Thread Group for Queue:

Reference CR110539

When Creating a New Process Application the "Libraries for the project xxxWeb are out of date" Dialog May Appear

When creating a new Process Application or Tutorial: Process Application, you may see a dialog box asking the following question:

Some of the libraries for the project xxxWeb are out of date. Would you like to upgrade now?

Click Yes, if you plan to use NetUI or WebLogic Portal® functionality in your Process Application.

Reference CR138620

SOAPFaultException Not Supported for Generating SOAP Faults from JPDs

While you can use javax.xml.rpc.soap.SOAPFaultException, as discussed in the WebLogic Workshop Help, in Generating SOAP Faults from a Web Service at, this does not work in a business process.

For a SOAP fault to be returned to the JPD client, throw com.bea.jws.SoapFaultException instead of javax.xml.rpc.soap.SOAPFaultException. See SoapFaultException Class at

Reference CR175498

ProcessRuntimeMBean Failing to Retrieve Stateless Business Process Instance Information in Development Mode

The ProcessRuntimeMBean is not normally used for stateless business processes. It is usually used for stateful processes. In development mode, not production mode, on some processes, it may return the wrong information.

Reference CR206655

Uncommitted Local Transaction when Connection Returned to Connection Pool

The local transaction is left open. To close it, in the JDBCConnectionPoolMBean, set the property RollbackLocalTxUponConnClose="true".

Reference CR200072

Performance Issue for Large Business Processes

In large business processes, editing in Source View may cause CPU usage to increase to 100% and slow down entry of information.

Workaround: Modify the workshop.cfg file to increase the memory limit to 512M.

Reference CR197552


Cluster Configurations

On DB2, Process Instance May Remain in Running Mode Indefinitely After Recovery

After performing JTA and JMS migrations from a failed managed server, a process instance may remain in running mode. A repeating set of error messages similar to the following appears in db2diag.log:

Instance:DB2 Node:000
PID:3888(db2syscs.exe) TID:5400 Appid:/1721616.3366.00090031001F
data protection sqlpxTEntrySwitchIn Probe:300 Database:DBNAME

DIA8036C XA error with request type of "". Transaction was not found.

Reference CR182788



SocketTimeoutException Encountered With HTTP Control

HttpControl allows the setting of maxconnectionsperhost and maxtotalconnections of Apache HTTP Client MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager which is the connection pool manager used by HTTP control. The connection pool manager in the HTTP control is a singleton class, and the values for the parameters are set at the time the class is loaded. The value is obtained from the following system properties:



Note: If these system properties are not specified, the default values are 2 and 20 respectively.

To specify a different parameter value, add the system properties to JAVA_PROPERTIES in your setDomainEnv script. Replace the located in BEA_HOME\ext_components and delete the http control files in the Workshop application located in the APP-INF\lib directory of the Workshop application project.

Reference CR244242

FTPS Not Supported for File Control

The File control cannot be used to do secure FTP because FTPS is not supported.

Reference CR126674

Passing XML Bean from JWS to JPD Using Process Control Generates Exception

It is not possible to call a JWS from a business process (JPD) using the Process control and XML bean arguments. Attempts to pass an XML Bean in this case generate an exception similar to the following:

Throwable: com.bea.control.ProcessControlException:
[WLI-Core:530214]ProcessControl invocation failed[EJB Exception:
: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: argument type mismatch

Reference CR138486

Making Synchronous Calls Using a Process Control Across Application Boundaries with Complex Java Types

When making a synchronous call using a Process control across application boundaries that contain complex Java types, you must add the Java classes to the System CLASSPATH.

Reference CR198290

Specified Scheme, Server Name, or Port Number in Process Control Target is Ignored

The Process control target can be specified in several ways:

This target location is relative to the application. It must not have a scheme, server name, or port number. If a scheme, server name, or port number is specified, it will be ignored.

