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Installing BEA WebLogic Application Integration


This section provides information you need to run the BEA WebLogic Application Integration installation program on a Windows or UNIX system. It includes the following topics:


About the BEA WebLogic Application Integration Installation Program

The BEA WebLogic Application Integration installation program guides you through the process of installing Application Integration.

The installation detects whether WebLogic Server 6.0 is installed and prompts you to specify an installation location and other information required to perform basic Application Integration configuration. It then unpacks and installs the software. The installation program requires a graphics (windowing) terminal or workstation. Refer to Using the Console-Mode to Install Application Integration on UNIX Systems for procedures on using a console-mode installation.

The Application Integration installation procedure installs the following components:

To install the Application Integration software, complete the following steps:

Step 1: Starting the Installation Program

Step 2: Reviewing the License Agreement

Step 3: Specifying the BEA Home Directory

Step 4: Specifying the Product Directory

Step 5: Selecting the Database for the Custom Domain

Step 6: Completing the Installation

Step 7: Installing Your Software License

Step 8: Starting WebLogic Server

Step 9: Verifying Your Software Installation

Step 10: Starting Application Integration


Step 1: Starting the Installation Program

You can install Application Integration from the WebLogic Integration CD-ROM included in the product package, or you can download the software from the BEA Web site

The following section provides instructions for Windows platforms. If you are installing Application Integration on a UNIX system, see Starting the Installation Program on a UNIX System.

Starting the Installation Program on a Windows System

To start the Application Integration installation program on a Windows system:

  1. Uninstall previous versions of Application Integration before proceeding with a new installation. Refer to Uninstalling BEA WebLogic Application Integration.

  2. Complete one of the following:

  3. Choose Start—>Run—>Type in the path to install.exe.

    The Application Integration splash screen briefly displays followed by the Introduction dialog box.


  4. Click Next. The License Agreement dialog box displays.

  5. Go to Step 2: Reviewing the License Agreement.

Starting the Installation Program on a UNIX System

To start the Application Integration installation program on a UNIX system:

  1. Complete one of the following:

  2. Complete one of the following:

    For the GUI-based installation, enter install.bin at the prompt. For the Console-mode installation, enter ./install.bin -i console at the prompt. For the GUI-based installation the Application Integration Splash screen briefly displays followed by the Introduction dialog box. For the Console-mode installation, see Using the Console-Mode to Install Application Integration on UNIX Systems.


  3. Click Next. The License Agreement dialog box displays.

  4. Go to Step 2: Reviewing the License Agreement.

Using the Console-Mode to Install Application Integration on UNIX Systems

After you have started the Application Integration installation as described in Step 1: Starting the Installation Program, refer to Table 2-1 for steps to guide you through the installation.

Table 2-1 Text-Based Installation Steps



Information about the installation

Press Enter.

License text

Press Enter to continue, then Y if you agree.

Choose Install set

Enter appropriate number (for example, 1 for Full Installation) or Enter for default.

Choose BEA home directory

Enter appropriate number (for example, 2 to Use Existing BEA Home).

Specify BEA home directory

Enter path (for example, /opt/bea).

Choose Product Directory

Enter appropriate number (for example, 2 to Use Current Selection.)

Select a Database

Enter appropriate number (for example, 2 for Cloudscape).

Install Complete

Press Enter to exit installer.


Step 2: Reviewing the License Agreement

After you have clicked Next in the Introduction dialog box, the License Agreement displays as shown in Figure 2-1.

Figure 2-1 License Agreement Dialog Box


Complete the following procedure:

  1. Using the scroll bar to display the text, review the license agreement.

  2. Click the Yes option to accept the license agreement.

  3. Click Next. The Choose BEA Home Directory dialog box displays.


Step 3: Specifying the BEA Home Directory

Figure 2-2 shows the BEA Home Directory Dialog box.

Figure 2-2 Choose BEA Home Directory Dialog Box


The BEA Home directory serves as a central support directory for all the BEA products installed on your system. Although it is possible to create more than one BEA Home directory, we recommend that you avoid doing so. In almost all situations, a single BEA Home directory is sufficient.

To specify the BEA Home directory and installation location:

  1. Select an existing directory by selecting Use Existing BEA Home or specify a new directory.

    Note: This is the same directory that should be used for all WebLogic Integration components. It is recommended that you choose an existing BEA Home directory.

  2. Click Next. The Choose Product Directory dialog box displays.


Step 4: Specifying the Product Directory

After you have selected the BEA Home directory, the Choose Product Directory dialog box displays as shown in Figure 2-3.

