WebLogic Integration Release 2.1

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Installation on Windows


The following topics are provided for installing WebLogic Integration - Business Connect on computers with Microsoft Windows operating systems.



Installing on Windows

Use this procedure to install WebLogic Integration - Business Connect from the installation CD.

Before installing WebLogic Integration - Business Connect, see System Requirements, to ensure your hardware, software and communications are ready. In addition, see Installation and Configuration, before installing.

Optionally, we recommend that you create a Windows user ID and password to be used by all persons who work with WebLogic Integration - Business Connect. Use this user ID for all installation, configuration, maintenance or monitoring of the Administrator, Server and Tracker applications. See your systems administrator for information and assistance.


  1. Close any applications that might be running on your local machine.

  2. Place the installation CD in the CD-ROM drive. When the CD menu appears, click Windows to launch the installation wizard.

    If the CD menu does not appear after you insert the CD in the CD-ROM drive, use Windows Explorer and double-click the install.bat file in the windows directory on the CD.

  3. Follow the on-screen prompts for installing the application.

    When prompted to enter the registration number, type the registration number exactly as it appears on the CD jewel case. This entry is case sensitive.

    When prompted to type your company name, you can use any alphanumeric characters and spaces. You also can use the following characters: / \ : . _. If your company name includes spaces, the application translates them as underscores.

    When prompted to select an installation directory, be advised that you cannot use a directory name that includes blank spaces.

    When you are prompted to click Next to install, a window appears that shows the progress of the installation. When the installation is completed, an installation summary window appears. Click Exit to exit the window.

    The installation process adds the WebLogic Integration - Business Connect program group to the Start menu. The icons are shown in the following table.


    There also are icons for opening the PDF file for Using WebLogic Integration - Business Connect and the help systems for Administrator and Tracker.

  4. Select Start—>Programs—>BEA WebLogic Integration - Business Connect 2.1—>Administrator to log on to Administrator. See Starting Administrator or Tracker.


Configuring as a Windows Service

Running WebLogic Integration - Business Connect as a service in Windows NT or Windows 2000 provides the following functionality:

Note: While the Server application is set up as an Windows service, you should not start the application from the Start menu.

The following topics are provided for using WebLogic Integration - Business Connect as a Windows service.

Installing the ECEngine Utility to Support Configuration as a Windows Service

Use this procedure to install the ECEngine utility to enable you to configure WebLogic Integration - Business Connect as a service in Windows NT or Windows 2000.


  1. Click Start in Windows and then open an MS-DOS command prompt window.

  2. Use the cd command to change the current directory to the following:

    installation_directory\util\NT Service

  3. Then type the following:

    ECEngine.exe -i

  4. Press Enter. Wait for the prompt to reappear.

  5. Close the MS-DOS command prompt window.

  6. Go to Configuring as a Windows NT Service or Configuring as a Windows 2000 Service.

Configuring as a Windows NT Service

Use this procedure to configure WebLogic Integration - Business Connect as a service in Windows NT.

  1. Install the ECEngine utility. See Installing the ECEngine Utility to Support Configuration as a Windows Service.

  2. In the Windows NT Control Panel, double-click the Services icon. The Services dialog box opens.

  3. In the Services dialog box, select ecengine and click the Startup button. The Service dialog box opens.

  4. In the Logon As box, select the This Account option. Type Administrator, or select it from the list (click the More button to see the list). Type the Administrator's password in the fields.

    Note: Make sure the Interact with the desktop option is not selected.

  5. Click OK.

    You can now start the Server application. If at some time Windows NT stops and is restarted, Server is also restarted and runs in the background. You also can reboot the Windows NT server to have the Server application run in the background.

    Note: The WebLogic Integration - Business Connect Windows NT service is set to Automatic mode as the default. If you want to start and stop the application manually, you should change the mode to Manual in the Windows NT Services panel. For more information see Changing the NT Service Start-Up Options.

Configuring as a Windows 2000 Service

Use this procedure to configure WebLogic Integration - Business Connect as a service in Windows 2000.

  1. Install the ECEngine utility. See Installing the ECEngine Utility to Support Configuration as a Windows Service.

  2. Right-click on the My Computer icon on the desktop and select the Manage option. On the Computer Management window, expand the Services and Applications path and select Services.

  3. Double-click the ECEngine service to open the ECEngine Properties window.

  4. Select the Log On tab. Select the radio button for This account. In the field following This account, type Administrator or click Browse and select Administrator. Type the password for the Administrator user in the password and confirm password fields.

  5. Make sure that Automatic displays in the Startup type field.

  6. Click OK to save your changes and close the window.

  7. Close the Computer Management window.

    The next time you start Windows, the WebLogic Integration - Business Connect Server application will start. You can use the Startup type field on the ECEngine Properties window to disable the service or change startup of the Server application from automatic to manual.

Starting as a Service

After you have installed WebLogic Integration - Business Connect as a service on Windows NT or Windows 2000, the Server application starts every time you reboot the computer or after every system outage.

Because WebLogic Integration - Business Connect runs in the background, the Server Display window does not display as when you start the Server application from the Start menu. To view transactions and other events as the system writes them to the console log, open the View Server Log tool.

Note: You can stop the Server application in the current Windows session by selecting Programs—>BEA WebLogic Integration - Business Connect 2.1—>Stop Server on the Start menu. The next time you start Windows, the Server application starts again as a service.

Removing from the List of Services

Use this procedure to remove WebLogic Integration - Business Connect from the list of services in Windows NT or Windows 2000.


  1. Click the Windows Start menu button and then open an MS-DOS command prompt window.

  2. Use the cd command to change the current directory to the following:


  3. Then type the following:

    ECEngine.exe -u

  4. Press Enter. The message "NT Service Uninstalled" appears.

  5. Close the MS-DOS command prompt window.

Changing the NT Service Start-Up Options

The WebLogic Integration - Business Connect installation process installs the application as a service with an automatic start-up option. This means that the service is automatically started during Windows NT initialization. You can change this option if necessary.


  1. In Windows click Start—>Control Panel to open the Control Panel.

  2. Double-click the Services icon. The Services dialog box appears.

  3. Select WebLogic Integration - Business Connect in the Services box and then click the Setup button. The Service dialog box appears.

  4. Select one of the following depending on your needs:

    Note: Make sure the Interact with the desktop option is not selected. This option is located at Start—>Settings—>Control Panel —>Services—>Startup.

  5. Click OK on the Service dialog box and then click Close on the Services dialog box.


Uninstalling on Windows

Use this procedure to remove WebLogic Integration - Business Connect from your Windows computer using the installation CD.

Note: To uninstall WebLogic Integration - Business Connect manually, delete the WebLogic Integration - Business Connect installation directory and the Start Programs menu shortcuts.


  1. Place the installation CD in the CD-ROM drive.

  2. Click Start—>Settings—>Control Panel to open the Control Panel window.

  3. Click the Add/Remove Programs icon to open the Add/Remove Programs Properties dialog box.

  4. Select the WebLogic Integration - Business Connect program you want to remove and then click the Remove button.

    The uninstall program removes some of the application files and directories and deletes the folder containing the application shortcuts and the Start Programs menu shortcuts. You can remove the remaining components by deleting the WebLogic Integration - Business Connect installation directory.


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