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Using a Custom Exception Handler


In this section we focus on a specific feature of BEA WebLogic Process Integrator, its exception handling facility, by showing an example of a user-defined exception handler used by the Order Fulfillment workflow. After an overview that describes all the nodes in the workflow, this section describes how to:

In this section of the tutorial, it is assumed that you have imported the Order Fulfillment workflow, the Create OrderBean and Calculate Total Price business operations, and the cancelledorder event key, as described in Importing Workflow Objects: Importing the Tutorial Package File.


Overview of the Order Fulfillment Workflow

The Order Fulfillment workflow, called by the Order Processing workflow, contains tasks to handle the shipping and invoicing of the ordered item. Because both tasks in the workflow are to be executed in parallel, both are connected directly to the start node. To ensure that both tasks are executed before the workflow terminates, an AND node joins them together.

The workflow also defines and invokes a custom exception handler to prompt a Worklist user to correct the invalid state abbreviation that was provided in the original XML document in the Order Processing Trigger workflow.

A detailed view of the Order Fulfillment workflow is shown in the following figure. The numbered steps in the figure are described in a table following the figure. The table maps the real-world processes to the actual implementation in the sample workflow.

Figure 6-1 Order Fulfillment Workflow: Detailed View


Table 6-1 Order Fulfillment Workflow Summary



If the inventory is sufficient, the order is forwarded simultaneously to a shipping agent who arranges shipment, and an accounting agent who instructs the system to generate an invoice for the order.

1. The start node is defined as Called, and the workflow is set off when the Start Order Fulfillment task of the Order Processing workflow is executed.

2. A manual task is assigned to the Shipping role, with a comment providing shipping information for the order. Once the task is marked done, the Watch for Cancellation event is also cancelled so that the order (and the workflow) can no longer be cancelled.

If the system encounters an error in processing the input necessary to calculate the total price for the invoice, including state sales tax, the accounting agent who initiated the billing process is notified and prompted to provide the correct information.

3. A manual task is assigned to the Accounting role. The workflow exception handler is set to a custom-defined exception handler, which sends an XML message to the accounting agent, prompting him/her to enter the correct state to which this order should be shipped. The response is sent back in an XML message, and passed as a parameter to an EJB method that calculates the total price, including the sales tax.

4. A Join node ensures that the workflow proceeds only when both the Ship Order and Generate Invoice tasks are marked done.

5. The workflow terminates, and the corrected state data and the total price are returned to the variables of the Order Processing workflow.

At any point in the transaction before shipping, the order can be cancelled by notification from the customer.

In a real-world implementation, an event key would be set up to react to an XML message posted to an external JMS queue by a servlet.

6. An event and event key are set up to react to a hypothetical <cancelledorder> XML message including the relevant order ID. If the event is triggered, the workflow proceeds to the done node and is terminated.



About the WebLogic Process Integrator Exception Handlers

All BEA WebLogic Process Integrator workflow template definitions contain a default exception handler: the system exception handler. The system exception handler responds to exceptions that occur at run time by marking the active transaction for rollback only and rethrowing the exception to the client.

You can also define custom exception handlers to perform workflow actions upon the occurrence of an exception. You can configure the custom exception handler to catch any exceptions that occur at run time, or to handle specific exceptions that have been defined in called EJBs. To define your custom exception handler, you specify commit and rollback actions to be performed for the active transaction. (See About Exception Handler Actions.)

An exception handler exists at the workflow level, so that it can be called from within any node. After you have defined an exception handler, you use one of two actions to invoke it from within a node:

You can create and view existing exception handlers from both the folder tree and on the Exception Handlers tab of the template definition's Properties dialog box.

To view the exception handler defined for the Order Fulfillment workflow in the folder tree:

  1. In the folder tree, expand the Order Fulfillment template, right-click the template definition, and from the pop-up menu, select Open to open the workflow.

  2. In the folder tree, expand the Exception Handlers folder. It appears as shown in the following figure.

    Figure 6-2 Order Fulfillment Workflow: Exception Handlers


    This workflow contains one user-defined exception handler: Bad Data to OrderBean.

  3. To identify the location from which the Bad Data to OrderBean exception handler is invoked, right-click its folder in the folder tree, and from the pop-up menu, select Usage. The Exception Handler Usage dialog box appears.

    Figure 6-3 Exception Handler Usage Dialog Box


    Because, as the window shows, the custom exception handler is invoked from the Generate Invoice node, we will now examine this node more closely before viewing the Bad Data to OrderBean exception handler's properties in detail.

  4. Click OK to close the Exception Handler Usage dialog box.


Viewing the Generate Invoice Task

Let us first view the actions that make up the Generate Invoice task, including the calls to business operations and to the Bad Data to OrderBean custom exception handler.

To view the Generate Invoice task properties:

  1. In the workflow design window, double-click the Generate Invoice task to open the Task Properties dialog box. The Activated tab contains an action that assigns the task to the role Accounting.

  2. Select the Executed tab.

    Figure 6-4 Generate Invoice Task Properties Dialog Box: Executed Tab


The Executed tab contains the following actions:


Viewing the Calculate Total Price Business Operation

Double-click the Perform Business Operation "Calculate Total Price" action to display its properties.

Figure 6-5 Calculate Total Price: Perform Business Operation Dialog Box


The calculate() method returns the total price, including state sales tax, to the variable OrderTotalPrice.