Figure 2-3 Choose Product Directory Dialog Box


  1. Specify Product Installation Directory by selecting Browse or accept the default.

  2. Click Next. The Database Selection dialog box displays.


Step 5: Selecting the Database for the Custom Domain

After you have selected the Product directory, the Database Selection dialog box displays as shown in Figure 2-4. With this initial installation, BEA WebLogic Application Integration components are installed and deployed in the default samples domain. The samples domain uses the Cloudscape database by default. The system uses these two default parameters no matter what you select on the Database Selection window. For information about this initial installation and out-of-the-box demonstration environment, see Installed Components in the Installing BEA WebLogic Application Integration section.

The database that you select in the Database Selection window and connection parameters that you choose in the Database Configuration window will be saved and used when you rerun the setup program to customize your environment. These parameters are also used by the installer to set up mydomain. For information about customizing your environment after this initial installation, see Creating New Server Environments.

This step has two parts:

Step 5a: Selecting a Database

Because a common database is used by all WebLogic Integration components, you should specify the same database and provide the same access information that you provided for any previously installed component. For example, if you plan to use the BEA WebLogic Application Integration plug-in for Process Integrator, you must provide the same database information here as you did when you installed Process Integrator.

Figure 2-4 Database Selection Dialog Box


  1. Choose the database type to configure for your development domain, and click Next.

Step 5b: Configuring the Custom Domain for a Selected Database

If you select Oracle or Microsoft SQL Server for your custom domain, you will be prompted for the information required to establish access to your database. Scripts are provided for your use to create the tables required by BEA WebLogic Application Integration on your database server.

The sections that follow provide the information you need to configure a database or custom domain. Refer to the section appropriate to your configuration:

Configuring the Custom Domain to Use Cloudscape

To configure the custom domain to use Cloudscape:

  1. If it is not already selected, select Cloudscape in the Database Selection dialog box.

  2. Click Next. The Confirm Database Selection dialog box displays.

Configuring the Custom Domain to Use Oracle

To configure the custom domain to use Oracle:

  1. If not already selected, select Oracle in the Database Selection dialog box.

  2. Click Next. The Oracle Access Configuration dialog box displays.


  3. In the Database Host Name field, enter the DNS host name. This is the name of the host machine where the database is installed.

  4. In the Database Port field, enter the port for the server that will be listening for connections to the database, then click Next. This will create all necessary configuration data to run the server JSP GUIs and will install verification tests. This step may take a few moments. The default is 1521.

  5. In the Database User field and the Database User's Password field, enter the database user name and password.

  6. In the Service Name field, enter the Oracle SID. This is the name of the Oracle database.

    Note: Clicking Reset clears all of the fields.

  7. Click Next. The Summary screen displays.

Configuring the Custom Domain to Use Microsoft SQL Server

To configure the custom domain to use Microsoft SQL Server:

  1. If not already selected, select Microsoft SQL Server in the Database Selection dialog box.

  2. Click Next. The SQL Access Configuration dialog box displays.


  3. In the Database Host Name field, enter the DNS host name. This is the name of the host machine where the database is installed.

  4. In the Database Port field, enter the port for the server that will be listening for connections to the database, then click Next. This will create all necessary configuration data to run the server JSP GUIs and will install verification tests. This step may take a few moments. The default is 1433.

  5. In the Database User field and the Database User's Password field, enter the database user name and password.

  6. In the Database Name field, enter the name of you database.

    Note: Clicking Reset clears all of the fields.

    Clicking Exit exits the installation program.

  7. Click Next. The Summary screen displays.


Step 6: Completing the Installation

After you have provided the database information for your custom domain, the Confirm Database dialog box, shown in Figure 2-5, appears so that you can verify your database information. When you have verified the database information, you are ready to complete the installation. When the installation program has completed copying the required files, the Install Complete dialog box displays as shown in Figure 2-7.

To complete the installation:

  1. Verify that the database information is correct.

    Figure 2-5 Confirm Database Dialog Box


  2. If it is correct, click Install. The Configuring dialog box displays.


    If it is incorrect, click Previous to return to the Oracle/SQL Access Configuration dialog box to modify the information

    Figure 2-6 Configuration Screen


    Note: The Configuring dialog box displays while the application is installing. When the installation is complete, the Install Complete dialog box displays.

    Figure 2-7 Install Complete Dialog Box


  3. Click Done to exit the installation program.

    Note: If errors occur during installation, an error message appears, and a log file will be created in <BEA_HOME>/logs.

  4. Go to Step 7: Installing Your Software License.


Step 7: Installing Your Software License

The components of WebLogic Integration cannot be used without a valid software license. If you purchased the software on CD-ROM, the WebLogic Integration license is provided on a diskette in the product box. If you purchased a license for an evaluation version of the product downloaded from the BEA Web site, you receive the license as an e-mail attachment. If you have already installed the WebLogic Integration license for a previously installed WebLogic Integration component, you may skip the following procedure and go to Step 8: Starting WebLogic Server.