Reference CR138481


Event Generators

Retrieving or Filtering on Timer Event Generator Metadata with Channel Type of XML is Not Supported

Events published by the Timer event generator with channel type of XML do not contain metadata headers. So, filtering or retrieving events based on metadata is not supported at this time.

Reference CR138802

Slow Down of Sybase Database Table or Microsoft SQL Table When Using RDBMS Event Generator

When a Trigger Type Event is created on a Sybase table or Microsoft SQL table, the RDBMS event generator creates a Shadow table that is a replica or subset of the User's table. The Trigger copies the inserted, deleted, and updated rows from the User table into the Shadow table. As the rate at which rows are inserted, deleted, or updated into the User table increase beyond the rate at which the event generator can poll and process rows, the new rows become backlogged and cause the poll query to slow down.

Workaround: The Shadow table gets created with the same name as the channel name (specified when defining the channel rule) with an _BEA_SDW suffix. To speed up polling and hence processing, a unique index must be created on a particular column. For example, if the Trigger Event name (channel name) is hello123, the Shadow table gets created as hello123_BEA_SDW. To workaround this problem, create a unique index as follows:

CREATE UNIQUE INDEX [idx_hello123] ON 

Reference CR206549 and CR206332

Restrictions on Trigger Type Events Created on Informix Databases

Trigger type events created on Informix databases have some restrictions. The value specified in the No. of Threads field and Max Rows Per Poll field must always be 1 and the value specified in the Polling Interval field must be greater than the total time it takes to publish the rows picked up in every poll.

Reference CR200681

Enabling Auto Commit for RDBMS Event Generators when Working with Informix Databases

If you are working with an Informix database, you should always enable the auto commit mode during an Insert, Update, or Delete Event.

Reference CR204272

Creating New RDBMS Event Generator Channel Rule Definitions in Informix Databases

If you are working with an Informix database, and you want to delete an existing channel rule and create a new channel rule with the same channel name as the one you just deleted, you must set the Statement Cache size to zero.

Reference CR200495

Creating Triggers on a Sybase Database Table

If you are working with a Sybase database, when a Trigger Event is created on a Sybase table that already has one Trigger Event of the same type, such as Insert, configured, the older Trigger is replaced. This means that the older Trigger Event stops working.

You can have one each of Insert, Delete and Update Trigger Event per Sybase Table.

Reference CR201132

View All Timer Event Generators Page Does Not Refresh Status

When using a Timer event generator, the View All Timer Event Generators page does not refresh the status from Suspend to Running after clicking Resume.

Workaround: You must refresh the browser page to view the updated status.

Reference CR206528 and CR202902

Setting Event Generator Polling Interval for Configuration Changes

The polling interval of the event generators may be set to a user-defined interval by using the following Java system properties:

These properties may be set on the Java command that starts the server. Each property sets the number of milliseconds between polls. For example:


This sets the Timer event generator polling for configuration changes every 30 seconds.

If not specified, the default polling interval of 10 seconds is used.

Reference CR186350

Timer Event Generator May Not Reflect Changes in Business Calendar

After making a change to the Business Calendar, the Timer event generator may not pick up the change in the calendar.

Workaround: In the WebLogic Integration Administration Console—>Event Generators—>View All File Event Generators window, select the appropriate Timer event generator, click Suspend, and then click Resume.

Reference CR206519

File Event Generator FTP Supports Only Windows and UNIX Type FTP Servers

Only Windows and UNIX type FTP servers are supported by the File event generator FTP. VMS is not supported.

Reference CR196414

Large Message Transfer Fails in RDBMS Event Generator

When field type is CLOB or BLOB (Oracle) or field length exceeds the maximum integer value (for other databases), NumberFormatException is thrown in the rdbmseg.log file.

Reference CR238779


Data Transformation

Rebuild of a Schema project Sometimes Disables Typed XML Types

Rebuild of a Schemas project can sometimes disable all the Typed XML types from appearing in the WebLogic Workshop panes. For example, importing an XSD file into a Schemas project may disable the Typed XML types from appearing in the Configure XQuery Transformation Method pane.

