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Using Logic Plug-Ins


Logic plug-ins are Java classes that can intercept and process business messages at run time. They are business protocol-specific. Each business protocol is associated with three system logic plug-ins:

This section explains how to create logic plug-ins and, if possible, how to change and delete them from your WebLogic Integration system. It includes the following topics:

Note: The display of logic plug-ins is controlled by the Preferences tab in the B2B Console. For more information, see Hiding Advanced System Configuration Features. When logic plug-ins are hidden, they are not displayed in the navigation tree and none of the logic plug-in configuration tabs are visible.

For a detailed description of plug-ins see Using Advanced Trading Partner Configuration Options. For information on creating plug-ins, see Programming Messaging Applications for B2B Integration.


Creating a Logic Plug-In

WebLogic Integration supports the addition of custom logic plug-ins to the filter and router chains.Why might you want to add custom logic plug-ins?

For more information, see Using Advanced Trading Partner Configuration Options.

  1. In the navigation tree, click the Logic Plug-Ins node. The Logic Plug-Ins page is displayed in the right pane.

  2. In the right pane, click the Create a new Logic Plug-In link at the top of the list of plug-ins. The General tab is displayed.

  3. On the General tab, enter new values or modify the default values in the fields described in the following table.

  4. When you complete your changes, click Create.

For information about creating and modifying, see Advanced Configuration Tasks in Administering B2B Integration.

For additional information about message-context document structure and instructions for creating XPath expressions to reference extended properties, see Programming Messaging Applications for B2B Integration.


Modifying a Logic Plug-In

To modify a logic plug-in:

  1. Select a logic plug-in by performing one of the following steps:

    Note: The second method is available only if the Display entities on the navigation tree option is selected on the Preferences tab in the B2B Console, as described in Displaying Entities in the Navigation Tree.)

    The General tab for logic plug-ins is displayed.

  2. On the General tab, select a logic plug-in. The values for the specified logic plug-in are displayed in the fields on the General tab.

  3. Modify, as necessary, the values of the fields described in Table 6-1. Click Apply.

You can now modify other elements on other configuration tabs.

For information about creating and modifying user plug-ins, see Advanced Configuration Tasks in Administering B2B Integration.


Removing a Logic Plug-In

To remove a logic plug-in:

  1. In the navigation tree, click the Logic Plug-Ins node. The Logic Plug-Ins page is displayed in the right pane.

  2. On the Logic Plug-Ins page, select the logic plug-in you want to delete. Click Remove.

For information about creating and modifying user plug-ins, see Advanced Configuration Tasks in Administering B2B Integration.


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