To install the WebLogic Integration software license:

  1. Save the license file from the appropriate diskette or e-mail attachment with a name other than license.bea, in the BEA Home directory. For example, save the file as wli_license.bea. Use this file as the license_update_file in step 4.

    Warning: Do not overwrite the existing license.bea file.

  2. Complete one of the following:

  3. Add the JDK to your PATH variable by entering one of the following commands:

  4. Enter one of the following commands:

  5. Save a copy of your updated license.bea file in a safe place outside the WebLogic Server and application installation directories.

Although no one else can use your license file, you should save this information in a place protected from either malicious or innocent tampering by others.


Step 8: Starting WebLogic Server

Before you can begin verifying the BEA WebLogic Application Integration installation, you must start WebLogic Server.

To start WebLogic Server, follow one of these procedures:

  1. In Windows, choose Start—>Programs—>BEA WebLogic E-Business
    Platform—>WebLogic Integration 2.0—>Application Integration —>Start Samples Server


  1. Open a command prompt window or an Xterm window.

Notes: The server will start and indicate that it is listening on its HTTP port (7601).

The server may take several minutes to start the first time. Subsequent starts will be considerably faster.

The samples server will use the demonstration Cloudscape database even if you chose Oracle or MS SQL Server during the installation.


Step 9: Verifying Your Software Installation

After the installation is complete, it is recommended that you test the installation.

To test the installation, follow one of these procedures:

  1. Choose Start—>Programs—>BEA WebLogic E-Business Platform—>WebLogic Integration 2.0—>Application Integration—>RunSamples EndtoEnd Test


  1. Open a command prompt/shell and go to <WLI_HOME>/applinteg/config/samples

    Note: <WLI_HOME> is the directory where you installed Application Integration. This is normally located in <BEA_HOME>/wlintegration2.0.

  2. Enter runEndToEndTest.

    Notes: This will run the EndToEndTest to verify your install of Application Integration.

    If the test does not report that it has succeeded, proceed to the "Uninstalling BEA WebLogic Application Integration" for Windows or UNIX, depending on your system.

  3. Check the results of the end-to-end test in output.txt and verdict.txt. You can find these files at the following location:



Step 10: Starting Application Integration

Once you have verified the installation of Application Integration, you need to start the application. To start Application Integration, complete the following:

  1. Open a browser.

  2. In the Location or Address field, enter http://localhost:7601/wlai. The Application Integration login screen displays.

  3. Enter the username: admin

  4. Enter the password: security

    Note: The username and password are automatically set when you install WebLogic Integration components. The adapter group, which is used for the samples domain, is also automatically added during the installation.

    If the username and password are changed, you may have problems accessing Application Integration. If you need to change the username or password, refer to WebLogic Server documentation at

  5. Click Login.


Uninstalling BEA WebLogic Application Integration

This section contains instructions for the following subjects:

Uninstalling from Windows

To uninstall BEA WebLogic Application Integration on Windows, follow one of these procedures:

  1. Choose Start—> Programs—>BEA WebLogic E-Business Platform—>WebLogic Integration 2.0—>Application Integration—>Uninstall Application.


  1. Locate the Uninstall directory under the <WLI_HOME>/applinteg/uninstaller directory.

  2. Run uninstall.exe. The Install Anywhere Uninstaller dialog box displays as shown in Figure 2-8.

    Note: Another way to uninstall Application Integration is to use the "Add/Remove Programs" utility located in the Control Panel for Windows NT.

    Figure 2-8 Install Anywhere Uninstaller Dialog Box


  3. Click Unistall. The Remove Files screen displays.


    Note: A list of files and folders that cannot be removed will be listed on the Uninstall Complete dialog box after the Uninstaller utility completes. Files modified in Creating New Server Environments will not be automatically removed.

    Figure 2-9 Uninstall Complete Dialog Box


  4. Click Exit to complete the uninstall.

Uninstalling from UNIX

To uninstall BEA WebLogic Application Integration on UNIX, follow these steps:

  1. Open a shell and go to the Application Integration directory. If you accepted the default, go to <WLI_HOME>/applinteg/uninstaller.

  2. Enter uninstall.bin. The uninstaller will remove the files for Application Integration.


Installing Your Software License

The components of BEA WebLogic Integration cannot be used without a valid software license. A 30-day license file is automatically installed when you install the first WebLogic Integration component. When you purchase the software, a permanent WebLogic Integration license file will be provided to you by BEA. Follow the directions below to update your license file on the target system.

To update the WebLogic software license:

  1. Open a Command Prompt window.

  2. Change directories to your BEA Home directory.

  3. Run the Update License Utility.


Troubleshooting Your Software Installation

If the installation does not correctly install the software, you may want to check the following.

  1. Locate output.txt in <WLI_HOME>/applinteg/config/samples.

  2. Review the file for failures.

  3. Verify that the information in the runEndtoEndTest.cmd ( for UNIX) is correct for your server.


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