If you experience this behavior, close your WebLogic Workshop application and reopen it. All the Typed XML types should now be displayed in the WebLogic Workshop panes.

Reference CR173029 and CR185979

XMLBeans APIs Not Supported for Local Element and Complex Type Variables Produced by XQuery

If your process definition (JPD) uses XQuery to produce a local element or complex type variable, XMLBeans APIs such as the getXXX() and setXXX() methods, will not work in the JPD user code. Local elements or complex types are usually used in XQuery code to specify the output for a For Each node or Transformation node.

Workaround: Use subsequent XQuery transformations to extract or map data from such variables.

Reference CR138983

Do Not Delete the System XSD Schema Files

If your WebLogic Workshop application is using any of the system XSD files, do not delete any of the XSD system files from your Schemas project directory because the system XSD schemas are interdependent. For example, the system TPM.xsd and xmldsig-core-schema.xsd schemas are dependant on each other and removing one of these XSD files from your Schemas project will result in the following design-time error:

XQuery Document Inititialization failed. Design View unavaliable

Caution: Removing a system XSD file from a Schemas project directory may not produce a schema compilation error.

Reference CR125413

Casting is Limited or Unsupported Between Some XML Schema Types and Java Types in Transformations

During run-time, the casting in transformations between the following types can be limited or unsupported:

For example, the casting is limited between the XML Schema type xs:double and XML Schema type xs:integer. The casting from a source xs:double to a target xs:integer in a transformation will be successful during run-time if the source double value is equal to 8 but will fail if the source double value is equal to 8.5 or even 8.0. The casting between these XML Schema types is unlike the casting done between types in the Java or C language.

The casting between the XML Schema type xs:date and the java.util.Date is unsupported and will fail during run-time because these two types are not equivalent. The XML Schema type xs:date contains only a date component and does not contain a time component while the java.util.Date Java class contains both a time and date component.

Reference CR182658 and CR138588

IOExceptions Thrown in Test View

In the Test View of the mapper, the maybe be thrown when the size of the input data for the query is a multiple of 8K. This exception is only thrown when the query is run in the Test View of the mapper, during run-time (outside the mapper) the query will run successfully with the same input data.

Reference CR138758

Test XML Generation for XML Schemas With Choice Groups or the Pattern Schema Components Are Not Supported

The Test View of the mapper does not generate the input XML test data correctly for XML Schemas that contain choice groups or pattern schema components. (For choice groups, all the choice groups are generated.)

To learn more about choice groups in XML Schemas see the following URL:

To learn more about pattern schema components see the following URL:

Workaround For Choice Groups: In the Test View of the mapper, before running the query, edit the XML data that is generated and delete any extra choice groups so that only a single choice group remains.

Workaround For Pattern Schema Components: In the Test View of the mapper, edit the generated XML data to be valid data for the pattern.

To learn more about editing XML data in the Test View, see Testing Maps in the Test View.

Reference CR138245

Using XQuery Keywords in XPath Expressions

In XPath expressions, if the name of an element contains an XQuery keyword and the element does not have a namespace associated with it, use the child syntax to refer to the element in the XPath expression. For example, instead of referring to an element using the following syntax: $a/for, use the unabbreviated syntax: $a/child::for.

The reserved XQuery keywords are:

To learn more about the reserved XQuery keywords, see the following URL:

To learn more about the unabbreviated syntax, see the following URLs:

Reference CR145977 and CR154697

Deviations from the W3C XQuery August 2002 Draft Specifications

The WebLogic XQuery engine conforms to the August 16, 2002 draft of the W3C XQuery specification which is available at the following URL:

The following are the known deviations from that specification:

Reference CR143114, CR143234, CR148091, CR185099, and CR199645

Message Format Error While Using MFL Non-XML to XML Transformation Method in Format Builder

The delimiter of Group level causes the exception in Format Builder or run time.