To get more information about the calculate() method, let us look at the business operation configuration.

To view the Calculate Total Price business operation configuration:

  1. Choose Configuration—>Business Operations. The Business Operations dialog box appears.

  2. In the list of business operations, double-click the Calculate Total Price business operation. The Define Business Operation dialog box appears.

    Figure 6-6 Calculate Total Price: Define Business Operation Dialog Box


You can see that in the Method to Call field, the calculate() method throws an exception, BadStateException. In the EJB class file, this exception is defined to occur if invalid state data is passed to the method. In the source code, invalid state data is any text that does not conform to a two-letter abbreviation for a U.S. state name.

To handle the possibility of this exception being thrown, the Bad Data to OrderBean exception handler is set up in the workflow to correct the error at run time. We look at this exception handler in more detail in the following sections.


Defining a Custom Exception Handler: Viewing the Bad Data to OrderBean Exception Handler

As you may recall from Understanding Workflow Objects and Properties, we simulated the occurrence of invalid data being passed to the POBean in the <shiptostate> value in the Neworder XML document that triggered the Order Processing workflow. That workflow set the ShipToState variable to an incorrect value, KK, which was passed by the Start Order Fulfillment task node to the Order Fulfillment workflow.

When the Generate Invoice task is executed, the Perform Business Operation action attempts to call the calculate() method with the wrong ShipToState variable value as input. Because the calculate() method of the POBean throws the BadStateException when the invalid state data is passed to it, the WebLogic Process Integrator server invokes the custom-defined exception handler, Bad Data to OrderBean.

Let us now view the Bad Data to OrderBean exception handler and the actions defined within it.

To view the Bad Data to Order Bean exception handler:

  1. In the folder tree, expand the Exception Handlers folder, right-click the Bad Data to Order Bean exception handler, and from the pop-up menu, select Properties. The Exception Handler Properties dialog box appears.

    Figure 6-7 Exception Handler Properties Dialog Box


About Exception Handler Actions

The Actions on Commit and Actions on Rollback tabs allow you to specify workflow actions to be executed on the transaction's commit and rollback paths. In most cases, the transaction is committed unless it has been specifically marked for rollback only; in this case, the exception handler executes the actions specified on the rollback tab. Although the called EJB method may mark transactions for rollback only, it is a good idea to specify both types of actions.

As you can see in the Exception Handler Properties dialog box, the Bad Data to OrderBean exception handler defines the following actions:


Viewing the Evaluate Condition Action

To view the Evaluate Condition action:

  1. In the Exception Handler Properties dialog box, double-click the Evaluate Condition action. The Evaluate Condition dialog box appears.

    Figure 6-8 Evaluate Condition Dialog Box


The condition is defined with the following expression:

WorkflowAttribute("ExceptionType") = "com.bea.wlpi.tour.po.BadStateException"

In this case, this expression uses the workflow attribute ExceptionType to test whether the exception thrown equals the BadStateException specified by the POBean. Using a condition like this is a common way to set up an exception handler to catch specific exceptions. You can use the WorkflowAttribute function to identify the target exception, with a number of different exception attributes, including:

For a complete list of WebLogic Process Integrator functions and attributes, see Using Expressions and Conditions in Using the BEA WebLogic Process Integrator Studio.

The Evaluate Condition action specifies actions to execute according to the test result, that is, whether the expression evaluates to true or false. In this example the action specifies the following actions:


Viewing the Send XML to Client Action

The Send XML to Client action sends a message to a Worklist user, requesting correction of the bad data that has been passed to the POBean and caused the BadStateException to occur. Then it re-executes the actions specified on the Executed tab of the Generate Invoice Task Properties dialog box so that the task can now complete successfully.

To view the Send XML to Client action, in the Exception Handler Properties dialog box, select the Actions on Commit tab, and double-click the Send XML to Client action. The Send XML to Client dialog box appears.

Figure 6-9 Bad Data to OrderBean Exception Handler: Send XML to Client Dialog Box


This Send XML to Client action uses the ClientSetVarsReq.dtd to send a message box with a field in which the Worklist user types information. The DTD has the following structure.

Listing 6-1 ClientSetVarsReq XML Document Structure

<set-variables title="text">
<actionid>provided by default </actionid>
<variable name="variable name" prompt="text" />
[<variable name="variable name" prompt="text" />]

The following figure shows the tags and values that correspond to the message box that is sent.

Figure 6-10 Error Warning Message Box


To capture the response from the Worklist user, data is extracted from the ClientSetVarsResp.dtd, specifically from the <variable name> attribute, as shown in Listing 6-2.

Listing 6-2 ClientMsgBoxResp XML Document Structure

<variable name="variable name" />
[<variable name="variable name" />]

To extract the desired information, the following XPath expression is defined:


Then the result is assigned to the ShipToState variable in the Callback Variables tab of the Send XML to Client dialog box.

Finally, a callback action is specified. This action re-executes all the actions listed on the Executed tab of the Generate Invoice Task Properties dialog box (see Viewing the Generate Invoice Task) after the Worklist user has entered valid data.


Note that if the user enters invalid data, he or she is repeatedly prompted with the message box until acceptable data is provided.

When the task is marked done by the final action of the Generate Invoice task, the workflow proceeds to the AND node. When the Ship Order task is marked done, the workflow terminates. At this point variable values that have been collected during the workflow execution are passed back to the Order Processing workflow.


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