Workaround: Remove this delimiter.

Reference CR206148

Transformation Exception for In-Flight Processes when Shutting Down and Restarting Server

If the server is shutdown and restarted while a business process transformation is running, a transformation exception is thrown.

Workaround: Restart the business process.

Reference CR206671


Database and Operating Systems

Continuous Execution of Applications on Solaris 8, Solaris 9, or Solaris 10 Operating Systems Using an Oracle Database Can Cause the Java Hot Spot VM (1.4.2_04) to Fail

When some WebLogic Workshop applications are run continuously under heavy loads on the Solaris 8, Solaris 9, or Solaris 10 operating systems using an Oracle database, the Java Hot Spot VM (1.4.2_04) can fail and throw the following exception:

Unexpected Signal : 11 occurred at PC=0xFEDCD0F4

Contact BEA Customer Support for the latest patch.

Note: This patch is not required for the Java Hot Spot VM 1.4.2_06 or later.

Workaround: Follow the steps in this procedure:

  1. Create a file called .hotspot_compiler in the server home directory. The server home directory contains the file for the current domain.
  2. Add the following line to the .hotspot_compiler file:
  3. exclude oracle/jdbc/driver/OraclePreparedStatement executeBatch

Reference CR179157 and CR197793

Business Processes Abort or Do Not Complete after Database Crashes During Two-Phase Commit

If your business processes do not complete or if they abort after your database crashes during the Prepare phase of a two-phase commit, you should restart the managed servers.

For information about recovery, see "WebLogic Integration Application Recovery" in the WebLogic Integration Solutions Best Practices FAQ, which is located at the following URL:

Reference CR138799 and CR199827


Trading Partner Integration

Service Broker/Process Control Message Tracking

The Service Broker/Process control message tracking does not work, even when it is turned on using the TPM service profile. Use B2B message tracking with ebxml and RN

Reference CR187027

Using Controls to Send Messages from Participant Business Processes is Not Recommended

In WebLogic Integration, you use Trading Partner Integration controls to send messages from the initiator business process to the participant business process. However, in the participant business process it is recommended that you use Client Response nodes to handle outgoing business messages to the initiator.

If you use controls in a participant business process, you may lose the message response signals, such as acknowledgments and error messages. If you need to use a control to send messages, instead of using the recommended design pattern, place the control in a subprocess and invoke the subprocess from the participant process.

Reference CR138262

Bulk Loader Utility is Not Compatible with XA Database Drivers

Attempting to load data in the TPM repository with the Bulk Loader configured to use an XA database driver fails with the following error: No suitable driver.

Workaround: Configure the Bulk Loader to use a non-XA driver, or load the data interactively using the WebLogic Integration Administration Console.

For information about how to configure the Bulk Loader, see "Configuring the Bulk Loader Configuration File" in Using the Trading Partner Bulk Loader in Managing WebLogic Integration Solutions at the following URL:

For information about how to load TPM data using the WebLogic Integration Administration Console, see "Importing Management Data" in Trading Partner Management in Managing WebLogic Integration Solutions at the following URL:

Reference CR182302

Extraneous Error When Deleting a Certificate

When deleting a certificate from the WebLogic Integration Administration Console, if you encounter the following error message, click Continue to dismiss it:

Certificate with name cert_name does not exist for partner partner_name.

Despite the error, when you click Continue, the certificate is deleted.

Workaround: The error message can be disregarded.

Reference CR175845


Upgrading WebLogic Integration

After Upgrading to WebLogic Integration 8.1 SP4, and Do Not Have Executable Permission

Workaround: After upgrading, you must manually change the permissions to start the WebLogic Server.

Reference CR206534

Upgrade Scripts Fail in Certain Instances During Upgrade From Initial Release of WebLogic Integration 8.1 to WebLogic Integration 8.1 SP2

Certain internal JMS queues, such as wli.internal.tracking.buffer_error, are presumed not to exist. When the upgrade script tries to write the entries and finds that they are already present, instead of skipping over the entries, it fails.

Workaround: Manually remove the corresponding JMS Queue Entries from config.xml before running the upgrade scripts.

Reference CR206328

JMS Connection Factory for RDBMS Event Generator Not Created Automatically

A JMS Connection Factory (JNDI name is wli.internal.egrdbms.XAQueueConnectionFactory) is required for the RDBMS event generator in WebLogic Integration 8.1 SP4. However, it is not created automatically by the upgrade script.

Workaround: Create the XA Connection Factory manually with the following parameters:

Reference CR205534

Worklist Run-time State Cannot Be Migrated from WebLogic Integration 8.1 Initial Release to any Service Pack Release

Note: Before upgrading the initial release of WebLogic Integration 8.1 to WebLogic Integration 8.1 SP4, you must upgrade to WebLogic Integration 8.1 SP2. For more information, see "Upgrading WebLogic Integration 8.1 SP2 and SP3 to WebLogic Integration 8.1 SP4" in WebLogic Integration Upgrade Guide.

The Worklist run-time state cannot be migrated to WebLogic Integration 8.1 SP2. For more information, contact BEA Customer Support.

Reference CR206641


WebLogic Workshop Online Help

Using the Suppressible Attribute for a Static Subscription Sample Documentation—WebLogic Builder Strips CDATA Block Notation From Deployment Descriptors

The Using the Suppressible Attribute for a Static Subscription sample documentation in the WebLogic Workshop Online Help instructs you to use the WebLogic Builder tool to modify the deployment descriptor for the JMS event generator message-driven bean to set the JMS event generator pool size to 1.

The deployment descriptor's (ejb-jar.xml) message-selector element includes XML characters, which are wrapped in a CDATA block, as shown in the following line:

<message-selector><![CDATA[GROUPID>=100 and GROUPID<200]]></message-selector>

A bug in the WebLogic Builder tool causes the CDATA block to be stripped when you edit the deployment descriptor:

<message-selector>GROUPID>=200 and GROUPID<300</message-selector>
When the message-selector element is defined like this, the JMS event generator cannot be deployed.

Workaround: To workaround this problem, use a tool other than the WebLogic Builder to modify the max beans in pool (that is, to set the JMS event generator pool size to 1).

Reference CR128683



User-Defined Properties for Tasks Cannot Be Sorted by Property Value

Using the TaskSelector.setSortByPropertyValue() method to sort tasks results in an EJB exception.

Workaround: Dynamically generate the SQL to query the database for tasks based on specific properties and sort accordingly.

Reference CR195278

Login from Worklist User Interface Not Case Sensitive

The Worklist user interface allows logging in without checking for case sensitivity. However, the tasks associated with users are case sensitive. This means that if users do not login with the correct case, they will not be able to see their tasks. For example, if the login associated with the tasks is MANAGER1 and the user logged into Worklist as manager1, that user's tasks would not be visible.

Workaround: Users must use the login name with the same case when logging into the Worklist user interface as used when the tasks were created.

Reference CR205374

Querying by Task Owner when the Owner is a Group Throws Security Exception

If the owner is a group, you cannot query by task owner using the Task Selector or the WebLogic Integration Administration Console.

Reference CR204255 and CR203240

Order of Task Worker Control Methods Return Results Not Guaranteed

For all methods in the Task Worker control that takes in an array of taskIds and returns an array of values, the order in which results are returned is not guaranteed.

Reference CR183491

Web Service Cannot Take or Return an XMLObject That is Null

A web service (JWS) cannot take in or return an XmlObject, or any object containing an XmlObject if that XmlObject is null.

Reference CR238967


BPEL Import Tool

This section details some known limitations and issues of the BPEL Import tool. The majority of these issues exist because of the inherent differences between the JPD and BPEL languages.

It is very important that you confirm that the generated JPD file corresponds semantically with the input BPEL file.


BPEL Export Tool

This section details some of the known JPD export limitations.


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